Subgroups of Modular Abelian Varieties



Subgroups can be created from a sequence of elements of a modular abelian variety which generate it. It is also possible to create n-torsion subgroups A[n] and to create subgroups as kernels of homomorphisms or by taking an image of the difference of two cusps.

If a subgroup G contains elements that are not known exactly (i.e., they are defined by floating point approximations to real homology elements), a group of torsion points that approximates G can be found.

Subgroup(X) : [ModAbVarElt] -> ModAbVarSubGrp
The subgroup of A generated by the nonempty sequence X of elements of modular abelian variety A.
ZeroSubgroup(A) : ModAbVar -> ModAbVarSubGrp
The zero subgroup of the abelian variety A.
nTorsionSubgroup(A, n) : ModAbVar, RngIntElt -> ModAbVarSubGrp
The kernel A[n] of the multiplication by n isogeny on the modular abelian variety A.
nTorsionSubgroup(G, n) : ModAbVarSubGrp, RngIntElt -> ModAbVarSubGrp
The kernel G[n] of the multiplication by n homomorphism on the subgroup G of a modular abelian variety.
ApproximateByTorsionGroup(G : parameters) : ModAbVarSubGrp -> ModAbVarSubGrp
    Cutoff: RngIntElt                   Default: 10^3
The subgroup generated by torsion approximations of a set of generators of the subgroup G of a modular abelian variety.

Example ModAbVar_Subgrp-Creation (H145E103)

First we list the elements of the 2-torsion subgroup of the elliptic curve 100A, then we compute the 0 subgroup.
> A := ModularAbelianVariety("100A"); A;
Modular abelian variety 100A of dimension 1 and level 2^2*5^2
over Q
> G := nTorsionSubgroup(A,2); G;
Finitely generated subgroup of abelian variety with invariants [ 2, 2 ]
> Elements(G);
    Element of abelian variety defined by [1/2 0] modulo homology,
    Element of abelian variety defined by [0 1/2] modulo homology,
    Element of abelian variety defined by [1/2 1/2] modulo homology
> ZeroSubgroup(A);
{ 0 }: finitely generated subgroup of abelian variety with
invariants []
We can also use the nTorsionSubgroup command on subgroups.
> nTorsionSubgroup(G,2);
Finitely generated subgroup of abelian variety with
invariants [ 2, 2 ]
> nTorsionSubgroup(G,3);
{ 0 }: finitely generated subgroup of abelian variety with
invariants []

One of the 2-torsion elements generates a subgroup H of order 2.

> G.1;
Element of abelian variety defined by [0 1/2] modulo homology
> H := Subgroup([G.1]); H;
Finitely generated subgroup of abelian variety
> #H;
To illustrate the approximation command, we consider the subgroup generated by an approximation to one of the 2-torsion elements.
> K := Subgroup([1.00001*G.1]);
> L := ApproximateByTorsionGroup(K);
Finitely generated subgroup of abelian variety with
invariants [ 2 ]
> L eq H;


These commands enumerate elements of a finite subgroup of a modular abelian variety and allow access to the generators.

Elements(G) : ModAbVarSubGrp -> SeqEnum
A sequence of all elements of the finite subgroup G of a modular abelian variety.
Generators(G) : ModAbVarSubGrp -> SeqEnum
A sequence of generators for the subgroup G of a modular abelian variety. These correspond to generators for the underlying abelian group.
Ngens(G) : ModAbVarSubGrp -> RngIntElt
The number generators of the subgroup G of a modular abelian variety.
G . i : ModAbVarSubGrp, RngIntElt -> ModAbVarElt
The i-th generator of the subgroup G of a modular abelian variety.

Example ModAbVar_Subgrp-Elements (H145E104)

We illustrate each of the commands using the kernel of the Hecke operator T3 acting on J0(67).

