- Introduction
- Background
- Gauss Numbers
- Construction
- Related Structures
- Operations on Elements
- U ! 0 : AlgQUE, RngIntElt -> AlgQUEElt
- U ! 1 : AlgQUE, RngIntElt -> AlgQUEElt
- U . i : AlgQUE, RngIntElt -> AlgQUEElt
- U ! r : AlgQUE, Any -> AlgQUEElt
- KBinomial(U, i, s) : AlgQUE, RngIntElt, RngIntElt -> AlgQUEElt
- Monomials(u) : AlgQUEElt -> SeqEnum
- Coefficients(u) : AlgQUEElt -> SeqEnum
- K ^ -1 : AlgQUEElt, RngIntElt -> AlgQUEElt
- Degree(u, i) : AlgQUEElt, RngIntElt -> RngIntElt
- KDegree(m, i) : AlgQUEElt, RngIntElt -> Tup
- Example AlgQEA_QGrpEltOps (H109E4)
- Representations
- Hopf Algebra Structure
- Automorphisms
- Kashiwara Operators
- The Path Model
- DominantLSPath(R, hw) : RootDtm, SeqEnum -> PathLS
- Falpha(p, i) : PathLS, RngIntElt -> PathLS
- Ealpha(p, i) : PathLS, RngIntElt -> PathLS
- WeightSequence(p) : PathLS -> SeqEnum
- RationalSequence(p) : PathLS -> SeqEnum
- EndpointWeight(p) : PathLS -> ModTupRngElt
- Shape(p) : PathLS -> ModTupRngElt
- WeylWord(p) : PathLS -> SeqEnum
- IsZero(p) : PathLS -> BoolElt
- p1 eq p2 : PathLS, PathLS -> BoolElt
- Example AlgQEA_LSPaths (H109E11)
- CrystalGraph(R, hw) : RootDtm, SeqEnum -> GrphDir, SeqEnum
- Example AlgQEA_CrystGrph (H109E12)
- Elements of the Canonical Basis
- Homomorphisms to the Universal Enveloping Algebra
- Bibliography
V2.28, 13 July 2023