Elementary Invariants of an Incidence Structure

All operations defined for incidence structures apply also to near--linear spaces, linear spaces and designs.

NumberOfPoints(D) : Inc -> RngInt
# P : IncPtSet -> RngIntElt
The cardinality v of the point set P of the incidence structure D.
Points(D) : Inc -> { IncPt }
An indexed set E whose elements are the points of the incidence structure D. Note that this creates a standard set and not the point-set of D, in contrast to the function PointSet.
Support(D) : Inc -> { Elt }
An indexed set E which is the underlying point set of the incidence structure D (i.e., the elements of the set have their "real" types; they are no longer from the category IncPt).
PointDegrees(D) : Inc -> [ RngIntElt ]
A sequence whose i-th term gives the number of blocks containing the i-th point of the design D.
NumberOfBlocks(D) : Inc -> RngIntElt
# B : IncBlkSet -> RngIntElt
The number of blocks b of the incidence structure D with block-set B.
Blocks(D) : Inc -> { IncBlk }
An indexed set containing the blocks of the incidence structure D. In contrast to the function BlockSet, this function returns the collection of blocks of D in the form of a standard set.
BlockDegrees(D) : Inc -> [ RngIntElt ]
BlockSizes(D) : Inc -> [ RngIntElt ]
A sequence whose i-th term gives the number of points in the i-th block of the incidence structure D.
Covalence(D, S) : Inc, { IncPt } -> RngIntElt
Given a subset S of the point set of an incidence structure D, return the number of blocks of D that contain S.
IncidenceMatrix(D) : Inc -> ModMatRngElt
The incidence matrix of the incidence structure D.
pRank(D, p) : Inc, RngIntElt -> RngIntElt
The p-rank of the incidence structure D.
V2.28, 13 July 2023