Operations on Coxeter Groups

See Chapter FINITELY PRESENTED GROUPS for general functions for finitely presented groups, or Chapter PERMUTATION GROUPS for general functions for permutation groups.

IsIsomorphic(W1, W2) : GrpPermCox, GrpPermCox -> BoolElt
Returns true if, and only if, W1 and W2 are isomorphic as abstract groups. This is only implemented for permutation Coxeter groups.
IsCoxeterIsomorphic(W1, W2) : GrpFPCox, GrpFPCox -> BoolElt
IsCoxeterIsomorphic(W1, W2) : GrpPermCox, GrpPermCox -> BoolElt
Tests if W1 and W2 are isomorphic as Coxeter systems. If true, a sequence giving the permutation of the generators which takes W1 to W2 is also returned.
IsCartanEquivalent(W1, W2) : GrpPermCox, GrpPermCox -> BoolElt
Returns true if and only if the crystallographic Coxeter groups W1 and W2 have Cartan equivalent Cartan matrices. This only makes sense for permutation Coxeter groups.

Example GrpCox_CoxeterIsomorphism (H105E6)

> W1 := CoxeterGroup(GrpFPCox, "B4");
> W2 := CoxeterGroup(GrpFPCox, "C4");
> IsCoxeterIsomorphic(W1, W2);
true [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ]
An example of abstractly isomorphic Coxeter groups whose Coxeter systems not isomorphic:
> W1 := CoxeterGroup("G2");
> W2 := CoxeterGroup("A1A2");
> IsIsomorphic(W1, W2);
> IsCoxeterIsomorphic(W1, W2);
An example of Coxeter isomorphic groups which are not Cartan equivalent:
> W1 := CoxeterGroup("B3");
> W2 := CoxeterGroup("C3");
> IsIsomorphic(W1, W2);
> IsCoxeterIsomorphic(W1, W2);
true [ 1, 2, 3 ]
> IsCartanEquivalent(W1, W2);
RootSystem(W) : GrpPermCox -> RootDtm
The underlying root system of the permutation Coxeter groupW.
RootDatum(W) : GrpPermCox -> RootDtm
The root datum of the permutation Coxeter groupW. If W does not have a root datum, an error is flagged.

Example GrpCox_GroupToRoot (H105E7)

> W := CoxeterGroup("C5");
> RootSystem(W);
Root system of type C5
> RootDatum(W);
Root datum of type C5
> W := CoxeterGroup("H4");
> RootSystem(W);
Root system of type H4
> RootDatum(W);
Error: This group does not have a root datum
CartanName(W) : GrpFPCox -> List
CartanName(W) : GrpPermCox -> MonStgElt
The Cartan name of the finite or affine Coxeter group W (Section Finite and Affine Coxeter Groups).
CoxeterDiagram(W) : GrpFPCox ->
CoxeterDiagram(W) : GrpPermCox ->
Print the Coxeter diagram of the finite or affine Coxeter group W (Section Finite and Affine Coxeter Groups).
DynkinDiagram(W) : GrpPermCox ->
Print the Dynkin diagramof the permutation Coxeter group W. If W is not crystallographic, an error is flagged.

Example GrpCox_NamesDiagrams (H105E8)

> W := CoxeterGroup("F4");
> CartanName(W);
> DynkinDiagram(W);
F4    1 - 2 =>= 3 - 4
> CoxeterDiagram(W);
F4    1 - 2 === 3 - 4
CoxeterMatrix(W) : GrpFPCox -> AlgMatElt
CoxeterMatrix(W) : GrpPermCox -> AlgMatElt
The Coxeter matrix of the Coxeter group W.
CoxeterGraph(W) : GrpFPCox -> GrphUnd
CoxeterGraph(W) : GrpPermCox -> GrphUnd
The Coxeter graph of the Coxeter group W.
CartanMatrix(W) : GrpPermCox -> AlgMatElt
The Cartan matrix of the permutation Coxeter group W.
DynkinDigraph(W) : GrpPermCox -> GrphDir
The Dynkin digraph of the permutation Coxeter group W.
Rank(W) : GrpFPCox -> RngIntElt
Rank(W) : GrpPermCox -> RngIntElt
NumberOfGenerators(W) : GrpFPCox -> RngIntElt
NumberOfGenerators(W) : GrpPermCox -> RngIntElt
The rank of the Coxeter group W.
NumberOfPositiveRoots(W) : GrpFPCox -> RngIntElt
NumberOfPositiveRoots(W) : GrpPermCox -> RngIntElt
NumPosRoots(W) : GrpFPCox -> RngIntElt
NumPosRoots(W) : GrpPermCox -> RngIntElt
The number of positive roots of the Coxeter group W.
Dimension(W) : GrpPermCox -> RngIntElt
The dimension of the permutation Coxeter group W, ie. the dimension of the root space.

