- Introduction
- Module Basics: Embedded and Reduced Modules
- Monomial Orders
- Basic Creation and Access
- Creation of Ambient Embedded Modules
- EModule(R, k) : Rng, RngIntElt -> ModMPol
- EModule(R, k, order) : Rng, RngIntElt, MonStgElt, ... -> ModMPol
- EModule(R, W) : Rng, [ RngIntElt ] -> ModMPol
- EModule(R, W, order) : Rng, [ RngIntElt ], MonStgElt, ... -> ModMPol
- Creation of Reduced Modules
- Localization
- Basic Invariants
- Creation of Module Elements
- Element Operations
- The Homomorphism Type
- Submodules and Quotient Modules
- Basic Module Constructions
- M + N : ModMPol, ModMPol -> ModMPol
- M meet N : ModMPol, ModMPol -> ModMPol
- f * M : ModMPol, RngElt -> ModMPol
- I * M : RngMPol, ModMPol -> ModMPol
- M / N : ModMPol, ModMPol -> ModMPol
- DirectSum(M, N) : ModMPol, ModMPol -> ModMPol, [ModMPolHom], [ModMPolHom]
- DirectSum(S) : [ModMPol] -> ModMPol, [ModMPolHom], [ModMPolHom]
- Twist(M, d) : ModMPol, RngIntElt -> [ ModMPolElt ], ModMPolHom
- Predicates
- Module Operations
- Changing Ring
- Hilbert Series
- Free Resolutions
- The Hom Module and Ext
- Tensor Products and Tor
- Cohomology Of Coherent Sheaves
- Bibliography
V2.28, 28 February 2025