Planar Graphs

The planarity algorithm implemented in Magma tests whether an undirected graph or multigraph is planar. If the graph is planar, then an embedding of the graph is produced, otherwise a Kuratowski subgraph is identified. For a thorough discussion of this algorithm, its implementation and complexity, the reader is referred to Section Planar Graphs.

IsPlanar(G) : GrphMultUnd -> BoolElt, GrphMultUnd
Tests whether the (undirected) graph G is planar. The graph may be disconnected. If the graph is non-planar then a Kuratowski subgraph of G is returned: That is, a subgraph of G homeomorphic to K5 or K3, 3. The support and vertex/edge decorations of G are not retained in this (structural) subgraph.
Obstruction(G) : GrphMultUnd -> GrphMultUnd
Returns a Kuratoswki obstruction if the graph is non-planar, or the empty graph if the graph is planar. The Kuratoswki graph is returned as a (structural) subgraph of G; the support and vertex/edge decorations are not retained.
IsHomeomorphic(G: parameters) : GrphMultUnd -> BoolElt
    Graph: MonStg                       Default: 
Tests if a graph is homeomorphic to either K5 or K3, 3. The parameter Graph must be set to either "K5" or "K33"; it has no default setting.
Faces(G) : GrphMultUnd -> SeqEnum[GrphVert]
Returns the faces of the planar graph G as sequences of the edges bordering the faces of G. If G is disconnected, then the face defined by an isolated vertex v is given as [ v ].
Face(u, v) : GrphVert, GrphVert -> SeqEnum
Returns the face of the planar graph G bordered by the directed edge [u, v] as an ordered list of edges of G.

Note that a directed edge and an orientation determine a face uniquely: We can assume without loss of generality that the plane is given a clockwise orientation. Then given a directed edge e = [u1, v1], the face defined by e is the ordered set of edges [u1, v1], [u2, v2], ..., [um, vm] such that vi = ui + 1 for all i, 1 ≤i < m, vm = u1, and for each vi = ui + 1, the neighbours of vi, ui and vi + 1, are consecutive vertices in vi's adjacency list whose order is anti-clockwise.

Face(e) : GrphEdge -> SeqEnum
Let e be the edge (u, v) of the planar graph G (recall that G is undirected). Then Face((u, v)) returns the face bordered by the directed edge [u, v] as a sequence of edges of G.
NFaces(G) : GrphMultUnd -> RngIntElt
NumberOfFaces(G) : GrphMultUnd -> RngIntElt
Returns the number of faces of the planar graph G. In the case of a disconnected graph, an isolated vertex counts for one face.
Embedding(G) : GrphMultUnd -> SeqEnum
Returns the planar embedding of the graph G as a sequence S where S[i] is a sequence of edges incident from vertex i.
Embedding(v) : GrphVert -> SeqEnum
Returns the ordered list of edges (in clockwise order say) incident from vertex v.

Example MultiGraph_GrphMult_Planar (H159E10)

The purpose of the example is to show the embedding and faces

of a graph with multiples edges and loops.

> G := MultiGraph< 3 | < 1, {2, 3} >, < 1, {2} >, < 2, {2, 3} > >;
> G;
Vertex  Neighbours
1       2 3 2 ;
2       3 2 2 1 1 ;
3       2 1 ;
> IsPlanar(G);
> Faces(G);
  [ < {1, 2}, 5 >, < {2, 1}, 1 > ],
  [ < {1, 2}, 1 >, < {2, 2}, 7 >, < {2, 3}, 9 >, < {3, 1}, 3 > ],
  [ < {1, 3}, 3 >, < {3, 2}, 9 >, < {2, 1}, 5 > ],
  [ < {2, 2}, 7 > ]
> Embedding(G);
  [ < {1, 2}, 5 >, < {1, 2}, 1 >, < {1, 3}, 3 > ],
  [ < {2, 3}, 9 >, < {2, 2}, 7 >, < {2, 1}, 1 >, < {2, 1}, 5 > ],
  [ < {3, 1}, 3 >, < {3, 2}, 9 > ]

Example MultiGraph_GrphMult_Planar_Dual (H159E11)

We show how to construct the dual graph D of a planar graph G

and how to find all its minimal cuts. The vertex set of the dual is the set of faces F of G where face fi is adjacent to face f2 if and only if f1 and f2 share a common edge in G. For the purpose of this example a cut of a graph G is defined as a set of edges which disconnects G.

