Vector and Spin Representations

Throughout this section, let Q be a quadratic form of Witt index r on a vector space V over a finite field F such that the polar form of Q is non-degenerate and let C denote the Clifford algebra of Q.


The Clifford Group

The Clifford group of C is

Γ = { s ∈C | s is a unit and s - 1vs ∈V for all v∈V }

and the vector representation of Γ is the homomorphism χ : Γ to GL(V) such that for s∈Γ, χ(s) is the linear transformation sending v∈V to s - 1vs. In fact, χ(Γ) is a subgroup of the orthogonal group O(V, Q). Except when the Witt index of Q is 2 and V is a space of dimension 4 over GF(2), if dim V is even, χ(Γ) = O(V, Q) and if dim V is odd, χ(Γ) = SO(V, Q). (See [Che97] for further details.)

VectorAction(g) : AlgClffElt -> AlgMatElt
The matrix of the Clifford group element g∈Γ acting on the quadratic space V by conjugation.

Example AlgClff_ClffRef (H95E10)

If v is a non-singular element of V, the negative of the linear transformation χ(v) is the reflection in the hyperplane orthogonal to v.
> F := GF(3);
> Q := StandardQuadraticForm(6,F);
> C, V, f := CliffordAlgebra(Q);
> v := V![2,0,2,0,0,1];

In order to ensure v is non-singular we check its quadratic norm.

> QuadraticNorm(v);
> A := VectorAction(f(v));
> -A eq OrthogonalReflection(v);

Siegel Transformations and Spin Groups

The special Clifford group is Γ^ + = Γ∩C_ + and χ(Γ^ + ) = SO(V, Q). If α is the main anti-automorphism of C, the spin group of Q is

Spin(V, Q) = { s∈Γ^ + | α(s)s = 1 }.

Given the polar form β of Q and linearly independent vectors u, v ∈V such that u is singular and β(u, v) = 0, the Siegel transformation defined by u and v (see Chapter POLAR SPACES) is the isometry ρu, v defined by

x ρu, v = x + β(x, v)u - β(x, u)v - Q(v)β(x, u) u.

In the Clifford algebra of Q, the conditions on u and v become u2 = 0 and uv + vu = 0. Thus uv - 1∈Spin(V, Q) and χ(uv - 1) = ρu, v. Except for Ω^ + (4, 2) the group Ω(V, Q) is generated by Siegel transformations and thus χ :Spin(V, Q) to Ω(V, Q) is onto; its kernel is {∓ 1}.

Regarding Ω(V, Q) as a group of Lie type, the subgroups Xu, v = < ρtu, v | t ∈F > are root groups. (If dim V = 2r, we consider only the groups for which both u and v are singular.) In Magma, the generators of the groups Ω(V, Q) are defined in terms of root elements (see [RT98]).

Example AlgClff_siegel (H95E11)

We verify that a Siegel transformation ρu, v can be obtained as the vector representation of uv - 1.
> F := GF(3);
> Q := StandardQuadraticForm(6,F);
> C, V, f := CliffordAlgebra(Q);
> u := V.1;
> v := V.5;
> VectorAction(f(u)*f(v) - One(C)) eq SiegelTransformation(u,v);

Example AlgClff_vecrep (H95E12)

When F = GF(q) and dim V = 2r we construct the elements of Spin(V, Q) which map onto the standard generators of Ω^ + (2r, q).
> q := 3;
> r := 4;
> K := GF(3);
> Q := StandardQuadraticForm(2*r,K);
> C,V,f := CliffordAlgebra(Q);

The root element xαk(t) indexed by the kth simple root is given be the following function.

> x := func< k,t |
>   k eq 1 select VectorAction(f(t*V.(r+2))*f(V.(r+1))-One(C))
>   else VectorAction(f(t*V.(r-k+2))*f(V.(r+k))-One(C)) >;

It turns out that our choice of Q ensures that the matrices of the negative root elements are the transposed matrices of the corresponding positive roots.

