
The application of the functions in this section is restricted either to vector spaces or to torsion-free modules over a Euclidean Domain.

For a full description of the basis functions for a module defined over a field, the reader is referred to the chapter on vector spaces.

Basis(M) : ModTupRng -> [ModTupRngElt]
The current basis for the free R-module M, R an ED, returned as a sequence of module elements.
Rank(M) : ModTupRng -> RngIntElt
The rank of the free R-module M.
Coordinates(M, u) : ModTupRng, ModTupRngElt -> [RngElt]
Given a vector u belonging to the rank r free R-module M, R an Euclidean Domain, with basis u1, ..., ur, return a sequence [a1, ..., ar] giving the coordinates of u relative to the M-basis: u = a1 * u1 + ... + ar * ur.
V2.28, 13 July 2023