> J := JZero(67);
> T := HeckeOperator(J,3);
> G := Kernel(T);
> #G;
> Elements(G);
    Element of abelian variety defined by [0 0 1/2 0 0 -1/2 -1/2 0 1/2 0] modulo
    Element of abelian variety defined by [1/2 -1/2 0 0 -1/2 0 0 -1/2 1/2 0]
    modulo homology,
    Element of abelian variety defined by [1/2 -1/2 1/2 0 -1/2 -1/2 -1/2 -1/2 1 0]
    modulo homology
> Generators(G);
    Element of abelian variety defined by [1/2 -1/2 0 0 -1/2 0 0 -1/2 1/2 0]
    modulo homology,
    Element of abelian variety defined by [0 0 1/2 0 0 -1/2 -1/2 0 1/2 0]
    modulo homology
> Ngens(G);
> G.1;
Element of abelian variety defined by [1/2 -1/2 0 0 -1/2 0 0 -1/2 1/2 0] modulo
> G.2;
Element of abelian variety defined by [0 0 1/2 0 0 -1/2 -1/2 0 1/2 0] modulo


Quotients of abelian varieties by finite subgroups can be formed, finite subgroups can be intersected with other finite subgroups or abelian varieties, and the group generated by two subgroups can be computed.

For several of the arithmetic operations below, finite groups or abelian varieties are replaced by their image in a common abelian variety, so the operation makes sense. This common abelian variety is the one returned by FindCommonEmbeddings. Note that the "embedding" is only guaranteed to be an embedding up to isogeny.

Quotient(A, G) : ModAbVar, ModAbVarSubGrp -> ModAbVar, MapModAbVar
The quotient of the abelian variety A by the finite subgroup G of A, the isogeny A to A/G and an isogeny A/G to A, such that composition of the two isogenies is multiplication by the exponent of G.
Quotient(G) : ModAbVarSubGrp -> ModAbVar, MapModAbVar, MapModAbVar
The quotient A/G, where A is the ambient variety of the subgroup G of an abelian variety, an isogeny from A to A/G with kernel G, and an isogeny from A/G to A such that the composition of the two isogenies is multiplication by the exponent of G.
A / G : ModAbVar, ModAbVarSubGrp -> ModAbVar, MapModAbVar, MapModAbVar
Given an abelian variety A and a subgroup G of an abelian variety return the quotient A/G, the isogeny A to A/G with kernel G, and an isogeny A/G to A where A is not necessarily the ambient variety of G.
A meet G : ModAbVar, ModAbVarSubGrp -> ModAbVarSubGrp
G meet A : ModAbVarSubGrp, ModAbVar -> ModAbVarSubGrp
The intersection of the finite subgroup G of an abelian variety B with the abelian variety A. If A is not equal to B, then G and A are replaced by their image in a common abelian variety.
G1 + G2 : ModAbVarSubGrp, ModAbVarSubGrp -> ModAbVarSubGrp
The sum of the subgroups G1 and G2 of abelian varieties A1 and A2. If A1 is not equal to A2, then G1 and G2 are replaced by their image in a common abelian variety.
G1 meet G2 : ModAbVarSubGrp, ModAbVarSubGrp -> ModAbVarSubGrp
The intersection of the finite subgroups G1 and G2 of an abelian variety. If their ambient varieties are not equal, G1 and G2 are replaced by their image in a common abelian variety.

Example ModAbVar_Subgrp-Arithmetic (H145E105)

We illustrate these commands using the 2-torsion of J0(67). First we compute the kernel of T3, which is a 2-torsion group of order 4.

