Vertex and Edge Decorations


Vertex Decorations: Labels

In this implementation, it is only possible to assign labels as vertex decorations.

A vertex labelling of a graph G is a partial map from the vertex-set of G into a set L of labels.

AssignLabel(~G, u, l) : GrphMult, GrphVert, . ->
Assigns the label l to the vertex u in the graph G.
AssignLabels(~G, S, L) : GrphMult, [GrphVert], SeqEnum ->
AssignLabels(~G, S, L) : GrphMult, {@ GrphVert @}, SeqEnum ->
Assigns the labels in L to the corresponding vertices in G in the sequence or indexed set S. If for vertex u the corresponding entry in L is not defined then any existing label of u is removed.
AssignVertexLabels(~G, L) : GrphMult, SeqEnum ->
Assigns the labels in L to the corresponding vertices in the graph G.
IsLabelled(u) : GrphVert -> BoolElt
Returns true if and only if the vertex u has a label.
IsLabelled(V) : GrphVertSet -> BoolElt
Returns true if and only if the vertex-set V is labelled.
IsVertexLabelled(G) : GrphMult -> BoolElt
Returns true if and only if vertices of the graph G are labelled.
Label(u) : GrphVert -> .
The label of the vertex u. An error is raised if u is not labelled.
Labels(S) : [GrphVert] -> SeqEnum
The sequence L of labels of the vertices in the sequence S. If an element of S has no label, then the corresponding entry in L is undefined.
Labels(V) : GrphVertSet -> SeqEnum
The sequence L of labels of the vertices in the vertex-set V. If an element of V has no label, then the corresponding entry in L is undefined.
VertexLabels(G) : GrphMult -> SeqEnum
The sequence L of labels of the vertices of G. If a vertex of G has no label, then the corresponding entry in L is undefined.
DeleteLabel(~G, u) : GrphMult, GrphVert ->
Removes the label of the vertex u.
DeleteLabels(~G, S) : GrphMult, [GrphVert] ->
Remove the labels of the vertices in S.
DeleteVertexLabels(~G) : GrphMult ->
Remove the labels of the vertices in the graph G.

Edge Decorations

Simple graph or multigraph edges can be assigned three different types of decorations:

a label,
a capacity,
a weight.

Edge labels can be objects of any Magma type. Edge capacities must be non-negative integers (and loops must be assigned a zero capacity). Edge weights must be elements of a totally ordered ring. Not all edges need to be assigned labels when labelling edges, nor do all edges need to be assigned capacities or weights when assigning either decoration. In the latter case, if some edges have been assigned a capacity or a weight, then the capacity or weight of any remaining unassigned edge is always taken to be zero.

One may want to assign capacities to edges in order to apply a network-flow algorithm to the graph (Section Maximum Flow and Minimum Cut). By assigning weights to edges one may also be able to run a shortest-path algorithm (Section Distances, Shortest Paths and Minimum Weight Trees).

Assigning Edge Decorations
AssignLabel(~G, e, l) : GrphMult, GrphEdge, . ->
AssignCapacity(~G, e, c) : GrphMult, GrphEdge, RngIntElt ->
AssignWeight(~G, e, w) : GrphMult, GrphEdge, RngElt ->
Assigns the label l or the capacity c or the weight w to the edge e in the graph G. The capacity of any edge must be a non-negative integer except in the case of a loop when it must be zero. The weight w must be an element from a totally ordered ring.
AssignLabels(~G, S, D) : GrphMult, [GrphEdge], SeqEnum ->
AssignLabels(~G, S, D) : GrphMult, {@ GrphEdge @}, SeqEnum ->
AssignCapacities(~G, S, D) : GrphMult, [GrphEdge], [RngIntElt] ->
AssignCapacities(~G, S, D) : GrphMult, {@ GrphEdge @}, [RngIntElt] ->
AssignWeights(~G, S, D) : GrphMult, [GrphEdge], [RngElt] ->
AssignWeights(~G, S, D) : GrphMult, {@ GrphEdge @}, [RngElt] ->
Assigns the labels or capacities or weights in the sequence D to the corresponding edges in the sequence or indexed set S. If for some edge e the corresponding entry in D is not defined then any existing label or capacity or weight of e is removed. The same constraints regarding capacity and weight apply as in the single edge assignment case.
AssignEdgeLabels(~G, D) : GrphMult, SeqEnum ->
AssignCapacities(~G, D) : GrphMult, [RngIntElt] ->
AssignWeights(~G, D) : GrphMult, [RngElt] ->
Assigns the labels or capacities or weights in the sequence D to the corresponding edges in graph G. Let E be the edge-set of G and let d be the decoration at position i in D, that is, d = D[i]. Then the corresponding edge e in E which will be decorated is E.i (see E.i).

If for some edge e the corresponding entry in D is not defined then any existing label or capacity or weight of e is removed. The same constraints regarding capacity and weight apply as in the single edge assignment case.

Testing for Edge Decorations

While it is the case that an edge is considered to be labelled if and only if it has been assigned a label, an edge may have a default capacity (weight) of zero. Let e be an edge of a graph G and assume that e has not been assigned a capacity (weight).

