Sylow Subgroups

We present here the functionality which allows to compute the Sylow subgroups of finite groups of Lie type.

PrintSylowSubgroupStructure(G) : GrpLie ->
This procedure prints out a list of all primes p dividing the order of the group of Lie type G along with the "goodness" of p, the exponent of p in the factorisation of |G| and a sequence of integers. The positive integers give the orders of the decomposition of a torus Tw into cyclic groups such that the Sylow subgroup is contained in < Tw, CW(w) >. The negative number indicates the p-part coming from CW(w). If more than one such torus exists, then one line is printed for each of them.

A prime is said to be "GOOD" if it is equal to the characteristic of the base field k of G, "good" if the Sylow subgroup is abelian, thus contained in a torus, and "bad" if it is not abelian and thus not contained in a torus. See [Hal05] for the algorithm used.

SylowSubgroup(G, p) : GrpLie, RngIntElt -> List
Compute a p-Sylow subgroup S of the group of Lie type G. Returned is a list of a two sequences. The second sequence contains generators of S. The first one is a sequence of integers giving the orders of the respective generator if the generator is a torus element and the negative of the order of < g >/(< g > ∩Tw) in case the generator g is not a torus element. See [Hal05] for the algorithm used.

Example GrpLie_GrpLieSylow (H110E23)

> G := GroupOfLieType("G2", 5);
> PrintSylowSubgroupStructure(G);
G: Group of Lie type G2 over Finite field of size 5
Order(G) is  2^6 * 3^3 * 5^6 * 7^1 * 31^1
Order(W) is  2^2 * 3^1
...compute tori...
...compute sylows...
   2 (bad) : 6 [ 4, 4, -4 ]
   3 (bad) : 3 [ 6, 6, -3 ]
   5 (GOOD) : The unipotent subgroup of G
   7 (good) : 1 [ 21 ]
   31 (good) : 1 [ 31 ]
> SylowSubgroup(G,2);
    [ 4, 4, -2, -2 ],
    [ (2 1) , (1 2) , n2 , n1 n2 n1 n2 n1 n2  ]
note that the orders of the non-toral elements is not necessarily the corresponding integer in the first sequence:
> gens := $1[2];
> [ Order(g) : g in gens ];
[ 4, 4, 4, 4 ]
but, in this example, their squares are contained in the torus:
> gens[3]^2 eq gens[2]^2, gens[4]^2 eq gens[2]^2;
true true
V2.28, 13 July 2023