> J := JZero(67); J;
Modular abelian variety JZero(67) of dimension 5 and level 67 over Q
> T := HeckeOperator(J,3);
> Factorization(CharacteristicPolynomial(T));
    <x + 2, 2>,
    <x^2 - x - 1, 2>,
    <x^2 + 3*x + 1, 2>
> G := Kernel(T); #G;
Next we quotient J0(67) out by this subgroup of order 4.
> A := Quotient(J,G); A;
Modular abelian variety of dimension 5 and level 67 over Q
The result is, of course, isogenous to J0(67). Unfortunately, testing of isomorphism in this generality is not yet implemented.
> IsIsogenous(A,J);
> Degree(ModularParameterization(A));
If the Quotient command is given only one argument then the variety being quotiented out by is the ambient variety.
> B := Quotient(G); B;
Modular abelian variety of dimension 5 and level 67 over Q
> Degree(ModularParameterization(B));
We can also use the divides notation for quotients.
> C := J/G; C;
Modular abelian variety of dimension 5 and level 67 over Q
Next we list the 2-torsion subgroups of the simple factors of J0(67). Interestingly, the sum of the 2-torsion subgroups of these simple factors is much smaller than the full 2-torsion subgroup J0(67)[2].
> D := Decomposition(J); D;
    Modular abelian variety 67A of dimension 1, level 67 and
    conductor 67 over Q,
    Modular abelian variety 67B of dimension 2, level 67 and
    conductor 67^2 over Q,
    Modular abelian variety 67C of dimension 2, level 67 and
    conductor 67^2 over Q
> for A in D do print #(A meet G); end for;
> G2 := nTorsionSubgroup(D[2],2);
> G3 := nTorsionSubgroup(D[3],2);
> H := G + G2 + G3;
> #H;
> H eq nTorsionSubgroup(J,2);
> #nTorsionSubgroup(J,2);
> G2 eq G3;
> G meet G2;
{ 0 }: finitely generated subgroup of abelian variety with invariants []

Underlying Abelian Group and Lattice

AbelianGroup(G) : ModAbVarSubGrp -> GrpAb, Map, Map
Let G be a finitely generated subgroup of an abelian variety A. Return an abstract abelian group H which is isomorphic to G along with isomorphisms in both directions.
Lattice(G) : ModAbVarSubGrp -> Lat
Let G be a finite torsion subgroup of its ambient abelian variety A whose elements are all known exactly, i.e. G is generated by elements of H1(A, Q )/H1(A, Z ). Return the lattice L in the rational homology of A generated by H1(A, Z ) and all x such that G can be viewed as a set of equivalence classes of the form x + H1(A, Z ).

Example ModAbVar_Subgrp-Underlying_Abelian_Group_and_Lattice (H145E106)

This examples illustrate these commands for the 3-torsion subgroup of J0(11).
> A := JZero(11);
> G := nTorsionSubgroup(A,3);
> H,f,g := AbelianGroup(G);
> H;
Abelian Group isomorphic to Z/3 + Z/3
Defined on 2 generators
    3*H.1 = 0
    3*H.2 = 0
The lattice of G is 1/3 times the integral homology.
> Lattice(G);
Lattice of rank 2 and degree 2
[Identity matrix]
Basis Denominator: 3
> L := IntegralHomology(A); L;
Standard Lattice of rank 2 and degree 2
> Lattice(G)/L;
Abelian Group isomorphic to Z/3 + Z/3
Defined on 2 generators
    3*$.1 = 0
    3*$.2 = 0


AmbientVariety(G) : ModAbVarSubGrp -> ModAbVar
Let G be a finitely generated subgroup of an abelian variety. Return the abelian variety whose elements were used to create G.
Exponent(G) : ModAbVarSubGrp -> RngIntElt
Given a finitely generated subgroup G of an abelian variety, return the smallest positive integer e which kills G, i.e. such that eG = 0. We assume G is finite.
Invariants(G) : ModAbVarSubGrp -> SeqEnum
Given a finitely generated subgroup of an abelian variety, return the invariants of an abstract abelian group isomorphic to G.
Order(G) : ModAbVarSubGrp -> RngIntElt
# G : ModAbVarSubGrp -> RngIntElt
Given a finitely generated subgroup G of an abelian variety, return the number of elements in G, when G is known to be finite (an error occurs otherwise).
FieldOfDefinition(G) : ModAbVarSubGrp -> Fld
Given a finitely generated subgroup G of an abelian variety return a field over which the group G is defined. This is a field K such that if σ is an automorphism that fixes K, then σ(G)=G. Note that K is not guaranteed to be minimal.

