Finite Fields


A large amount of effort has been put into producing fast tools for computing with finite fields as well as with matrices and polynomials over finite fields. Thus, numerous techniques are employed to achieve fast arithmetic in very large finite fields, such as characteristic 2 fields of degree 10,000 upwards.

Linear algebra over finite fields is highly optimised, with a different scheme being used for packing the components of a GF(q)-vector used for each field of cardinality up to 8 so as to achieve fast parallel row reduction. For field cardinalities greater than 8, different vector packing schemes are employed for different ranges of possible cardinalities.

A range of methods are available for solving the discrete log problem. At present these concentrate on small characteristics but future work will provide faster methods for medium and large characteristics. A novel feature is the provision of databases containing the logarithms of factor bases for finite fields GF(pn), where p is small.

In this section, K will denote the finite field GF(pn), where p is a prime.

Representation and Basic Arithmetic

A variety of representations are used for finite fields in Magma, depending on the characteristic and degree. This ensures that operations are as fast as possible (not just for basic arithmetic but also for in polynomial algebra and linear algebra over finite fields) while saving memory for small fields.

For a prime field GF(p), a packed representation is used for small p and Magma's large integer package is used for large p. For an extension field K = GF(q), where q = pd, d > 1, a variety of representations are used:

Magma also has special code for fast evaluation of the Frobenius map based on linear algebra and this is exploited in several contexts. Apart from the basic arithmetic operations, there is a sophisticated algorithm to compute kth roots of elements of fields, where k may be an arbitrary positive integer.

Compatibility and Subfield Embeddings

The most critical feature which is unique to Magma's finite field machinery is automatic guarantee of compatibility; that is, one can construct an arbitrary lattice of finite fields of characteristic p by successively creating extension fields (via any irreducible polynomials) and subfields in any order and it is guaranteed that the diagram of subfields commutes (that is, when mapping an element through various relationships between subfields the result is the same no matter which path is taken).

The theoretical scheme which ensures this compatibility condition was developed by A. Steel in 1993 and strongly depends on linear algebra for managing the variety of background mappings. The scheme does not depend in any way on Conway polynomials (by which a lattice of subfields is defined only by direct extensions of the prime field using a fixed set of irreducible polynomials from a database). The Magma mechanism allows the user to create arbitrary chains of extensions (with arbitrary irreducible polynomials defining the extensions) and embed fields into each other when applicable; also, field elements can be embedded in any subfield and allow related operations, such as computing the minimal polynomial of an element with respect to any given subfield.

Discrete Logarithms

Magma provides machinery for computing discrete logarithms in any supported finite field no matter which field representation is used. Suppose w is a chosen primitive element of K. The discrete logarithm problem (DLP) for K is, given arbitrary non-zero element x of K, find an integer e such that x = we. Let m = q – 1 be the order of the multiplication group G of K. The Pohlig–Hellman algorithm reduces the problem to computing e modulo each prime power factor of m. Methods such as the Pollard rho algorithm with square root complexity can do this quite quickly provided that the cardinality l of the largest Sylow p-subgroup of G is less than 1015.

If l is too large for the Pollard rho algorithm, then the index calculus method is used. This method has subexponential complexity. Magma has a number of implementations of the index calculus algorithm which are capable of solving the DLP in fields having small characteristics and cardinalities up to 10180, at least. In 2012, a database was developed by A. Steel which contains the logarithms of a factor base for many finite fields having small characteristics thereby avoiding a precomputation step that potentially could take a very long time. The complete database currently includes logarithms at least for the fields GF(pd) for: