2014 |
November |
Thursday 13th |
Derek Holt (Warwick)
Computing in finite matrix groups
Thursday 6th |
Andreas-Stephan Elsenhans (Sydney)
Computation of Galois groups
October |
Thursday 23rd |
Mark Watkins (Sydney)
Numerical linear algebra in Magma
September |
Monday 29th |
Tom Fisher (University of Cambridge)
Higher descents on an elliptic curve with a rational 2-torsion point
Thursday 18th |
Neil Saunders (University of Bristol)
Exceptional Quotients of Permutation Groups
Thursday 4th |
Mark Watkins (Sydney)
A database of (degenerated) hypergeometric motives
Thursday 4th |
Tom Fisher (University of Cambridge)
Minimal models for 6-coverings of elliptic curves
July |
Thursday 3rd |
Volker Gebhardt (UWS) |
Normal forms of random braids
March |
Thursday 6th |
Jörg Jahnel (Siegen)
K3 surfaces with real multiplication
2013 |
December |
Thursday 5th |
James Shank (University of Kent)
The SAGBI/divide-by-x algorithm for computing rings of invariants of p-groups
Thursday 5th |
Andreas-Stephan Elsenhans
Invariants for computing Galois groups
October |
Thursday 31st |
Daniel J. Bernstein (University of Illinois at Chicago, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven)
McBits: fast constant-time code-based cryptography
Thursday 31st |
Tanja Lange (Technische Universiteit Eindhoven)
Factoring RSA keys from certified smart cards: Coppersmith in the wild
Thursday 24th |
Jon Carlson (University of Georgia)
Cohomology of nilpotent Lie algebras
Thursday 10th |
Brendan Creutz
Some analogs of the Grunwald-Wang theorem
Thursday 10th |
Andreas-Stephan Elsenhans
Explicit computations of invariants
August |
Thursday 29th |
Manoj Yadav (Harish-Chandra Research Institute)
Central factor and commutator subgroup of nilpotent groups
July |
Thursday 4th |
Mike Slattery (Marquette University)
Character degrees of some maximal class p-groups
June |
Thursday 27th |
Yinan Zhang (University of Sydney)
Verifying p-valuation of class numbers
Thursday 20th |
Brendan Creutz (University of Sydney)
2-torsion Brauer classes on double covers
Thursday 20th |
Mark Watkins (University of Sydney)
Ranks of congruent number twists
Thursday 13th |
David Roberts (University of Minnesota - Morris)
Motivic Computations in Magma
May |
Thursday 23rd |
Roman Pearce (CECM/SFU)
Sparse Polynomials in Maple
Thursday 2nd |
Allan Steel (University of Sydney)
Discrete Logarithms in Finite Fields of Small Characteristic in Magma
April |
Thursday 18th |
David Gruenewald
Heuristics on pairing-friendly abelian varieties
Thursday 11th |
Steve Donnelly (University of Sydney)
Recent techniques for the discrete log problem in finite fields, part 2
Thursday 4th |
Steve Donnelly (University of Sydney)
Recent techniques for the discrete log problem in finite fields
March |
Thursday 21st |
Michael Harrison (University of Sydney)
Algebraic Surfaces in Magma II
Thursday 7th |
Jörg Jahnel (University of Siegen)
Experiments with the Brauer-Manin obstruction
February |
Thursday 28th |
Jörg Jahnel (University of Siegen)
K3 surfaces and their Picard groups
Thursday 21st |
Franz Winkler (RISC-Linz)
Classification of algebraic differential equations w.r.t. rational solvability
Thursday 14th |
Alan Lauder (University of Oxford)
Elliptic curves and p-adic L-functions
January |
Thursday 31st |
Jean-François Biasse (University of Calgary)
The number field sieve and its applications to ideal class group computation
Thursday 24th |
Martin Bright (American University of Beirut)
Factorising divisors
2012 |
December |
Thursday 6th |
Fre Vercauteren |
Learning with errors over rings and homomorphic encryption
Thursday 6th |
Michael Harrison
Algebraic Surfaces in Magma
November |
Thursday 29th |
David Harvey
Counting points on hyperelliptic curves
Thursday 22nd |
Andreas-Stephan Elsenhans
Computation of Galois groups
Thursday 15th |
Andreas Pfaffenholz (TU Darmstadt)
Polyhedral Adjunction Theory
Thursday 1st |
Markus Kirschmer
The explicit membership problem for discrete free subgroup of PSL(2,R)
October |
Thursday 25th |
Mark Watkins (University of Sydney)
Hypergeometric motives
June |
Thursday 14th |
Jon Carlson (University of Georgia)
Algebraic Geometry in Representation Theory
Wednesday 6th |
Jérémy Le Borgne
Effective computations for some Galois representations
May |
Thursday 24th |
Don Taylor (Sydney)
A survey of finite nearfields in Magma
Thursday 10th |
Alla Detinko (Galway)
Algorithms for finitely generated linear groups
Thursday 3rd |
Jon Carlson (University of Georgia)
Computing with Matrix Algebras
March |
Thursday 29th |
Sebastian Jambor (RWTH Aachen)
The L_2-quotient and L_3-U_3-quotient algorithms
Thursday 15th |
Thomas Feulner (Bayreuth)
Canonical Forms for Linear Codes
February |
Thursday 23rd |
Derek Holt (University of Warwick)
Computing in Large Matrix Groups
January |
Thursday 19th |
