A subcanonical curve is a polarised variety C, D where C is a nonsingular curve of genus g≥2 and D is a divisor on C such that KC = kD for some positive integer k.
The subcanonical curve C, D of genus g, degree d and initial Hilbert series coefficients Q.
Return true if and only if the data g, d, Q passes some basic checks that there is a subcanonical curve C, D of genus g, degree d and initial Hilbert series coefficients Q. In that case, the second return value is such a curve.
The Hilbert polynomial mt + 1 - g of a divisor of degree m on a curve of genus g.
Return true if and only if the polarising divisor of the subcanonical curve C is effective; that is, if and only if the Hilbert series has the form 1 + p1t + ... with p1>0.
This section describes intrinsics that allow the user to generate many examples of Hilbert series of subcanonical curves and attempt to interpret them as curves embedded in wps.
A sequence containing data for effective subcanonical curves of genus g≥3 (polarised by a divisor of degree d if the second argument is given).
A sequence containing data for ineffective subcanonical curves of genus g≥3 (polarised by a divisor of degree d if the second argument is given).