Structure Operations on Differential Rings


Category and Parent

Differential Rings form the magma category RngDiff. The notional power structures exist as parents of differential rings.

Category(R) : RngDiff -> RngDiff
Type(R) : RngDiff -> RngDiff
The category, or type, of the differential ring R.
Parent(R) : RngDiff -> PowStr
The power structure of the differential ring R.

Related Structures

The underlying ring and constant ring from which the differential ring was created can each be retrieved as described below. There is also the concept of a base ring. If one has created a differential extension M/F in magma, then F is the base ring of M.

UnderlyingRing(R) : RngDiff -> Rng
The underlying ring of the differential ring R. The type of the underlying ring indicates what ring R inherits from.
UnderlyingField(R) : RngDiff -> Rng
The underlying ring of the differential ring R, provided it is a field.
BaseRing(R) : RngDiff -> Rng
The base ring of the differential ring R.
BaseField(R) : RngDiff -> Rng
The base ring of the differential ring R, provided it is a field.
ConstantRing(R) : RngDiff -> Rng
The constant ring of the differential ring R. The derivation of R acts trivially on the constant ring. It is therefore contained in the differential ring of constants of R.
ConstantField(R) : RngDiff -> Rng
The constant ring of the differential ring R, provided it is a field.
ExactConstantField(F) : RngDiff -> RngDiff, Map
The exact constant field of F, i.e. the algebraic closure in F of the constant field of F, together with the inclusion map to F. The field F must be a function field. The differential field F must have been created with respect to a differential. If the derivation of F has been constructed with respect to a differential, then the exact constant field coincides with the differential field of constants of F.
Generators(R) : RngDiff -> SeqEnum
The list of generators of the differential ring R. If there is no list assigned to R, one is constructed by default from the underlying ring of R.

Example RngDiff_diff-ring-related-structures (H118E5)

First we construct the differential field F=Q(z) with derivation (d)/ (d)z and show what some of the related structures are. Then we construct the field extension M=Q(z, α), where α is a root of the polynomial X2 - 2. We do this with the usual ext< > constructor. For M we again derive some related structures.
> F<z> := RationalDifferentialField(Rationals());
> ConstantRing(F);
Rational Field
> UnderlyingRing(F);
Algebraic function field defined over Rational Field by
$.2 - 4711
> _<X> := PolynomialRing(F);
> M<alpha> := ext< F | X^2-2 >;
> BaseRing(M);
Differential Ring of Algebraic function field defined over Rational Field by
$.2 - 4711
with derivation given by (1) d(z)
> BaseRing(M) eq F;
> ConstantRing(M);
Rational Field
> E := ExactConstantField(M);
> E;
Number Field with defining polynomial $.1^2 - 2 over the Rational Field
> Generators(M);
[ alpha ]

Example RngDiff_diff-laur-ser-related-structures (H118E6)

Related structures also exist for differential Laurent series rings.
> S<t>:=DifferentialLaurentSeriesRing(Rationals());
> UnderlyingRing(S);
Laurent series field in t over Rational Field
> ConstantRing(S);
Rational Field
> Generators(S);
[ t ]

Derivation and Differential

The derivation of a differential ring and its differential, whenever applicable, can be retrieved as indicated below.

Derivation(R) : RngDiff -> Map
The derivation of the differential ring R.
Differential(F) : RngDiff -> DiffFunElt
The differential belonging to the derivation of the differential field F. The field F must have been constructed in such a way that its derivation is defined by a differential.

Example RngDiff_diff-ring-derivation-differential (H118E7)

> F<z> := RationalDifferentialField(Rationals());
> Derivation(F);
Mapping from: RngDiff: F to RngDiff: F given by a rule [no inverse]
> Differential(F);
(1) d(z)

Numerical Invariants

Ngens(R) : RngDiff -> RngIntElt
The number of indeterminates associated with the differential ring R.

