Changing Related Structures

It may happen that certain intrinsics only work for differential operator rings whose derivations are of a specific form, or whose constant fields have to be large enough. Some of the functions available for changing settings of the differential rings or fields can be used to change the desired related structure on the operator ring directly. To alter some of the settings of a differential operator ring, the following functions are available.

ChangeDerivation(R, f) : RngDiffOp, RngElt -> RngDiffOp, Map
Returns a differential operator ring isomorphic to R, but whose derivation is given by f * Derivation(R). The ring element f must be non--zero. The isomorphism of R to the new differential ring is also returned. The base ring of the new differential operator ring is isomorphic to the one of R, but it has derivation ChangeDerivation(BaseRing(R)).
ChangeDifferential(R, df) : RngDiffOp, DiffFunElt -> RngDiffOp, Map
Returns the differential operator ring with differential df, and whose underlying ring of its basefield coincides with the one of R. The map returned is the bijective map of R into the new operator ring. The base ring of the new differential operator ring is isomorphic to the one of R. However, the returned inclusion map and taking derivatives may not be commutative.

Example RngDiff_example-diff-op-ring-changing-differential (H118E46)

> F<z> := RationalDifferentialField(Rationals());
> R<D> := DifferentialOperatorRing(F);
> df := Differential(z^3+5);
> RM<DM>, mp := ChangeDifferential(R,df);
> Domain(mp) eq R and Codomain(mp) eq RM;
> M<u> := BaseRing(RM);
> IsDifferentialOperatorRing(RM) and IsAlgebraicDifferentialField(M);
> mp(RM!z);
> mp(D);
> D*z, mp(D*z);
u*D + 1
3*u^3*DM + 1
> DM*u;
u*DM + 1/3/u^2
> Differential(RM);
(3*u^2) d(u)
ConstantFieldExtension(R, C) : RngDiffOp,Fld -> RngDiffOp, Map
Returns the ring of differential operators with base ring isomorphic to that of the differential operator ring R, but whose constant field is C. The derivation is extended over the new constant field. The second argument returned is the map from R to the new operator ring.
PurelyRamifiedExtension(R,f) : RngDiffOp,RngUPolElt -> RngDiffOp, Map
When R is a differential operator ring over a differential ring F, this function returns an operator ring over the purely ramified extension of F, as induced by the polynomial f. The polynomial f is of the form Xn - a.(F.1) for some constant element a in F and positive integer n.

Example RngDiff_diff-op-ring-purely-ramified-extension-DLSR (H118E47)

> S<t> := DifferentialLaurentSeriesRing(Rationals());
> R<D> := DifferentialOperatorRing(S);
> _<T> := PolynomialRing(S);
> Rext<Dext>, mp := PurelyRamifiedExtension(R, T^7-3*t);
> Sext<text> := BaseRing(Rext);
> Domain(mp) eq R and Codomain(mp) eq Rext;
> IsDifferentialLaurentSeriesRing(Sext);
> BaseRing(Sext) eq S;
> RelativePrecision(Sext) eq 7*RelativePrecision(S);
> D*t;
t*D + t
> mp(D);
> mp(R!t) eq Rext!(1/3*text^7);
> Dext*text;
text*Dext + 1/7*text
Completion(R, p) : RngDiffOp, PlcFunElt -> RngDiffOp, Map
    Precision: RngIntElt                Default: ∞
Returns the operator ring tilde(R), whose base ring is the completion of the base ring of the operator ring R w.r.t. the place p. The second return value is the natural embedding of R into tilde(R). The precision of the base ring of tilde(R) can be set by setting Precision upon creation. If no precision is set, a default value for the precision is taken.
Localization(R, p) : RngDiffOp, PlcFunElt -> RngDiffOp, Map, PlcFunElt
Returns the operator ring whose differential has valuation -1 at p, with derivation t.d/dt, where t is the uniformizing element at the place p. The natural map between the operator rings, and the induced image of p are also returned.
Localization(L, p) : RngDiffOpElt, PlcFunElt -> RngDiffOpElt, Map, PlcFunElt
Given the differential operator L over an algebraic differential field, returns the localized operator of L at the place p. The embedding map between the parents as well as the induced image of the place are also returned.
Localization(R) : RngDiffOp -> RngDiffOp, Map
Given a differential operator ring R over the differential Laurent series ring C((t)), returns the operator ring whose derivation is of the form t.d/dt, and the natural map between the operator rings.
Localization(L) : RngDiffOpElt -> RngDiffOpElt, Map
Given the differential operator L over a differential series ring, returns the localized operator of L and the embedding map between the parents.

Example RngDiff_example-diff-op-ring-changing-attributes-DLSR (H118E48)

> S<t>:=DifferentialLaurentSeriesRing(Rationals());
> R<D> := DifferentialOperatorRing(S);
> D*t;
t*D + t
> Rprime<Dprime>, mp := ChangeDerivation(R,t^2);
> Fprime<tprime> := BaseRing(Rprime);
> mp;
Mapping from: RngDiffOp: R to RngDiffOp: Rprime given by a rule
> Dprime*tprime;
tprime*Dprime + tprime^3
> P<T> := PolynomialRing(Rationals());
> Cext := ext<Rationals()|T^2+1>;
> Rext<Dext>, mp := ConstantFieldExtension(R,Cext);
> Cext eq ConstantRing(BaseRing(Rext));
> mp(D);

Example RngDiff_example-diff-op-ring-completion (H118E49)

This examples illustrates how to use Completion on operator rings.
> F<z> := RationalDifferentialField(Rationals());
> R<D> := DifferentialOperatorRing(F);
> pl := Zeros(z)[1];
> Rcompl<Dcompl>, mp := Completion(R,pl);
> IsDifferentialOperatorRing(Rcompl);
> S<t> := BaseRing(Rcompl);
> IsDifferentialLaurentSeriesRing(S);
> mp(D);
> Dcompl*t;
t*Dcompl + 1

Example RngDiff_example-diff-op-ring-localization (H118E50)

> F<z> := RationalDifferentialField(Rationals());
> R<D> := DifferentialOperatorRing(F);
> pl := Zeros(z-1)[1];
> Rloc<Dloc>, mp, place:=  Localization(R,pl);
> Domain(mp) eq R, Codomain(mp) eq Rloc;
true true
> place;
(z - 1)
> Differential(BaseRing(Rloc));
(1/(z - 1)) d(z)
> mp(D);
1/(z - 1)*Dloc
> Dloc*(z-1);
(z - 1)*Dloc + z - 1
> L := D + z;
> Lloc, mp, place := Localization(L,Zeros(z)[1]);
> Lloc;
1/z*$.1 + z
V2.28, 13 July 2023