

Isomorphisms of Algebras

Two quaternion algebras A, B over a common field F are isomorphic algebras if and only if they share the same ramified places. Finding an explicit isomorphism is much harder. Currently Magma embeds the first standard generator of A into B and then finds another element perpendicular to that image having the correct minimal polynomial. In particular, this requires the construction of two points on a conic (or equivalently, the solution of two norm equations) over quadratic extensions of F.

IsIsomorphic(A, B) : AlgQuat, AlgQuat -> BoolElt, Map
    Isomorphism: BoolElt                Default: false
Given two quaternion algebras A, B over Q, Fq(X) with q odd or a number field, this function returns true if and only if they are isomorphic.

If the algebras are isomorphic and Isomorphism is set to true, an isomorphism A to B is also returned.

Isomorphisms of Orders

Two orders S, T in a quaternion algebra A are isomorphic if and only if they are conjugate in A.

In a definite algebra, we use the fact that this conjugation induces an isometry of the quadratic Z- or Fq[X]-modules S and T equipped with the (absolute) norm form. Over an indefinite algebra, we use the fact that any connecting ideal I having left order S and right order T must be isomorphic to a right ideal of T. See [KV10] for details.

IsIsomorphic(S, T) : AlgQuatOrd, AlgQuatOrd -> BoolElt, Map, AlgQuatElt
IsIsomorphic(S, T) : AlgAssVOrd[RngOrd], AlgAssVOrd[RngOrd] -> BoolElt, Map, AlgQuatElt
IsConjugate(S, T) : AlgAssVOrd, AlgAssVOrd -> BoolElt, Map, AlgQuatElt
    FindElement: BoolElt                Default: false
    ConnectingIdeal: AlgAssVOrdIdl      Default: 
Given orders S and T in a quaternion algebra A over Q, Fq(X) (with q odd) or a number field, this function returns true if and only if S and T are isomorphic.

For indefinite algebras, the orders are currently required to be maximal.

If FindElement is set, the second return value is an isomorphism from S to T and the third return value is an element a with T = a - 1 S a, inducing the isomorphism. For indefinite algebras, this search is expensive and may sometimes fail (as in IsIsomorphic for ideals, see below).

For indefinite algebras defined over number fields, part of the computation may be faster when a connecting ideal is specified using the parameter ConnectingIdeal; this should be an ideal with left order S and right order T.

Isomorphism(S, T) : AlgQuatOrd, AlgQuatOrd -> Map
Given two isomorphic definite quaternion orders S, T over Z or Fq[X] (with q odd), this function returns an algebra isomorphism. For orders over number rings the intrinsic IsIsomorphic should be used with the optional argument FindElement set.

Isomorphisms of Ideals

Two right (left) ideals I, J of an order O in a quaternion algebra A are isomorphic O-modules if and only if xI=J (Ix=J) for some x ∈A * .

To decide whether I and J are isomorphic, we test whether the colon ideal (J:I) = {x ∈A: xI ⊂J} (similarly defined if I, J are left ideals) is principal, or not.

Over Z, to accomplish this task we compute a Minkowski-reduced Gram matrix of (J:I) which produces an element of smallest norm. Over Fq[X] we compute a Gram matrix which has dominant diagonal form (see [Ger03]) which also produces a suitable element. Over other number rings R, we search (J:I) for an element of the required norm by computing a reduced basis. This method runs very quickly for "reasonably small" input. (See [KV10], [DD08] for further details.)

IsIsomorphic(I, J) : AlgAssVOrdIdl, AlgAssVOrdIdl -> BoolElt, AlgAssVElt
Given ideals I and J of the same order O in a quaternion algebra A over Q, Fq(X) (with q odd) or a number field, this function returns true if and only if the quaternion ideals I and J are isomorphic (left or right) O-ideals. If I and J are isomorphic, there exists some x∈A such that xI=J (in the case of right O-ideals) or Ix=J (for left ideals). For definite algebras, such an element x is always returned. For indefinite algebras over Z or a number ring, a search for such an element is made, and if one is found then it is returned.
IsPrincipal(I) : AlgAssVOrdIdl -> BoolElt, AlgQuatElt
Given a left (or right) ideal I over Z, Fq[X] or a number ring, this function returns true if and only if I is a principal ideal; if so, a generator is returned as the second value.
IsLeftIsomorphic(I, J) : AlgQuatOrdIdl, AlgQuatOrdIdl -> BoolElt, Map, AlgQuatElt
IsRightIsomorphic(I, J) : AlgQuatOrdIdl, AlgQuatOrdIdl -> BoolElt, Map, AlgQuatElt
Given two definite ideals over Z or Fq[X] (with q odd) with the same left (or right) order S, this function returns true if and only if they are isomorphic as S-modules. The isomorphism and the transforming scalar in the quaternion algebra are returned as second and third values if true.
IsLeftIsomorphic(I, J) : AlgAssVOrdIdl[RngOrd], AlgAssVOrdIdl[RngOrd] -> BoolElt, AlgQuatElt
IsRightIsomorphic(I, J) : AlgAssVOrdIdl[RngOrd], AlgAssVOrdIdl[RngOrd] -> BoolElt, AlgQuatElt
Given two left (or right) ideals I and J over a number ring, with the same left order O, this function returns true if and only if they are isomorphic as O-modules. The isomorphism is given by multiplication as a second return value.
LeftIsomorphism(I, J) : AlgQuatOrdIdl, AlgQuatOrdIdl -> Map, AlgQuatElt
Given two isomorphic left ideals over a definite order S over Z or Fq[X], this function returns the S-module isomorphism between them, followed by the quaternion algebra element which defines the isomorphism by right-multiplication.
RightIsomorphism(I, J) : AlgQuatOrdIdl, AlgQuatOrdIdl -> Map, AlgQuatElt
Given two isomorphic right ideals over a definite order S over Z or Fq[X], this function returns the S-module isomorphism between them, followed by the quaternion algebra element which defines the isomorphism by left-multiplication.