Predicates and Booleans

R eq F : RngDiff, RngDiff -> BoolElt
Returns true if and only if the differential rings R and F are the same.
IsIdentical(R, F) : RngDiff, RngDiff -> BoolElt
Returns true if and only if the differential rings R and F are identical.
IsDomain(R) : RngDiff -> BoolElt
Returns true if and only if the differential ring R is a domain.
IsField(R) : RngDiff -> BoolElt
Returns true if and only if the differential ring R is field.
IsDifferentialField(R) : Rng -> BoolElt
Returns true if and only if the ring R is a differential field.
IsAlgebraicDifferentialField(R) : Rng -> BoolElt
Returns true if and only if the field structure of the differential ring R is an algebraic function field.
IsDifferentialSeriesRing(R) : Rng -> BoolElt
Returns true if and only if the underlying ring of the differential ring R is a series ring.
IsDifferentialLaurentSeriesRing(R) : Rng -> BoolElt
Returns true if and only if the underlying ring of the differential ring R is a Laurent series ring and R has been created with a known constant ring.

Example RngDiff_diff-rings-booleans (H118E8)

This example shows some booleans for various differential rings.
> F<z>:=RationalDifferentialField(Rationals());
> S<t>:=DifferentialLaurentSeriesRing(Rationals());
> IsAlgebraicDifferentialField(F);
> IsDifferentialSeriesRing(F);
> IsAlgebraicDifferentialField(S);
> IsDifferentialSeriesRing(S);
> IsDifferentialLaurentSeriesRing(S);
HasProjectiveDerivation(F) : RngDiff -> BoolElt

Returns true if and only if F is a differential ring with derivation weakly of the form (F.1).d/d(F.1).

HasZeroDerivation(F) : RngDiff -> BoolElt
Returns true if and only if the algebraic differential field or differential series ring F has zero derivation. When F is a series ring we relax being zero to being weakly zero.

Example RngDiff_diff-rings-booleans-derivation (H118E9)

> F<z>:=RationalDifferentialField(Rationals());
> S<t>:=DifferentialLaurentSeriesRing(Rationals());
> HasProjectiveDerivation(F);
> HasProjectiveDerivation(ChangeDerivation(F,z));
> HasZeroDerivation(F);
> HasProjectiveDerivation(S);
> HasProjectiveDerivation(ChangeDerivation(S,S!3));
> HasZeroDerivation(S);


RelativePrecision(F) : RngDiff -> RngElt
Returns the relative precision of the underlying series ring of F.
RelativePrecisionOfDerivation(F) : RngDiff -> RngElt
Given a differential Laurent series ring F, returns the relative precision of the ring derivative of F.1.

Example RngDiff_diff-rings-relative-precision (H118E10)

This example illustrate the relative precision of differential rings.
> S<t>:=DifferentialLaurentSeriesRing(Rationals());
> Derivative(t);
> IsDifferentialLaurentSeriesRing(S);
> RelativePrecision(S);
> RelativePrecision(UnderlyingRing(S));
> V<w>:=DifferentialLaurentSeriesRing(Rationals():Precision:=30);
> RelativePrecision(V);
> RelativePrecision(V) eq RelativePrecision(UnderlyingRing(V));

Example RngDiff_Example-differential-ring-relative-precision-derivation (H118E11)

> S<t> := DifferentialLaurentSeriesRing(Rationals());
> RelativePrecisionOfDerivation(S);
> V<w> := ChangeDerivation(S,t+O(t^6));
> Derivation(V)(w);
w^2 + O(w^7)
> RelativePrecisionOfDerivation(V);
ChangePrecision(F, p) : RngDiff, RngElt -> RngDiff, Map
Returns the differential series ring isomorphic to F with relative precision p. The map returned is the induced map of F to the new field.

Example RngDiff_diff-rings-change-precision (H118E12)

> S<t>:=DifferentialLaurentSeriesRing(Rationals());
> RelativePrecision(S);
> V<w>,mp :=  ChangePrecision(S,10);
> Type(V);
> IsDifferentialLaurentSeriesRing(V);
> RelativePrecision(V);
> RelativePrecision(1/(w-1)) eq 10;
> mp(t) eq w;
> w@@mp eq t;
> derivt := Derivation(S)(t);
> derivt;
> derivw := Derivation(V)(w);
> derivw;
> mp(derivt) eq Derivation(V)(w);
V2.28, 13 July 2023