Associative arrays have been fixed so that there is no longer a crash when they are incorrectly used as a universe.
Two problems with product representations have been fixed. The second one was introduced in the last patch release disabling product representations after a certain residue field image computation.
A crash when asking for generators of a group algebra not in vector representation has been fixed. Generators for groups algebras are only available for the vector representation. A similar restriction applies to quotients of a group algebra, and the corresponding crash has also been fixed. Bugs reported by Markus Grassl.
Two copies of one conjugacy class (rather than two distinct classes) of maximal subgroups were being returned for the simple groups PSL(3,2t) for t ≥ 3. Reported by Joe Bohanon.
A crash in BasisReduction has been fixed.
A crash in subalgebra creation for Lie algebras with the partial representation has been fixed. Reported by D. Roozemond.