If any other edge of G has been assigned a capacity (weight), then the edge-set of G is considered to be capacitated (weighted). In which case the capacity (weight) of e has a default value of zero.

If no other edge of G has been assigned a capacity (weight), then the edge-set of G is considered to be uncapacitated (unweighted). In which case asking for the capacity (weight) of e results in an error.

This is in contrast to the labelling situation where there is no concept of a "default" label. The edge-set of G is considered to be labelled if and only if at least one edge of G has been labelled, while any edge of G is considered to be labelled if and only if e has been labelled.

IsLabelled(e) : GrphEdge -> BoolElt
Returns true if and only if the edge e has a label.
IsLabelled(E) : GrphEdgeSet -> BoolElt
Returns true if and only if the edge-set is labelled; that is, if and only if at least one edge of E has been assigned a label.

IsEdgeLabelled(G) : GrphMult -> BoolElt
IsEdgeLabelled(G) : Grph -> BoolElt
Returns true if and only if the edge-set of G is labelled.
IsCapacitated(E) : GrphEdgeSet -> BoolElt
Returns true if and only if the edge-set is capacitated; that is, if and only if at least one edge of E has been assigned a capacity.
IsEdgeCapacitated(G) : GrphMult -> BoolElt
IsEdgeCapacitated(G) : Grph -> BoolElt
Returns true if and only if the edge-set of G is capacitated.
IsWeighted(E) : GrphEdgeSet -> BoolElt
Returns true if and only if the edge-set is weighted; that is, if and only if at least one edge of E has been assigned a weight.
IsEdgeWeighted(G) : GrphMult -> BoolElt
IsEdgeWeighted(G) : Grph -> BoolElt
Returns true if and only if the edge-set of G is weighted.
Reading Edge Decorations

An edge may have a default capacity and weight of zero, see Subsubsection Testing for Edge Decorations for more details.

Label(e) : GrphEdge -> .
The label of the edge e. An error is raised if e has not been assigned a capacity.
Capacity(e) : GrphEdge -> RngIntElt
The capacity of the edge e. Let G be the parent graph of e. An error is raised if the edge-set of G is uncapacitated. If the edge-set of G is capacitated but e has not been assigned a capacity, then Capacity(e) returns zero as the default value.
Weight(e) : GrphEdge -> RngElt
The weight of the edge e. Let G be the parent graph of e. An error is raised if the edge-set of G is unweighted. If the edge-set of G is weighted but e has not been assigned a weight, then Weight(e) returns zero as the default value.
Labels(S) : [GrphEdge] -> SeqEnum
Capacities(S) : [GrphEdge] -> SeqEnum
Weights(S) : [GrphEdge] -> SeqEnum
The sequence D of labels or capacities or weights of the edges in the sequence S. Let E be the edge-set of the parent graph of the edges. If E is unlabelled or uncapacitated or unweighted then D is the null sequence. If an element of S has no label then the corresponding entry in D is undefined. If an element of S has no capacity or weight while E is capacitated or weighted then the corresponding entry in D has the default value of zero.
Labels(E) : GrphEdgeSet -> SeqEnum
Capacities(E) : GrphEdgeSet -> SeqEnum
Weights(E) : GrphEdgeSet -> SeqEnum
The sequence D of labels or capacities or weights of the edges in the edge-set E. If E is unlabelled or uncapacitated or unweighted then D is the null sequence. If an element of E has no label then the corresponding entry in D is undefined. If an element of E has no capacity or weight while E is capacitated or weighted then the corresponding entry in D has the default value of zero. The corresponding entry i in D of any edge e is such that e = E.i (see E.i).
EdgeLabels(G) : GrphMult -> SeqEnum
EdgeLabels(G) : Grph -> SeqEnum
EdgeCapacities(G) : GrphMult -> SeqEnum
EdgeCapacities(G) : Grph -> SeqEnum
EdgeWeights(G) : GrphMult -> SeqEnum
EdgeWeights(G) : Grph -> SeqEnum
The sequence D of labels or capacities or weights of the edges in edge-set E of the graph G. If E is unlabelled or uncapacitated or unweighted then D is the null sequence. If an element of E has no label then the corresponding entry in D is undefined. If an element of E has no capacity or weight while E is capacitated or weighted then the corresponding entry in D has the default value of zero. The corresponding entry i in D of any edge e is such that e = E.i (see E.i).
Deleting Edge Decorations
DeleteLabel(~G, e) : GrphMult, GrphEdge ->
DeleteCapacity(~G, e) : GrphMult, GrphEdge ->
DeleteWeight(~G, e) : GrphMult, GrphEdge ->
Removes the label or capacity or weight of the edge e in the graph G.
DeleteLabels(~G, S) : GrphMult, [GrphEdge] ->
DeleteCapacities(~G, S) : GrphMult, [GrphEdge] ->
DeleteWeights(~G, S) : GrphMult, [GrphEdge] ->
Remove the labels or capacities or weights of the edges (of the graph G) in S.
DeleteEdgeLabels(~G) : GrphMult ->
DeleteCapacities(~G) : GrphMult ->
DeleteWeights(~G) : GrphMult ->
Remove the labels or capacities or weights of the edges in the edge set of the graph G.

