Hilbert Series and Hilbert Polynomial

Let I be a homogeneous ideal of the graded polynomial ring P = K[x1, ..., xn], where K is a field. Then the quotient ring P/I is a graded vector space in the following way: P/I is the direct sum of the vector spaces Vd for d = 0, 1, ... where Vd is the K-vector space consisting of all homogeneous polynomials in P/I (i.e., reduced residues of polynomials of P with respect to I) of weighted degree d. The Hilbert Series of the graded vector space P/I is the generating function HP/I(t) = ∑d=0 dim(Vd) td. The Hilbert series can be written as a rational function in the variable t.

If the weights on the variables of P are all 1, then there also exists the Hilbert polynomial FP/I(d) corresponding to the Hilbert series HP/I(t) which is a univariate polynomial in Q[d] such that FP/I(i) is equal to the coefficient of ti in the Hilbert series for all i ≥k for some fixed k.

HilbertSeries(I) : RngMPol -> FldFunUElt
Given an homogeneous ideal I of a polynomial ring P over a field, return the Hilbert series HP/I(t) of the quotient ring P/I as an element of the univariate function field Z(t) over the ring of integers. The algorithm implemented is that given in [BS92].

Note that this is equivalent to HilbertSeries(QuotientModule(I)), while if one wishes the Hilbert series of I considered as a P-module, one should call HilbertSeries(Submodule(I)).

HilbertSeries(I, p) : RngMPol, RngIntElt -> RngSerLaurElt
Given an homogeneous ideal I of a polynomial ring P over a field, return the Hilbert series HP/I(t) of the quotient ring P/I as a power series to precision p.
HilbertDenominator(I) : RngMPol -> RngUPol
Given an homogeneous ideal I of a polynomial ring P over a field, return the unreduced Hilbert denominator D of P/I (as a univariate polynomial over the ring of integers). The denominator D equals ∏i=1n (1 - twi), where n is the rank of P and wi is the weight of the i-th variable (1 by default).
HilbertNumerator(I) : RngMPol -> RngUPol
Given an homogeneous ideal I of a polynomial ring P over a field, return the unreduced Hilbert numerator N of P/I (as a univariate polynomial over the ring of integers). The numerator N equals D x x HP/I(t), where D is the unreduced Hilbert denominator above. Computing with the unreduced numerator is often more convenient.
HilbertPolynomial(I) : RngMPol -> RngUPolElt, RngIntElt
Given an homogeneous ideal I of a polynomial ring P over a field with weight 1 for each variable, return the Hilbert polynomial H(d) of the quotient ring P/I as an element of the univariate polynomial ring Q[d], together with the index of regularity of P/I (the minimal integer k ≥0 such that H(d) agrees with the Hilbert function of P/I at d for all d ≥k).

Example Ideal_Hilbert (H113E15)

We compute the Hilbert series and Hilbert polynomial for an ideal corresponding to the square of a matrix (see [BS92]).
> MatSquare := function(n)
>     P := PolynomialRing(RationalField(), n * n, "grevlex");
>     AssignNames(
>         ~P,
>         ["x" cat IntegerToString(i) cat IntegerToString(j): i, j in [1..n]]
>     );
>     M := MatrixRing(P, n);
>     X := M ! [P.((i - 1) * n + j): i, j in [1 .. n]];
>     Y := X^2;
>     return ideal<P | [Y[i][j]: i, j in [1 .. n]]>;
> end function;
> I := MatSquare(4);
> I;
Ideal of Polynomial ring of rank 16 over Rational Field
Order: Graded Reverse Lexicographical
Variables: x11, x12, x13, x14, x21, x22, x23, x24, x31, x32,
    x33, x34, x41, x42, x43, x44
    x11^2 + x12*x21 + x13*x31 + x14*x41,
    x11*x12 + x12*x22 + x13*x32 + x14*x42,
    x11*x13 + x12*x23 + x13*x33 + x14*x43,
    x11*x14 + x12*x24 + x13*x34 + x14*x44,
    x11*x21 + x21*x22 + x23*x31 + x24*x41,
    x12*x21 + x22^2 + x23*x32 + x24*x42,
    x13*x21 + x22*x23 + x23*x33 + x24*x43,
    x14*x21 + x22*x24 + x23*x34 + x24*x44,
    x11*x31 + x21*x32 + x31*x33 + x34*x41,
    x12*x31 + x22*x32 + x32*x33 + x34*x42,
    x13*x31 + x23*x32 + x33^2 + x34*x43,
    x14*x31 + x24*x32 + x33*x34 + x34*x44,
    x11*x41 + x21*x42 + x31*x43 + x41*x44,
    x12*x41 + x22*x42 + x32*x43 + x42*x44,
    x13*x41 + x23*x42 + x33*x43 + x43*x44,
    x14*x41 + x24*x42 + x34*x43 + x44^2
> S<t> := HilbertSeries(I);
> S;
(t^12 - 7*t^11 + 20*t^10 - 28*t^9 + 14*t^8 + 15*t^7 - 20*t^6 +
    19*t^5 - 22*t^4 + 7*t^3 + 20*t^2 + 8*t + 1)/(t^8 - 8*t^7 +
    28*t^6 - 56*t^5 + 70*t^4 - 56*t^3 + 28*t^2 - 8*t + 1)
> H<d>, k := HilbertPolynomial(I);
> H, k;
1/180*d^7 + 7/90*d^6 + 293/360*d^5 + 61/36*d^4 + 1553/360*d^3 +
    851/180*d^2 + 101/30*d + 1
> // Check that evaluations of H for d >= 5 match coefficients of S:
> L<u> := LaurentSeriesRing(IntegerRing());
> L;
Laurent Series Algebra over Integer Ring
> L ! S;
1 + 16*u + 120*u^2 + 575*u^3 + 2044*u^4 + 5927*u^5 + 14832*u^6 +
    33209*u^7 + 68189*u^8 + 130642*u^9 + 236488*u^10 + 408288*u^11 +
    677143*u^12 + 1084929*u^13 + 1686896*u^14 + 2554659*u^15 +
    3779609*u^16 + 5476772*u^17 + 7789144*u^18 + 10892530*u^19 +
> Evaluate(H, 5);
> Evaluate(H, 6);
> Evaluate(H, 19);
V2.28, 13 July 2023