The most recent version of Magma for this platform is V2.28-19.

64-bit Intel Macintosh running OS X Leopard (10.5) or later; also runs on Apple M1 processors via automatic Rosetta translation.

NOTE: to obtain the most up-to-date version, use the UNIX-style downloads page if you are familiar with using a Terminal shell.

If you installed the previous version of Magma using the OS X installer then you can download the much smaller upgrade installer. Note that the upgrade installer requires Magma to be located in your Applications directory. If you have substantially modified your Magma installation then it may be unable to recognise and upgrade it.

NOTE: since V2.21-11 (April 2016), the executable does not run on OS X 10.7 or earlier (because Apple does not provide sufficient backwards compatibility), so please do not upgrade Magma for now if you have OS X 10.7 or earlier.

Click to log in to your account.

These files are for the student version of Magma.

File Description Size Modified
MagmaInstaller.dmg [md5/sha1]

Full Magma installer file. Download and run to perform a full installation of Magma. NOTE: since V2.25 (2020), after downloading the DMG file, DO NOT double click on the DMG file but RIGHT CLICK on it once and select Open to avoid certification failure (on a trackpad, a single tap with both [adjacent] fingers simulates a right click). If this fails to install Magma, then: (1) open System Preferences; (2) click on: Security & Privacy; (3) allow the software downloaded from the Magma webpage (click on Open).

354 MB V2.28-15
Magma_2.28-14_to_2.28-15.dmg [md5/sha1]

Upgrade from V2.28-14 to V2.28-15. If you already have V2.28-14 installed, you may upgrade to V2.28-15 by running this file.

15.4 MB V2.28-15
(Hover over the file size for the size in bytes, and the version number for the file modification date.)