Before a record is created, its record format must be defined. A record may be created by assigning as few or as many of the record fields as desired.
Given a record format F, construct the record format corresponding to the field assignment list L. Each term of L must be of the form fieldname := expression where fieldname is in F and the value of the expression conforms (directly or by coercion) to any restriction on it. The list L may be empty, and there is no fixed order for the fieldnames.
> RF := recformat< n : Integers(), misc, seq : SeqEnum >; > r := rec< RF | >; > r; rec<RF | > > s := rec< RF | misc := "adsifaj", n := 42, seq := [ GF(13) | 4, 8, 1 ]>; > s; rec<RF | n := 42, misc := adsifaj, seq := [ 4, 8, 1 ]> > t := rec< RF | seq := [ 4.7, 1.9 ], n := 51/3 >; > t; rec<RF | n := 17, seq := [ 4.7, 1.9 ]> > u := rec< RF | misc := RModule(PolynomialRing(Integers(7)), 4) >; > u; rec<RF | misc := RModule of dimension 4 with base ring Univariate Polynomial Algebra over Integers(7)>