Example ModAbVar_Subgrp-Invariants (H145E107)

We illustrate each command using the kernel of T3 on J0(67).
> A := JZero(67);
> T3 := HeckeOperator(A,3);
> G := Kernel(T3); G;
Finitely generated subgroup of abelian variety with
[ 2, 2 ]
> AmbientVariety(G);
Modular abelian variety JZero(67) of dimension 5 and level 67 over Q
> Exponent(G);
> Invariants(G);
[ 2, 2 ]
> Order(G);
> #G;
The field of definition of G is Q, since G is the kernel of a homomorphism defined over Q (a Hecke operator).
> FieldOfDefinition(G);
Rational Field
However, the field of definition of the subgroup of G generated by one of the elements of G could take significant extra work to determine. Currently Magma simply chooses the easiest answer, which is Qbar.
> H := Subgroup([G.1]);
> FieldOfDefinition(H);
Algebraically closed field with no variables

Predicates and Comparisons

A subgroup G of an abelian variety is finite exactly when every element of G is known exactly, since then all elements are torsion and G is finitely generated.

Abelian varieties and subgroups thereof can be tested for inclusion and equality. Equality and subset testing is liberal, in that if the ambient varieties containing the two groups are not equal, then Magma attempts to find a natural embedding of both subgroups into a common ambient variety, and checks equality or inclusion there.

IsFinite(G) : ModAbVarSubGrp -> RngIntElt
Return true if the subgroup G of a modular abelian variety is known to be finite, i.e., generated by torsion elements. If G is not known exactly, i.e., has elements defined by floating point approximations to homology, then return false.
G1 subset G2 : ModAbVarSubGrp, ModAbVarSubGrp -> BoolElt
Return true if G1 is a subset of G2, where G1 and G2 are both subgroups of modular abelian varieties.
G subset A : ModAbVarSubGrp, ModAbVar -> BoolElt
Return true if the subgroup G is a subset of the abelian variety A. If A is not the ambient variety of G, then G and A are first mapped to a common ambient variety and compared.
A subset G : ModAbVar, ModAbVarSubGrp -> BoolElt
Return true if the abelian variety A is a subset of the finitely generated subgroup G of a modular abelian variety. This is true only if A is a point, i.e., the 0 dimensional abelian variety.
G1 eq G2 : ModAbVarSubGrp, ModAbVarSubGrp -> BoolElt
Return true if the subgroups G1 and G2 of modular abelian varieties are equal.

Example ModAbVar_Subgrp-Predicates_and_Comparisons (H145E108)

We work with J0(389), but work in the +1 quotient of homology for efficiency. First we let A and B be the first and fifth factors in the decomposition of J, and let G and H be the corresponding 5-torsion subgroups.
> J := JZero(389,2,+1);
> D := Decomposition(J);
> A := D[1];
> B := D[5];
> G := nTorsionSubgroup(A,5);
> H := nTorsionSubgroup(B,5);
Note that the torsion subgroups aren't as big because we are working in the +1 quotient.
> #G;
> #H;
We now demonstrate each of the above commands for A, B, G, and H.
> IsFinite(G);
> A subset G;
> ZeroModularAbelianVariety() subset G;
> G subset A;
> G subset B;
> H subset A;
Since the ambient varieties of G and H are A and B, respectively, the following commands implicitly embed G and H into J0(389) and make comparisons there.
> G subset H;
> G eq H;
> G eq G;
> J := JZero(37);
> A, B := Explode(Decomposition(J));
> A2 := Kernel(nIsogeny(A,2));
> B2 := Kernel(nIsogeny(B,2));
> A2 eq B2;
> x := A2.1;
> x in B2;   // uses embedding of both into $J_0(37)$.
V2.28, 28 February 2025