Factorisation of Operators over Differential Laurent Series Rings

When factoring a non-trivial linear differential operator in P[δ] := k((t))[δ], with constant field k, differential Laurent Series ring k((t)) in t, and derivation δ, one at least wants to compute two operators L and R in P such that f=L.R. It is important to distinguish the left and right hand operators (L and R) as such as multiplication generally is non-commutative. When considering differential operators in the operator ring P, it is common to consider δ to be t.d/dt. This specific form has the advantage that the degree of δ.t in t remains one, since δ.t=t.δ + t. This specific derivation is called the projective derivation and we consider this derivation in the rest of this section. In this sense powers of t are eigenvectors under the application of the derivation.

A possible approach for factoring a linear operator would be to compute all non-constant irreducible right hand factors and then use recursion on the appropriate left hand factors. However, this causes a problem as there may be infinitely many factorisations. For instance δ2 - δ has infinitely many factorisations (parametrisations) (δ - c/(t + c))(δ - t/(t + c)) for any c∈P1(k). The approach we take to find right hand factors follows [vH97b], and chooses a canonical representative from a class of right hand factors. The obtained representatives can be used in the factorisation of linear differential operators over a rational function field, see [vH97a].

A non-trivial linear differential operator f in P acts on the solution space V of all differential operators in the differential closure of k((t)). This action is bar(k)-linear and surjective on V. The kernel V(f) of this map has dimension equal to the order of the operator. The general solution space V can be split into a direct sum of smaller bar(k)-vector spaces Ve. These are minimal such that f(Ve)⊂Ve for every operator in P. Its kernel Ve(f) consists of all solutions of f(y)=0 in Ve. As a consequence the solution space of the operator then is V(f)= direct-sum e Ve(f). For each of the e with non-trivial solution space of f, the idea now is to find an irreducible right hand factor of f in k((t))[δ] that annihilates Ve(f).


Slope Valuation of an Operator

The Newton Polynomial of an operator f and its slopes contain useful information regarding its factorisation possibilities. It was proved by Malgrange that an operator over a Laurent series ring is reducible if its Newton polygon has at least two slopes. When on the other hand the Newton polygon has one positive slope, and the accompanying Newton polynomial has two relatively prime factors, then the operator is irreducible as well. It can be shown that an irreducible right hand factor has an irreducible Newton polynomial that divides the Newton polynomial of f. When an appropriate irreducible factor of the polynomial of f is taken, One can start building a right hand factor operator with coefficients of a certain precision that has exactly the irreducible factor as its Newton polynomial. Subsequently one can try to lift the coefficients to a better, possibly predescribed precision.

Various measures for the precision are possible, for instance the absolute precision of the coefficients is common. Another valuation metric is or one related to the slope of the Newton polynomial. It is defined as follows. Assume that P:=k((t))[δ] has projective derivation t.d/dt, Let s be a rational with numerator n and denominator d such that gcd(n, d)=1 and d>0 hold. Then the slope valuation of a monomial ctiδj, c∈k {0}, with respect to s is defined as Vs(ctiδj):=id - jn. The slope valuation of the operator L∈P with respect to s subsequently is defined as the minimum of the slope valuation of each non-zero monomial in L w.r.t s. Commonly s is a slope of the Newton polynomial of L. If the operator is the zero operator, the slope valuation is defined to be infinite.

SlopeValuation(L,s) : RngDiffOpElt, RngElt -> FldRatElt
Returns the valuation of L, with respect to the rational slope s, when the derivation of L is projective.