Example AlgQuat_Isomorphism_algebras (H93E23)

In this example, we create two quaternion algebras over F7, show that they are isomorphic and find an isomorphism between them.
> F<x> := RationalFunctionField( GF(7) );
> Q1 := QuaternionAlgebra< F | (x^2+x-1)*(x+1), x >;
> a := x^3 + x^2 + 3;
> b := x^13 + 4*x^11 + 2*x^10 + x^9 + 6*x^8 + 4*x^5 + 3*x^4 + x;
> Q2:= QuaternionAlgebra< F | a, b >;
> ok, phi:= IsIsomorphic(Q1, Q2 : Isomorphism);
> ok;
> forall{ <x,y> : x,y in Basis(Q1) |  phi(x*y) eq phi(x)*phi(y) };

Example AlgQuat_Isomorphism_example (H93E24)

In this example, we create two ideals, show that they have isomorphic right orders, and then explicitly exhibit the isomorphism.
> A := QuaternionAlgebra(37);
> S := MaximalOrder(A);
> ideals := LeftIdealClasses(S);
> _, I, J := Explode(ideals);
> R := RightOrder(I);
> Q := RightOrder(J);
> IsIsomorphic(R,Q);
Now we find an element pi which conjugates R to Q, and then check that it has this property.
> _, pi := Isomorphism(R,Q);
> J := lideal< S | [ x*pi : x in Basis(J) ] >;
> RightOrder(J) eq R;

Example AlgQuat_Left_Right_Isomorphisms (H93E25)

We construct two non-isomorphic left ideals with the same left and right orders, then investigate their isomorphisms as right ideals.
> S := QuaternionOrder(37);
> ideals := LeftIdealClasses(S);
> _, I, J := Explode(ideals);
> R := RightOrder(I);
> _, pi := Isomorphism(R,RightOrder(J));
> J := lideal< S | [ x*pi : x in Basis(J) ] >;
> IsLeftIsomorphic(I,J);
> IsRightIsomorphic(I,J);
true Mapping from: AlgQuatOrd: I to AlgQuatOrd: J given by a rule [no inverse]
1 + i - 2*k
> h, x := RightIsomorphism(I,J);
> y := [1,2,-1,3];
> y := &+[y[i]*b[i] : i in [1 .. 4]] where b is Basis(I);
> h(y);
[-73  15  31   4]
> x*y;
-73 + 15*i + 31*j + 4*k
The existence of an isomorphism as a right ideal is due to the fact that the two-sided ideals of R do not have non-isomorphic counterparts in S.
> TwoSidedIdealClasses(R);
[ Ideal with basis Pseudo-matrix over Integer Ring
1 * [1 0 0 0]
[0 1 0 0]
[0 0 1 0]
[0 0 0 1]
, Ideal with basis Pseudo-matrix over Integer Ring
1 * [37  0 32 18]
[ 0 37 10  2]
[ 0  0  1  0]
[ 0  0  0  1]
> TwoSidedIdealClasses(S);
[ Ideal with basis Pseudo-matrix over Integer Ring
1 * [1 0 0 0]
[0 1 0 0]
[0 0 1 0]
[0 0 0 1]
Thus while Conjugate(I)*J is in the non-principal R-ideal class, the ideal I*Conjugate(J) represents the unique principal ideal class of S.

Example AlgQuat_Left_Right_Isomorphisms_Number_Field (H93E26)

We exhibit isomorphism testing for ideals of orders over number rings.
> P<x> := PolynomialRing(Rationals());
> F<b> := NumberField(x^3-3*x-1);
> Z_F := MaximalOrder(F);
> F := FieldOfFractions(Z_F);
> A<alpha,beta,alphabeta> := QuaternionAlgebra<F | -3, b>;
> O := Order([alpha,beta,alphabeta]);
> O;
Order of Quaternion Algebra with base ring F
with coefficient ring Maximal Equation Order with defining polynomial x^3 - 3*x
    - 1 over its ground order
> I := ideal<O | 2>;
> I eq (I + ideal<O | 2>);
> I eq (I + ideal<O | 3>);
> Foo := InfinitePlaces(F);
> A := QuaternionAlgebra(ideal<Z_F | 2*3*5>, Foo);
> IsDefinite(A);
> O := MaximalOrder(A);
> I := rideal<O | Norm(O.2), O.2>;
> J := rideal<O | Norm(O.3), O.3>;
> IsIsomorphic(I, J);
true (F.2 + F.3) + (27/9190*F.1 - 143/9190*F.2 - 73/9190*F.3)*i +
(-251/27570*F.1 + 7/2757*F.2 + 10/2757*F.3)*k
V2.28, 13 July 2023