Access and Modification Functions

Fields of records may be inspected, assigned and deleted at any time.

Format(r) : Rec -> RecFormat
The format of record r.
Names(F) : RecFrmt -> [ MonStgElt ]
The fieldnames of the record format F returned as a sequence of strings.
Names(r) : Rec -> [ MonStgElt ]
The fieldnames of record r returned as a sequence of strings.
r`fieldname : Rec, Fieldname -> Elt
Return the field of record r with this fieldname. The format of r must include this fieldname, and the field must be assigned in r.
r`fieldname := expression;
Reassign the given field of r to be the value of the expression. The format of r must include this fieldname, and the expression's value must satisfy (directly or by coercion) any restriction on the field.
delete r`fieldname : Rec, Fieldname -> Nil
(Statement.) Delete the current value of the given field of record r.
assigned r`fieldname : Rec, Fieldname -> BoolElt
Returns true if and only if the given field of record r currently contains a value.
r``s : Rec, String -> Elt
Given an expression s that evaluates to a string, return the field of record r with the fieldname corresponding to this string. The format of r must include this fieldname, and the field must be assigned in r.

This syntax may be used anywhere that r`fieldname may be used, including in left hand side assignment, assigned and delete.

Example Rec_RecordAccess (H16E3)

> RF := recformat< n : Integers(), misc, seq : SeqEnum >;
> r := rec< RF | >;
> s := rec< RF | misc := "adsifaj", n := 42, seq := [ GF(13) | 4, 8, 1 ]>;
> t := rec< RF | seq := [ 4.7, 1.9 ], n := 51/3 >;
> u := rec< RF | misc := RModule(PolynomialRing(Integers(7)), 4) >;
> V4 := u`misc;
> assigned r`seq;
> r`seq := Append(t`seq, t`n); assigned r`seq;
> r;
rec<RF | seq := [ 4.7, 1.9, 17 ]>
> // The following produces an error:
> t``(s`misc);
>> t``(s`misc);
Runtime error in `: Field 'adsifaj' does not exist in this record
> delete u``("m" cat "isc"); u;
rec<RF | >
V2.28, 13 July 2023