Let us construct a small planar graph G and its dual D. For clarity, the support of D will be the standard support (we could have chosen it to be the set of faces of G).

> G := MultiGraph< 4 | {1, 2}, {1, 2}, {1, 3}, {2, 3}, {2, 4}, {3, 4}>;
> IsPlanar(G);
> Faces(G);
  [ < {1, 3}, 5 >, < {3, 2}, 7 >, < {2, 1}, 3 > ],
  [ < {1, 2}, 3 >, < {2, 1}, 1 > ],
  [ < {1, 2}, 1 >, < {2, 4}, 9 >, < {4, 3}, 11 >, < {3, 1}, 5 > ],
  [ < {3, 4}, 11 >, < {4, 2}, 9 >, < {2, 3}, 7 > ]
> F := {@ SequenceToSet(f) : f in Faces(G) @};
> D := MultiGraph< #F | >;
> mapG2D := [ 0 : i in [1..Max(Indices(G))] ];
> mapD2G := [ 0 : i in [1..Max(Indices(G))] ];
> for u in VertexSet(D) do
>     for v in VertexSet(D) do
>        if Index(v) le Index(u) then
>           continue;
>        end if;
>        M := F[ Index(u) ] meet F[ Index(v) ];
>        for e in M do
>           D, edge :=
>           AddEdge(D, VertexSet(D)!u, VertexSet(D)!v);
>           mapG2D[Index(e)] := Index(edge);
>           mapD2G[Index(edge)] := Index(e);
>        end for;
>     end for;
> end for;
> e_star := map< EdgeSet(G) -> EdgeSet(D) |
> x :-> EdgeSet(D).mapG2D[Index(x)],
> y :-> EdgeSet(G).mapD2G[Index(y)] >;
The map e-star is the bijection from G's edge-set into D's edge-set:
> for e in EdgeSet(G) do
>     e, "   ", e @ e_star;
> end for;
< {1, 3}, 5 >     < {1, 3}, 3 >
< {1, 2}, 3 >     < {1, 2}, 1 >
< {1, 2}, 1 >     < {2, 3}, 7 >
< {2, 4}, 9 >     < {3, 4}, 11 >
< {2, 3}, 7 >     < {1, 4}, 5 >
< {3, 4}, 11 >     < {3, 4}, 9 >
> for e in EdgeSet(D) do
>     e, "   ", e @@ e_star;
> end for;
< {1, 4}, 5 >     < {2, 3}, 7 >
< {1, 3}, 3 >     < {1, 3}, 5 >
< {1, 2}, 1 >     < {1, 2}, 3 >
< {2, 3}, 7 >     < {1, 2}, 1 >
< {3, 4}, 11 >     < {2, 4}, 9 >
< {3, 4}, 9 >     < {3, 4}, 11 >
If G is biconnected, then any of its faces is bounded by a cycle. From Euler's formula giving the number of faces in a graph, we deduce that the boundaries of the internal faces of G, which form a chordless cycle, form a basis for the cycle space of G.

It is a well-known fact that, if G is connected and planar, a set of edges E is the set of edges of a cycle in G if and only if East = { east : e ∈E } is a minimal cut in D. For more details, see [Die00, $ 4].

From this we conclude that we can compute the minimal cuts generating the cut space of the dual graph D. We verify that G is biconnected, we compute the cut corresponding to each face of G, and verify that it is a minimal cut. All the cuts together form a generating set of the cut space of D. Had we not included the cut corresponding to the external face of G, we would have a basis of the cut space.

> IsBiconnected(G);
> for f in F do
>     Cut := { e @ e_star : e in f };
>     H := D;
>     RemoveEdges(~H, Cut);
>     assert not IsConnected(H);
>     for e in Cut do
>        C := Exclude(Cut, e);
>        H := D;
>        RemoveEdges(~H, C);
>        assert IsConnected(H);
>     end for;
> end for;
V2.28, 13 July 2023