Example GrpCox_RankDimension (H105E9)

> R := StandardRootSystem("A", 4);
> W := CoxeterGroup(R);
> Rank(W);
> Dimension(W);
ConjugacyClasses(W) : GrpFPCox -> [GrpFPCoxElt]
ConjugacyClasses(W) : GrpPermCox -> [GrpPermElt]
The conjugacy classes of the finite Coxeter group W. This uses the algorithm of [GP00].
FundamentalGroup(W) : GrpPermCox -> GrpAb
The fundamental groupof the permutation Coxeter group W. The roots and coroots of W must have integral components.
IsogenyGroup(W) : GrpPermCox -> GrpAb
The isogeny groupof the permutation Coxeter group W. The roots and coroots of W must have integral components.
CoisogenyGroup(W) : GrpPermCox -> GrpAb
The coisogeny groupof the permutation Coxeter group W. The roots and coroots of W must have integral components.
BasicDegrees(W) : GrpFPCox -> RngIntElt
BasicDegrees(W) : GrpPermCox -> RngIntElt
The degrees of the basic invariant polynomials of the Coxeter group W. These are computed using the table in [Car72, page 155].
BasicCodegrees(W) : GrpFPCox -> RngIntElt
BasicCodegrees(W) : GrpPermCox -> RngIntElt
The basic codegrees of the Coxeter group W. These are computed using the algorithm in [LT09].

Example GrpCox_BasicDegrees (H105E10)

The product of the basic degrees is the order of the Coxeter group; the sum of the basic degrees is the sum of the rank and the number of positive roots.
> W := CoxeterGroup("E6");
> degs := BasicDegrees(W);
> degs;
[ 2, 5, 6, 8, 9, 12 ]
> &*degs eq #W;
> &+degs eq NumPosRoots(W) + Rank(W);
BruhatLessOrEqual(x, y) : GrpPermElt, GrpPermElt -> BoolElt
If Coxeter group element x is less than or equal to y in the Bruhat order [Deo77]. Suppose x is an element of the Coxeter group W. The Bruhat order is the partial order generated by the relations: x ≤xw if l(x) < l(xw), and xw ≤x if l(xw) < l(x), for x∈W and w a reflection. If l(xw) = l(x) + 1, then x is called a Bruhat descendant of xw. The algorithm used is a straightforward recursive procedure.
BruhatDescendants(x) : GrpPermElt -> SetEnum
    z: GrpPermElt                       Default: 
Let x be an element of the Coxeter group W, then the returned set S contains the Bruhat descendants of x. If l(yw) = l(y) + 1, then y is called a Bruhat descendant of yw. If the optional parameter z is set, only those descendants y with z ≤y are returned. Algorithm: For each fundamental reflection in x it is tested whether leaving it out decreases the length of x by exactly 1. If so, it is included in the result. In particular, this algorithm does not use BruhatLessOrEqual.
BruhatDescendants(X) : SetEnum -> SetEnum
    z: GrpPermElt                       Default: 
Let X consist of elements of the Coxeter group W, then the returned set S contains the Bruhat descendants of every element of X.

If the optional parameter z is set, only those w are returned for which z ≤w in the Bruhat ordering.

Example GrpCox_BruhatDescendants (H105E11)

Bruhat descendants:
> R := RootDatum("D4" : Isogeny := "SC");
> W := CoxeterGroup(GrpPermCox, R);
> Wfp,phi := CoxeterGroup(GrpFPCox, W);
> x := W.1*W.3*W.2*W.4*W.2*W.2*W.2*W.1;
> Eltseq(phi(x));
[ 1, 3, 2, 4, 2, 1 ]
> S := BruhatDescendants(x);
> { Eltseq(phi(w)) : w in S };
     [ 1, 3, 2, 4, 2 ],
     [ 3, 2, 4, 2, 1 ],
     [ 1, 2, 4, 2, 1 ],
     [ 1, 3, 2, 1, 4 ],
     [ 1, 3, 4, 2, 1 ]
V2.28, 28 February 2025