Example RngDiff_example-diff-op-slope-valuation (H118E65)

> S<t>:=DifferentialLaurentSeriesRing(Rationals());
> P<D>:=DifferentialOperatorRing(S);
> L:=t^(-2)*D^3+t^7;
> SlopeValuation(L,0);
> SlopeValuation(L,1/2);
> SlopeValuation(L,5);
> L:=(0+O(t^6))*D;
> SlopeValuation(L,0);
> Valuation(0+O(t^6));
> SlopeValuation(P!0,3);

Coprime Index 1 and LCLM Factorisation

Coprime index 1 factorisation and LCLM factorisation are two factorisation methods that use similar factorisation machinery, but may result in different factorisations, see [vH97b]. Given an operator f∈k((t))[δ], both compute a right hand factor with respect to each distinct irreducible factor of the Newton polynomial of f. A local lifting procedure with respect to the slope valuation metric is performed to obtain the coefficients of the right hand factors up to a certain accuracy. In addition, no intermediate differential field extensions of k((t)) are used.

The coprime index 1 algorithm does not factor an operator f that has Newton polynomial of the form pn, n ge2, with slope s>0. The sum of the degrees of the obtained right hand factors of f may be less than the degree of f itself. Their least common left divisor M divides f on the right (i.e. f=N * M) with a kernel of dimension less or equal to deg(f). The LCLM algorithm, on the other hand, produces a set of right hand factors of a monic operator f whose LCLM is exactly f up to some precision.

Factorisation(L) : RngDiffOpElt -> SeqEnum, SeqEnum
Factorization(L) : RngDiffOpElt -> SeqEnum, SeqEnum
    Precision: RngIntElt                Default: -1
    Algorithm: MonStgElt                Default: "Default"
Returns a sequence M of operator sequences [A, B] such that L=A.B holds, and B does not have a non-trivial coprime index 1 or LCLM factorisation. As the algorithm sometimes cannot conclude if a right hand factor is irreducible, a second sequence entry N[i] states True if the right hand factor M[i][2] is undisputedly irreducible. The optional argument for the precision is the accuracy up to which the lifting procedure would be performed. The default accuracy is the relative precision of the basering of L. The algorithms used can be either "LCLM" or "CoprimeIndexOne". The algorithms used are based on various algorithms in [vH97b].

Example RngDiff_example-diff-op-factorisation-LCLM-1 (H118E66)

The operator t2.d/dt2 - t.d/dt with coefficients in Q has infinitely many factorisations, since it can be written as (t.d/dt - c/(t + c)).(t.d/dt - t/(t + c)) for any rational number c. The factorisation code chooses a canonical right hand factor.
> S<t>:=DifferentialLaurentSeriesRing(Rationals());
> R<D>:=DifferentialOperatorRing(S);
> L := D^2 -D;
> factsL,blsL:=Factorisation(L:Algorithm:="LCLM");
Ring precision as default precision taken.
Performing coprime index 1 LCLM factorisation.
The number of slopes of the Newton polynomial: 1
> (#factsL eq #blsL) and (#factsL eq 1);
> blsL;
[ false ]
> factsL[1];
    D^2 + -1*D
> factsL,blsL:=Factorization(L:Algorithm:="CoprimeIndexOne");
Ring precision as default precision taken.
Performing coprime index 1 factorisation.
> (#factsL eq #blsL) and (#factsL eq 1);
> blsL;
[ true ]
> factsL[1];
    D + -1

Example RngDiff_example-diff-op-factorisation-LCLM-2 (H118E67)

This example corresponds to Example 3.46 in [vdPS03].
> S<t>:=DifferentialLaurentSeriesRing(Rationals());
> R<D>:=DifferentialOperatorRing(S);
> L:=D*(D+1/t);
> L;
D^2 + t^-1*D + -t^-1
> factsL,blsL:=Factorisation(L:Precision:=4);
Performing coprime index 1 LCLM factorisation.
> blsL;
[ true, true ]
> #factsL eq 2;
> factsL[1];
    D + t^-1 + 1 - t + 3*t^2 + O(t^3),
    D + -1 + t - 3*t^2 + 13*t^3 + O(t^4)
> factsL[2];
    D + t^-1
> factsL:=Factorisation(L:Algorithm:="CoprimeIndexOne");
Ring precision as default precision taken.
Performing coprime index 1 factorisation.
> #factsL eq 2;
> blsL;
[ true, true ]
> [v[1]*v[2]:v in factsL];
    D^2 + (t^-1 + O(t^19))*D + -t^-1 + O(t^19),
    D^2 + t^-1*D + -t^-1

