A crash in MaximalOrder for number fields where the defining polynomial is either non-monic or non-integral has been fixed. Reported by M. Grassl.
A problem that occurs when unstable curves are input to intrinsics such as TernaryFormPotentiallyUnstablePrimes and MinimizeReduce which call it has been fixed by A.-S. Elsenhans.
A crash in PointSearch where the number of minors of the Jacobian matrix is too large has been fixed. Reported by B. Nasserden.
A small improvement has been made to prime selection when computing the Subfields of an algebraic function field represented as an extension of another algebraic function field.
A bug in MaximalSubgroups applied to groups with a composition factor PSL(3,p^2) has been fixed. Bug reported by P. Mueller as a bug in IsMaximal for permutation groups.
Calculating the order of matrix groups of classical type has been improved by using classical recognition algorithms.
A potential infinite loop in ReducedMinimalWeierstrassModel has been fixed. Reported by A. Sutherland.
An bug causing an incorrect (non-minimal) result in FundamentalInvariants has been fixed. Reported by U. Thiel.
A crash in CloseVectors has been fixed. Reported by M. Kirschmer.
A bug in InvariantFactors for matrices over small finite fields has been fixed. Reported by G. Thomas.
Further improvements and bug fixes have been made to IrreducibleModules(G, RationalField()) for a pc-group G.