Algebraic Geometry

Families and Fibrations


  1. Anthony Henderson and Eric Rains, The cohomology of real De Concini-Procesi models of Coxeter type, Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN (2008), no. 7, Art. ID rnn001, 29.[MR]
  2. Benjamin Howard, John Millson, Andrew Snowden, and Ravi Vakil, The equations for the moduli space of n points on the line, Duke Math. J. 146 (2009), no. 2, 175–226.[MR/doi]
  3. Alan G. B. Lauder, Degenerations and limit Frobenius structures in rigid cohomology, preprint (2009), 41 pages.[arXiv]
  4. Claus Lehr and Michel Matignon, Wild monodromy and automorphisms of curves, Duke Math. J. 135 (2006), no. 3, 569–586.[MR]
  5. Adrien Poteaux, Computing monodromy groups defined by plane algebraic curves, SNC'07, ACM, New York, 2007, pp. 36–45.[MR]
  6. Carlos Rito, On surfaces with pg = q = 1 and non-ruled bicanonial involution, Ann. Sc. Norm. Super. Pisa Cl. Sci. (5) 6 (2007), no. 1, 81–102.[MR/arXiv]
  7. Kira Samol and Duco van Straten, Frobenius polynomials for Calabi-Yau equations, Commun. Number Theory Phys. 2 (2008), no. 3, 537–561.[MR/arXiv]
  8. James P Smith, Picard-Fuchs differential equations for families of K3 surfaces, PhD Thesis, University of Warwick, 2007.[arXiv]
  9. H. A. Verrill, Sums of squares of binomial coefficients, with applications to Picard-Fuchs equations, preprint (2004), 20 pages.[arXiv]
  10. Bianca Viray, A family of varieties with exactly one pointless rational fiber, preprint (2009), 4 pages.[arXiv]