Example RngDiff_example-diff-op-factorisation-LCLM-3 (H118E68)

This example corresponds to Example 3.49 in [vdPS03].
> S<t>:=DifferentialLaurentSeriesRing(Rationals());
> R<D>:=DifferentialOperatorRing(S);
> L:=(D+1/t)*(D+1/t^2);
> L;
D^2 + (t^-2 + t^-1)*D + t^-3 - 2*t^-2
> factsL, blsL:=Factorisation(L:Algorithm:="CoprimeIndexOne",Precision:=6);
Performing coprime index 1 factorisation.
> blsL;
[ true, true ]
> #factsL;
> factsL[1];
    D + t^-2 + 2 + t - 3*t^2 - 8*t^3 + O(t^4),
    D + t^-1 - 2 - t + 3*t^2 + 8*t^3 - 9*t^4 + O(t^5)
> factsL[2];
    D + t^-1,
    D + t^-2
> [v[1]*v[2] :v in factsL];
    D^2 + (t^-2 + t^-1 + O(t^4))*D + t^-3 - 2*t^-2 + O(t^3),
    D^2 + (t^-2 + t^-1)*D + t^-3 - 2*t^-2

Example RngDiff_example-diff-op-factorisation-LCLM-4 (H118E69)

This example shows that not all operators may be factored by the factorisation routine. Notice that the Newton polynomial of the operator is a square of a polynomial.
> S<t>:=DifferentialLaurentSeriesRing(Rationals());
> R<D>:=DifferentialOperatorRing(S);
> L:=(D+2/t)^2;
> np:=NewtonPolygon(L);
> faces:=Faces(np);
> #faces eq 1;
> NewtonPolynomial(faces[1]);
$.1^2 + 4*$.1 + 4
> factsL_lclm,blsL_lclm:=Factorisation(L);
Ring precision as default precision taken.
Performing coprime index 1 LCLM factorisation.
> factsL_lclm;
        D^2 + 4*t^-1*D + 4*t^-2 - 2*t^-1
> blsL_lclm;
[ false ]
> factsL_c1,blsL_c1:=Factorisation(L:Algorithm:="CoprimeIndexOne");
Ring precision as default precision taken.
Performing coprime index 1 factorisation.
> factsL_c1 eq factsL_lclm;
> blsL_c1 eq blsL_lclm;

Example RngDiff_example-diff-op-factorisation-LCLM-5 (H118E70)

This example shows that one may not retrieve the factorisation as expected.
> S<t>:=DifferentialLaurentSeriesRing(Rationals());
> R<D>:=DifferentialOperatorRing(S);
> L := (D+1/(t+1))*D;
> factsL_c1,blsL_c1:=Factorisation(L:Algorithm:="CoprimeIndexOne");
Ring precision as default precision taken.
Performing coprime index 1 factorisation.
> (#factsL_c1 eq 1) and (#blsL_c1 eq 1);
> factsL_c1[1][2];
D + O(t^20)
> factsL_lclm, blsL_lclm:=Factorisation(L:Algorithm:="LCLM");
Ring precision as default precision taken.
Performing coprime index 1 LCLM factorisation.
The number of slopes of the Newton polynomial: 1
> (#factsL_lclm eq 1) and (#blsL_lclm eq 1);
> factsL_c1[1][2], blsL_lclm[1];
D + O(t^20)
> M:=(D+1/(t-1))*D;
> factsM:=Factorisation(M:Algorithm:="CoprimeIndexOne");
Ring precision as default precision taken.
Performing coprime index 1 factorisation.
> # factsM eq 1;
> factsM[1][2]+O(t^4);
D + -1 - 1/2*t - 5/12*t^2 - 3/8*t^3 + O(t^4)

Example RngDiff_example-diff-op-factorisation-LCLM-6 (H118E71)