Alexander Kasprzyk (Imperial College)
Computational aspects of extremal Laurent polynomials and Fano varieties
2011 |
December |
Tuesday 20th |
Kiran Kedlaya
The Sato-Tate conjecture for elliptic and hyperelliptic curves
November |
Thursday 24th |
Scott Murray
Workshop on computation in Coxeter groups and Kac-Moody algebras
Thursday 24th |
Van Minh Nguyen |
Workshop on computation in Coxeter groups and Kac-Moody algebras
Wednesday 23rd |
Anne Thomas |
Workshop on computation in Coxeter groups and Kac-Moody algebras
Wednesday 23rd |
Jie Du |
Workshop on computation in Coxeter groups and Kac-Moody algebras
Thursday 17th |
Bob Howlett |
Workshop on computation in Coxeter groups and Kac-Moody algebras
Thursday 17th |
James Parkinson |
Workshop on computation in Coxeter groups and Kac-Moody algebras
Wednesday 16th |
Casselman, Roozemond |
Workshop on computation in Coxeter groups and Kac-Moody algebras
Thursday 10th |
Gaetan Bisson (Macquarie University)
Computing endomorphism rings of abelian varieties
Thursday 3rd |
Michael Mourao (University of Warwick)
The set of rational points of an algebraic curve
October |
Thursday 27th |
Brendan Creutz (University of Sydney)
Arithmetic of superelliptic curves
Thursday 20th |
Zhibin Liang (Capital Normal University, Beijing)
On critical values of L-functions twisted by a non-commutative Artin representations
June |
Thursday 23rd |
David Swinarski (University of Georgia)
Low degree Hilbert stability and curves with automorphisms
May |
Thursday 5th |
Jared Weinstein (Boston University)
An overview of the local Langlands program
April |
Thursday 14th |
Willem de Graaf
Classifying semisimple orbits of theta-groups
March |
Thursday 10th |
Jan Steffen Müller (Bayreuth)
Computing canonical heights on Jacobians
Thursday 10th |
Felipe Voloch (University of Texas)
Finite descent obstruction and modularity
Thursday 3rd |
Andreas-Stephan Elsenhans (Bayreuth)
K3-surfaces and Picard groups
February |
Thursday 24th |
Andreas-Stephan Elsenhans (Bayreuth)
Arithmetic of Cubic Surfaces
Thursday 10th |
Andrew Wilson
Computing invariant global log canonical thresholds in Magma
January |
Thursday 13th |
John Voight (Vermont)
Congruence subgroups of triangle groups
Thursday 13th |
Gavin Brown (Loughborough)
The Picard group of del Pezzo surfaces
2010 |
December |
Tuesday 14th |
Martin Bright (Warwick)
Computing Brauer-Manin obstructions
Tuesday 14th |
Alexander Kasprzyk (Sydney University)
Reflexive polytopes and their role in Mirror Symmetry
Thursday 9th |
Nils Bruin (Simon Fraser University)
Richelot isogenies on Jacobians of genus 2 curves
November |
Thursday 18th |
Alexander Hulpke (Colorado State University)
Computing Conjugacy Classes in Finite Matrix Groups
Thursday 4th |
Eamonn O'Brien (University of Auckland)
The Ore Conjecture
September |
Thursday 23rd |
Vladimir Dokchitser (University of Cambridge)
Ranks of elliptic curves: parity phenomena
July |
Thursday 1st |
Jean-François Biasse (École Polytechnique)
Class group and regulator computation in quadratic number fields
June |
Thursday 24th |
Steve Donnelly (University of Sydney)
Descent algorithms for elliptic curves, Part 3
Thursday 17th |
Steve Donnelly (University of Sydney)
Descent algorithms for elliptic curves, Part 2
Thursday 10th |
Benjamin Nill (University of Georgia)
Dual defect toric manifolds and the Cayley polytope conjecture
Thursday 3rd |
Steve Donnelly (University of Sydney)
Descent algorithms for elliptic curves, Part 1
May |
Thursday 27th |
Dan Roozemond (University of Sydney)
Some thoughts on recognition of Lie algebras
Thursday 20th |
Alexander Kasprzyk (University of Sydney)
The canonical line hypothesis for smooth Fano polytopes
Thursday 13th |
Alexander Kasprzyk (University of Sydney)
Frolicking with convex bodies
Thursday 6th |
Jarosław Buczyński (University Of Grenoble and Texas A&M University)
Integrating toric varieties with other ambient structures in Magma
April |
Thursday 22nd |
Damien Stehlé (CNRS, Lyon)
Gentry's fully homomorphic encryption scheme
Thursday 8th |
Tom Fisher (University of Cambridge)
Finding rational points on Brauer–Severi varieties
Thursday 8th |
David Harvey (New York University)
Computing zeta functions of projective hypersurfaces in large characteristic
March |
Thursday 25th |
Steve Donnelly (University of Sydney)
Solving conics over number fields
Tuesday 9th |
Michael Pohst (TU-Berlin)
On computing integral points of Mordell curves over global fields
February |
Thursday 25th |
Michael Pohst (TU-Berlin)
On solving norm equations in global function fields
January |
Tuesday 19th |
Gavin Brown (University of Loughborough, UK)
Rational points on 3-folds
Tuesday 19th |
Kiran Kedlaya (MIT)
Computing L-series for low genus curves
Thursday 14th |
Gavin Brown (University of Loughborough, UK)
Elliptic surfaces and threefolds