The base field of the quaternion algebra A.
The basis of the algebra A.
Given a quaternion algebra A over Q or Fq(X) with q odd, this function returns a list of primes or normalized irreducible polynomials corresponding to the finite ramified places of A.
> A := QuaternionAlgebra(-436,-503,22); > RamifiedPrimes(A); [ 17 ]Provided the discriminant is of a size which can be factored, the ramified primes are determined efficiently using Hilbert symbols.
Given a quaternion algebra A over Q or Fq(X) with q odd or a number field, this function returns the finite as well as infinite places where A is ramified.Note: The first return value of these functions is always a list of ideals, even if the algebra is given over Q or Fq(X).
> F<x> := RationalFunctionField( GF(5) ); > A := QuaternionAlgebra< F | 2, x >; > R<x>:= Integers(F); > RamifiedPrimes(A); [ x ] > RamifiedPlaces(A); [ Ideal of Univariate Polynomial Ring in x over GF(5) generated by x ] [ Infinity ]
The reduced discriminant of a quaternion algebra A over Q, Fq(X) with q odd or a number field. In the first two cases, the functions return the product of the ramified primes. Over number fields, they return the product of the ramified prime ideals as well as the sequence of ramified infinite places.
Returns integers a and b in the base field F of the given quaternion algebra A such that there exists elements i, j ∈A where i2=a, j2=b, and ji= - ij. The third object returned is the standard quaternion algebra B= QuaternionAlgebra<F|a,b>, and the fourth object is the homomorphism from A to B.