One may wish to adjust the default precision to retrieve enough terms in the coefficients in the factors. This example shows the effect on a rational slope 1/5 on the number of terms in the series coefficients of the factors obtained.
> S<t>:=DifferentialLaurentSeriesRing(Rationals():Precision:=15);
> R<D>:=DifferentialOperatorRing(S);
> L:=(D^5+t^(-1))*D;
> np:=NewtonPolygon(L);
> Slopes(np);
[ 0 , 1/5 ]
> factsL,blsL:=Factorisation(L:Algorithm:="LCLM");
Ring precision as default precision taken.
Performing coprime index 1 LCLM factorisation.
> blsL;
[ true, true ]
> [v[2]:v in factsL];
    D^5 + (-1 - t - 63*t^2 + O(t^3))*D^4 + (1 + 3*t + 253*t^2 +
    O(t^3))*D^3 + (-1 - 7*t - 825*t^2 + O(t^3))*D^2 + (1 + 15*t + 2545*t^2
    + O(t^3))*D + t^-1 - 1 - 31*t - 7713*t^2 + O(t^3)
> [v[1]*v[2]:v in factsL];
    D^6 + t^-1*D,
    D^6 + O(t^3)*D^5 + O(t^3)*D^4 + O(t^3)*D^3 + O(t^3)*D^2 + (t^-1 +
    O(t^3))*D + O(t^2)
> factsL:=Factorisation(L:Algorithm:="LCLM",Precision:=75);
Performing coprime index 1 LCLM factorisation.
> [v[1]*v[2]:v in factsL];
    D^6 + t^-1*D,
    D^6 + O(t^15)*D^5 + O(t^15)*D^4 + O(t^15)*D^3 + O(t^15)*D^2 + (t^-1 +
    O(t^15))*D + O(t^14)

Right Hand Factors of Operators

While resorting to field extensions can result in more complex and time consuming computations, they can be used for obtaining irreducible right hand factors over the original base field.

An effective algorithm to obtain a monic irreducible right hand factor of degree one tilde(L) of L∈k((t))[δ] in some field extension tilde(k)((tilde(t)))[tilde(δ)] is presented in [vH97b, Para 5.1]. Such a factor tilde(L)=tilde(δ) - r(tilde(t)) of L is called a Ricatti factor of L. The operator mathop(LCLM)(tilde(δ) - σ1(r), tilde(δ) - σ2(r), ..., tilde(δ) - σm(r)) where the σi are the Galois group elements of tilde(k)((tilde(t)))/k((t)), then is a monic and irreducible operator invariant under the Galois action. Hence, it naturally reduces to a monic irreducible right hand factor of L.

Other right hand factors of L, that may be defined over a finite field extensions of k((t)) are the so-called semi-regular parts of L. Such an operator Re(L) is the monic right hand semi-regular factor of the translation Se(L) of L by e. Its degree is equal to the dimension of a non-trivial bar(k)-linear vector space Ve(L), and acts as zero on it. In other words S - e(Re) is a monic right hand factor of L, possibly defined over a field extension of k((t)). It can be shown that L is the least common left multiple of all such right hand factors.

The routine RightHandFactors returns right hand factors of a given operator possibly by using temporary field extensions. Each of these are canonical representatives of all right hand factors belonging the slopes of the Newton polynomial of the operator. Currently one of the internal routines may fail when performing calculations for some specific right hand factor. In this case we cannot conclude it to be irreducible.

RightHandFactors(L) : RngDiffOpElt -> SeqEnum, [BoolElt]
    Precision: RngIntElt                Default: -1
The canonical list of monic right hand factors of L, one per slope of the Newton polynomial of L. The ith entry in the second sequence returned is true if the ith right hand factor is undisputedly irreducible. The precision attribute relates to the absolute precision a coefficient in a right hand factor should minimally have.

