Kashiwara Operators

Falpha(m, i) : AlgQUEElt, RngIntElt -> AlgQUEElt
Given a monomial m in U^ - for some quantized enveloping algebra U, i.e., m must be a monomial in the first n generators of U, where n is the number of positive roots of the corresponding root datum, returns another monomial in the negative part of U that is obtained by applying the i-th Kashiwara operator tilde(F)i to m (see Section The Canonical Basis). Here i must lie between 1 and the rank of the root datum.
Ealpha(m, i) : AlgQUEElt, RngIntElt -> AlgQUEElt
Given a monomial m in U^ - for some quantized enveloping algebra U, i.e., m must be a monomial in the first n generators of U, where n is the number of positive roots of the corresponding root datum, return tilde(E)i(m) (see Section The Canonical Basis) if the i-th Kashiwara operator tilde(E)i is applicable to m. Otherwise the zero element of U is returned. Here i must lie between 1 and the rank of the root datum.

Example AlgQEA_QGrpAutoms (H109E10)

> R:= RootDatum("F4");
> U:= QuantizedUEA(R);
> m:= U.1*U.5*U.10*U.18*U.24;
> m;
> Falpha(m, 3);
> Ealpha(m, 4);
> Ealpha(m, 2);
V2.28, 13 July 2023