Unlabelled, or Uncapacitated, or Unweighted Graphs

Starting with a graph G, the functions below return a graph that is isomorphic as a simple graph to G, but without the vertex and edge labels of G, (or without the edge capacities or weights of G in the case of a network). Should one require a copy of a graph without the support of G, see Subsection Operations on the Support. Should one require a copy of a graph without the support of G and without the vertex/edge decorations of G, see Subsection Converting between Simple Graphs and Multigraphs.

UnlabelledGraph(G) : GrphMult -> GrphMult
Return the (vertex and edge) unlabelled graph structurally identical to G, whose edges have the same capacities and weights as those in G. The support of G is also retained in the resulting graph.
UncapacitatedGraph(G) : GrphMult -> GrphMult
Return the uncapacitated graph structurally identical to G, whose vertices and edges have the same labels, and whose edges have the same weights as those in G. The support of G is also retained in the resulting graph.
UnweightedGraph(G) : GrphMult -> GrphMult
Return the unweighted graph structurally identical to G, whose vertices and edges have the same labels, and whose edges have the same capacities as those in G. The support of G is also retained in the resulting graph.

Example MultiGraph_GrphMult_Labels (H159E5)

The labelling operations are illustrated by constructing a 2-colouring of the complete bipartite graph K3, 4. Use is made of the function Distance(u, v) which returns the distance between vertices u and v.
> K34, V, E := BipartiteGraph(3, 4);
> L := [ IsEven(Distance(V!1, v)) select "red" else "blue" : v in Vertices(K34) ];
> AssignLabels(Vertices(K34), L);
> VertexLabels(K34);
[ red, red, red, blue, blue, blue, blue ]

Example MultiGraph_CayleyGraph (H159E6)

Another illustration is the creation of the Cayley graph of a group. In this example Sym(4) is used.
> G<a,b> := FPGroup(Sym(4));
> I, m := Transversal(G, sub<G | 1>);
> S := Setseq(Generators(G));
> N := [ {m(a*b) : b in S} : a in I ];
> graph := StandardGraph(Digraph< I | N >);
> AssignLabels(VertexSet(graph), IndexedSetToSequence(I));
> V := VertexSet(graph);
> E := EdgeSet(graph);
> for i in [1..#I] do
>     AssignLabels([ E![V | i, Index(I, m(I[i]*s))] : s in S], S);
> end for;
In this graph, [1,2,5,4] is a cycle. So the corresponding edge labels should multiply to the identity.
> &*Labels([ EdgeSet(graph) | [1,2], [2,5], [5,4], [4,1] ]);
> G;
Finitely presented group G on 2 generators
    b^2 = Id(G)
    a^4 = Id(G)
    (a^-1 * b)^3 = Id(G)

Example MultiGraph_GrphMult_EdgesDecs (H159E7)

We turn to multigraphs to illustrate a point

with respect to the listing of the edge decorations. We assign random labels, capacities and weights to a multigraph.

> G := MultiGraph< 3 | < 1, {2, 3} >, < 1, {2} >, < 2, {2, 3} > >;
> E := EdgeSet(G);
> I := Indices(G);
> for i in I do
>     AssignLabel(~G, E.i, Random([ "a", "b", "c", "d" ]));
>     if not InitialVertex(E.i) eq TerminalVertex(E.i) then
>         AssignCapacity(~G, E.i, Random(1, 3));
>     end if;
>     AssignWeight(~G, E.i, Random(1, 3));
> end for;
> EdgeLabels(G);
[ c, undef, c, undef, d, undef, c, undef, c ]
> EdgeCapacities(G);
[ 2, undef, 3, undef, 2, undef, 0, undef, 3 ]
> EdgeWeights(G);
[ 3, undef, 2, undef, 1, undef, 2, undef, 1 ]
Since G is undirected, the edge {v, u} and the edge {v, u} are the same object, and thus they have the same index:
> V := VertexSet(G);
> u := V!1;
> v := V!3;
> Indices(u, v);
[ 3 ]
> Indices(v, u);
[ 3 ]
However, since G is represented by means of an adjacency list, the undirected edge {u, v} is stored twice in the list, and so there are two positions in the list associated with the edge. By convention, these positions are contiguous, but, more importantly from the user's perspective, the function Index that returns the index of the edge {u, v} always returns the odd index associated with the edge. This explains why, for an undirected multigraph, the sequence returned by a function like EdgeLabels will always have undefined elements.

Finally note that the loop {2, 2}, which was assigned no capacity, is shown to have capacity zero:

> E := EdgeSet(G);
> E.7;
< {2, 2}, 7 >
> Capacity(E.7);
This is in accordance with the definition of the default value for edge capacity and weight (see Subsubsection Testing for Edge Decorations).
V2.28, 13 July 2023