Example RngDiff_example-diff-op-righthandfactors-1 (H118E72)

This example is Example 3.49 from [vdPS03]. The same right hand factors as in Example H118E68 are obtained.
> S<t>:=DifferentialLaurentSeriesRing(Rationals());
> RS<DS> := DifferentialOperatorRing(S);
> L:=DS^2+(1/t^2+1/t)*DS +(1/t^3-2/t^2);
> rhf, bl := RightHandFactors(L);
Performing coprime index 1 LCLM factorisation.
> #rhf eq 2;
> bl;
[ true, true ]
> (Parent(rhf[1]) eq RS) and (Parent(rhf[2]) eq RS);
> lhf,rem := EuclideanRightDivision(L, rhf[1]);
> rem;
> lhf*rhf[1];
DS^2 + (t^-2 + t^-1 + O(t^22))*DS + t^-3 - 2*t^-2 + O(t^20)
> EuclideanRightDivision(L, rhf[2]);
DS + t^-1

Example RngDiff_example-diff-op-righthandfactors-2 (H118E73)

This example corresponds to Example 3.52 in [vdPS03]. The answer in the book is erroneous.
> S<t>:=DifferentialLaurentSeriesRing(Rationals());
> RS<DS> := DifferentialOperatorRing(S);
> L:=DS^2-3/2*DS+(2*t-1)/(4*t);
> rhf, bl := RightHandFactors(L);
Performing coprime index 1 LCLM factorisation.
> bl;
[ true ]
> #rhf eq 1;
> rhf[1] eq L;

Example RngDiff_example-diff-op-righthandfactors-3 (H118E74)

The operator in this example is the same as in Example H118E69 where the routine Factorisation was used. The operator did not factor there, but does when using RightHandFactors.
> S<t>:=DifferentialLaurentSeriesRing(Rationals());
> RS<DS> := DifferentialOperatorRing(S);
> L:=(DS+2/t)^2;
> rhf, bl := RightHandFactors(L);
Performing coprime index 1 LCLM factorisation.
Calculating semi-regular parts.
Performing coprime index 1 LCLM factorisation.
Performing coprime index 1 LCLM factorisation.
Computing a first order Ricatti factor.
Performing LCLM calculation on the Ricatti factor.
> rhf;
    DS + 2*t^-1
> bl;
[ true ]

Example RngDiff_example-diff-op-righthandfactors-4 (H118E75)

This example corresponds to Example 3.53 in [vdPS03].
> S<t>:=DifferentialLaurentSeriesRing(Rationals());
> RS<DS> := DifferentialOperatorRing(S);
> L:=DS^2 +(4+2*t-t^2-3*t^3)/(t^2)*DS+ (4+4*t-5*t^2-8*t^3-3*t^4+2*t^6)/(t^4);
> np:=NewtonPolygon(L);
> faces:=Faces(np);
> #faces eq 1;
> _<T> := PolynomialRing(Rationals());
> NewtonPolynomial(faces[1]);
T^2 + 4*T + 4
> factsL, blsL := Factorisation(L);
Ring precision as default precision taken.
Performing coprime index 1 LCLM factorisation.
> blsL;
[ false ]
> (#factsL eq 1) and (factsL[1][2] eq L);
> rhf, bl := RightHandFactors(L);
Performing coprime index 1 LCLM factorisation.
Calculating semi-regular parts.
Performing coprime index 1 LCLM factorisation.
Performing coprime index 1 LCLM factorisation.
Performing coprime index 1 LCLM factorisation.
Computing a first order Ricatti factor.
Performing LCLM calculation on the Ricatti factor.
> Degree(rhf[1]);
> bl;
[ true ]
> Parent (rhf[1]) eq RS;
> L - EuclideanRightDivision(L, rhf[1])*rhf[1];
O(t^22)*DS + O(t^20)

Example RngDiff_example-diff-op-righthandfactors-5 (H118E76)

