A bug in LPolynomial(C) applied to a certain class of curves has been fixed. Reported by A. Sutherland.
An oversight in which a computed maximal order was not stored on the field has been fixed, resulting in no recomputation of known orders. Reported by L. Combes.
Testing some not yet known to be principal integral ideals of non maximal orders for principality has been fixed. Reported by M. Kirschmer.
A crash involving the deletion of codes after SymplecticDual had been called has been fixed. Reported by M. Grassl.
A crash in MordellWeilGroup for an elliptic curve defined over a number field has been fixed. Reported by S. Schiavone.
A slowdown arising from the creation of a very large number of finite fields with different characteristics has been fixed.
A bug in Groebner basis computation with a large number of variables in the graded case has been fixed. Reported by W. Wemyss.
A crash in the parallel F4 algorithm with the sparse monomial representation (selected when there is a large number of variables) has been fixed. Reported by M. Grassl.
A new version of the matrix group CompositionTree code has been installed. Code supplied by E. O'Brien.
A bug in MinimalDegreePermutationRepresentation has been fixed. Reported by E. O'Brien.
A bug which caused ReducedModel to hang on some hyperelliptic curves has been fixed. Reported by E. Costa.
&* when applied to polynomials over a non commutative ring has been fixed. Reported by P. Koprowski.