Weight Enumerators

CompleteWeightEnumerator(C): Code -> RngMPolElt
Let C be a code over a finite ring R of cardinality q, and suppose that the elements of R are ordered in some way. Then for a codeword v ∈C and the i-th element a ∈R, let si(v) denote the number of components of v equal to a.

This function returns the complete weight enumerator (W)C(X0, X1, ..., Xq - 1) of C, which is defined by: (W)C(X0, X1, ..., Xq - 1) = ∑v ∈C((X0)s0(v)(X1)s1(v) ... (Xq - 1)sq - 1(v)). See [Wan97, p. 9] for more information. The result will lie in a global multivariate polynomial ring over Z with q variables. The angle-bracket notation may be used to assign names to the indeterminates.

SymmetricWeightEnumerator(C): Code -> RngMPolElt
Suppose C is a Z4-code. This function returns the symmetric weight enumerator sweC(X0, X1, X2) of C, which is defined by: sweC(X0, X1, X2) = (W)C(X0, X1, X2, X1), where (W)C is the complete weight enumerator, defined above. See [Wan97, p. 14] for more information. The result will lie in a global multivariate polynomial ring over Z with three variables. The angle-bracket notation may be used to assign names to the indeterminates.
WeightEnumerator(C): Code -> RngMPolElt
HammingWeightEnumerator(C): Code -> RngMPolElt
Suppose C is a code over some finite ring R. This function returns the Hamming weight enumerator HamC(X, Y) of C, which is defined by: HamC(X, Y) = ∑v ∈C(Xn - wH(v)YwH(v)), where wH(v) is the Hamming weight function. The result will lie in a global multivariate polynomial ring over Z with two variables. The angle-bracket notation may be used to assign names to the indeterminates.
LeeWeightEnumerator(C): Code -> RngMPolElt
Suppose C is a Z4-code. This function returns the Lee weight enumerator LeeC(X, Y) of C, which is defined by: LeeC(X, Y) = ∑v ∈C(X2 * n - wL(v)YwL(v)), where wL(v) is the Lee weight function, defined in Section Lee Weight. The result will lie in a global multivariate polynomial ring over Z with two variables. The angle-bracket notation may be used to assign names to the indeterminates.
EuclideanWeightEnumerator(C): Code -> RngMPolElt
Suppose C is a Z4-code. This function returns the Euclidean weight enumerator EuclideanC(X, Y) of C, which is defined by: EuclideanC(X, Y) = ∑v ∈C(X4 * n - wE(v)YwE(v)), where wE(v) is the Euclidean weight function, defined in Section Euclidean Weight. The result will lie in a global multivariate polynomial ring over Z with two variables. The angle-bracket notation may be used to assign names to the indeterminates.

Example CodeZ4_WeightEnumerator (H165E19)

Several different weight enumerators are calculated for the octacode. To ensure the polynomials print out nicely, names are assigned to the polynomial ring indeterminates in each case. These names will persist if further calls to these functions (over Z4) are made.
> Z4 := IntegerRing(4);
> O8 := LinearCode<Z4, 8 |
>     [1,0,0,0,3,1,2,1],
>     [0,1,0,0,1,2,3,1],
>     [0,0,1,0,3,3,3,2],
>     [0,0,0,1,2,3,1,1]>;
> #O8;
> CWE<X0,X1,X2,X3> := CompleteWeightEnumerator(O8);
> CWE;
X0^8 + 14*X0^4*X2^4 + 56*X0^3*X1^3*X2*X3 + 56*X0^3*X1*X2*X3^3 +
    56*X0*X1^3*X2^3*X3 + 56*X0*X1*X2^3*X3^3 + X1^8 + 14*X1^4*X3^4 +
    X2^8 + X3^8
> SWE<X0,X1,X2> := SymmetricWeightEnumerator(O8);
> SWE;
X0^8 + 14*X0^4*X2^4 + 112*X0^3*X1^4*X2 + 112*X0*X1^4*X2^3 + 16*X1^8 +
> HWE<X,Y> := HammingWeightEnumerator(O8);
> HWE;
X^8 + 14*X^4*Y^4 + 112*X^3*Y^5 + 112*X*Y^7 + 17*Y^8
> LeeWeightEnumerator(O8);
X^16 + 112*X^10*Y^6 + 30*X^8*Y^8 + 112*X^6*Y^10 + Y^16
> EuclideanWeightEnumerator(O8);
X^32 + 128*X^24*Y^8 + 126*X^16*Y^16 + Y^32
V2.28, 13 July 2023