The most recent version of Magma for this platform is V2.28-19.

PC running most versions of Linux.

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These files are for the student version of Magma.

File Description Size Modified
magma.exe.dyn.gz [md5/sha1]

Dynamically linked version.

12.0 MB V2.27-8
magma.exe.gz [md5/sha1]

The Magma executable file.

12.0 MB V2.27-8
You will also require the following file, which is common to all platforms.
shared_complete.tar.gz [md5/sha1]

This archive contains all the necessary common files. If you would prefer, the common files can also be downloaded individually.

355 MB V2.27-8
(Hover over the file size for the size in bytes, and the version number for the file modification date.)