A collection of operators having the same Newton polynomial (T2 + 1)(T - 1)(T + 1).
> S<t>:=DifferentialLaurentSeriesRing(Rationals());
> RS<DS> := DifferentialOperatorRing(S);
> L := DS^4-1/t^4;
> faces:=Faces(NewtonPolygon(L));
> faces;
[ <-1, 1, -4> ]
> _<T> := PolynomialRing(Rationals());
> NewtonPolynomial(faces[1]);
T^4 - 1
> rhf, bl := RightHandFactors(L);
Performing coprime index 1 LCLM factorisation.
> bl;
[ true, true, true ]
> [Degree(v) : v in rhf];
[ 1, 1, 2 ]
>  L - EuclideanRightDivision(L, rhf[1])*rhf[1];
O(t^23)*DS^3 + O(t^22)*DS^2 + O(t^21)*DS + O(t^20)
>  L - EuclideanRightDivision(L, rhf[2])*rhf[2];
O(t^23)*DS^3 + O(t^22)*DS^2 + O(t^21)*DS + O(t^20)
>  L - EuclideanRightDivision(L, rhf[3])*rhf[3];
O(t^23)*DS^3 + O(t^22)*DS^2 + O(t^21)*DS + O(t^20)
> M := DS^4-1;
> faces:=Faces(NewtonPolygon(M));
> faces;
[ <0, 1, 0> ]
> NewtonPolynomial(faces[1]);
T^4 - 1
> rhf, bl := RightHandFactors(M);
Performing coprime index 1 LCLM factorisation.
Calculating semi-regular parts.
Performing coprime index 1 LCLM factorisation.
Performing LCLM calculation on a semi-regular part.
Calculating semi-regular parts.
Performing coprime index 1 LCLM factorisation.
Computing a first order Ricatti factor.
Performing LCLM calculation on the Ricatti factor.
> rhf;
    DS^2 + 1,
    DS + -1
> bl;
[ true, true ]

Example RngDiff_example-diff-op-righthandfactors-5 (H118E77)

This is the main example of [vH97b].
> S<t>:=DifferentialLaurentSeriesRing(Rationals());
> RS<DS> := DifferentialOperatorRing(S);
> L:=DS^9 + 2*t^-1*DS^8 + 3*t^-2*DS^7 + 2*t^-3*DS^6 + (t^-4 + 2*t^-2)*DS^5 +
> (-3*t^-5 + 5*t^-4)*DS^3 + 3*t^-5*DS^2 + (2*t^-6 + 2*t^-5)*DS + 7*t^-5;
> facts := Factorisation(L);
Ring precision as default precision taken.
Performing coprime index 1 LCLM factorisation.
> [Degree(v[2]): v in facts];
[ 1 2 2 4 ]
> isweaklyzero := [];
> vals :=[];
> for i in [1..4] do
>   _,rem := EuclideanRightDivision(L, facts[i][2]);
>   isweaklyzero[i] := IsWeaklyZero(rem);
>   vals[i] := [Valuation(v) : v in Eltseq(rem)];
> end for;
> isweaklyzero;
[ true, true, true, true ]
> [Minimum(v) : v in vals];
[ 14 , 4 , 4 , 11]
> rhf, bl := RightHandFactors(L:Precision:=30);
Performing coprime index 1 LCLM factorisation.
Calculating semi-regular parts.
Performing coprime index 1 LCLM factorisation.
Performing coprime index 1 LCLM factorisation.
Performing coprime index 1 LCLM factorisation.
Performing LCLM calculation on a semi-regular part.
Computation of the LCLM failed.
> bl;
[ true, true, true, false ]
> [Degree(v): v in rhf];
[ 1 2 2 4 ]
> isweaklyzero := [];
> vals := [];
> for i in [1..4] do
>   [Degree(v): v in Eltseq(rhf[i])];
>   _,rem := EuclideanRightDivision(L, rhf[i]);
>   isweaklyzero[i] := IsWeaklyZero(rem);
>   vals[i] := [Valuation(v) : v in Eltseq(rem)];
> end for;
[ 35, 0 ]
[ 35, 35, 0 ]
[ 35, 35, 0 ]
[ 31, 32, 33, 34, 0 ]
> isweaklyzero;
[ true, true, true, true ]
> [ Minimum(v) : v in vals];
[ 30, 30, 30, 27 ]
V2.28, 28 February 2025