1. Alex Biryukov, Praveen Gauravaram, Jian Guo, Dmitry Khovratovich, San Ling, Krystian Matusiewicz, Ivica Nikolić, Josef Pieprzyk, and Huaxiong Wang, Cryptanalysis of the LAKE hash family, Fast Software Encryption, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 5665, Springer, Berlin, 2009, pp. 156–179.[doi]
  2. Krystian Matusiewicz, Scott Contini, and Josef Pieprzyk, Weaknesses of the fork-256 compression function, IACR ePrint 2006/317 (2006), 1–21.[link]
  3. Cameron McDonald, Chris Charnes, and Josef Pieprzyk, An algebraic analysis of Trivium ciphers based on the boolean satisfiability problem, IACR (2007).[eprint]