> n := func< k, t | x(k,t)*Transpose(x(k,-t^-1))*x(k,t) >;
> h := func< k, t | n(k,t)*n(k,-1) >;
> w := n(1,1)*n(2,1)*n(3,1)*n(4,1);
> xi := PrimitiveElement(K);
> G := OmegaPlus(2*r,q);
> G.1 eq h(2,xi);
> G.2 eq Transpose(x(1,1))*x(3,1)*w;

Note that the vector representation of Spin(V, Q) is not faithful.

> VectorAction(-One(C)) eq IdentityMatrix(K,2*r);

Spin Representations

If the dimension of V is 2r, the Clifford algebra C of Q is simple and hence all irreducible representations are equivalent. We may take the representation space to be a minimal right ideal S of C. The elements of S are spinors and the representation itself is the spin representation. The restrictions of this representation to the groups Γ, Γ^ + and Spin(V, Q) are also called spin representations. The spin representation of Γ is irreducible except when the field has order 2, r = 1 and the Witt index is 1.

ActionMatrix(S, s) : AlgAss, AlgAssElt -> AlgMatElt
The matrix representing the action of s on the right ideal S of an associative algebra A and s is an element of A.

Example AlgClff_ideals (H95E13)

> F := GF(5);
> Q := StandardQuadraticForm(4,F);
> C,V,f := CliffordAlgebra(Q);
> E, h := EvenSubalgebra(C);
> IsSimple(E);
> S := MinimalRightIdeals(E)[1];
> s := (f(V.1+V.4)*f(V.2+V.3))@@h;
> ActionMatrix(S,s);
[0 4]
[1 0]

Example AlgClff_spinrep (H95E14)

The Magma functions Spin, SpinPlus and SpinMinus construct the groups using highest weight representations of the corresponding group of Lie type. But in this example we construct the spin representation of Spin^ + (8, 3) by working directly with the Clifford algebra.
> q := 3;
> r := 4;
> K := GF(3);
> Q := StandardQuadraticForm(2*r,K);
> C,V,f := CliffordAlgebra(Q);
We adapt the code from Example H95E12.

The root element xαk(t) indexed by the kth simple root is given be the Magma function x(k,t) and the corresponding negative root element is y(k,t).

> x := func< k,t |
>   k eq 1 select f(t*V.(r+2))*f(V.(r+1))-One(C)
>   else f(t*V.(r-k+2))*f(V.(r+k))-One(C) >;
> y := func< k,t |
>   k eq 1 select f(t*V.r)*f(V.(r-1))-One(C)
>   else f(t*V.(r-k+1))*f(V.(r+k-1))-One(C) >;

The other functions are the same as before.

> n := func< k, t | x(k,t)*y(k,-t^-1)*x(k,t) >;
> h := func< k, t | n(k,t)*n(k,-1) >;
> w := n(1,1)*n(2,1)*n(3,1)*n(4,1);

The spin representation space is a minimal right ideal of the Clifford algebra.

> S := MinimalRightIdeals(C : Limit := 1)[1];
> Dimension(S);
> X := sub<GL(16,K) | ActionMatrix(S,h(2,2)), ActionMatrix(S,y(1,1)*x(3,1)*w) >;
> LieType(X,3);
true <"D", 4, 3>
> LMGOrder(X);
> Z := LMGCentre(X);
> #Z, IsElementaryAbelian(Z);
4 true
> SS := SpinPlus(8,K);
> #SS;

The spin representation of Spin^ + (8, 3) is the direct sum of two half spin representations, neither of which is faithful. The half spin spaces are minimal ideals of the even subalgebra of C.

> E, phi := EvenSubalgebra(C);
> T := MinimalRightIdeals(E : Limit := 1)[1];
> Dimension(T);
> Y := sub<GL(8,K) | ActionMatrix(T,h(2,2)@@phi),
>                    ActionMatrix(T,(y(1,1)*x(3,1)*w)@@phi) >;
> LieType(Y,3);
true <"D", 4, 3>
> LMGOrder(Y);
V2.28, 28 February 2025