Thursday 13th Derek Holt (Warwick) Computing in finite matrix groups
Thursday 6th Andreas-Stephan Elsenhans (Sydney) Computation of Galois groups
Thursday 23rd Mark Watkins (Sydney) Numerical linear algebra in Magma
Monday 29th Tom Fisher (University of Cambridge) Higher descents on an elliptic curve with a rational 2-torsion point
Thursday 18th Neil Saunders (University of Bristol) Exceptional Quotients of Permutation Groups
Thursday 4th Mark Watkins (Sydney) A database of (degenerated) hypergeometric motives
Thursday 4th Tom Fisher (University of Cambridge) Minimal models for 6-coverings of elliptic curves
Thursday 3rd Volker Gebhardt (UWS) Normal forms of random braids
Thursday 6th Jörg Jahnel (Siegen) K3 surfaces with real multiplication
Thursday 5th James Shank (University of Kent) The SAGBI/divide-by-x algorithm for computing rings of invariants of p-groups
Thursday 5th Andreas-Stephan Elsenhans Invariants for computing Galois groups
Thursday 31st Daniel J. Bernstein (University of Illinois at Chicago, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven) McBits: fast constant-time code-based cryptography
Thursday 31st Tanja Lange (Technische Universiteit Eindhoven) Factoring RSA keys from certified smart cards: Coppersmith in the wild
Thursday 24th Jon Carlson (University of Georgia) Cohomology of nilpotent Lie algebras
Thursday 10th Brendan Creutz Some analogs of the Grunwald-Wang theorem
Thursday 10th Andreas-Stephan Elsenhans Explicit computations of invariants
Thursday 29th Manoj Yadav (Harish-Chandra Research Institute) Central factor and commutator subgroup of nilpotent groups
Thursday 4th Mike Slattery (Marquette University) Character degrees of some maximal class p-groups
Thursday 27th Yinan Zhang (University of Sydney) Verifying p-valuation of class numbers
Thursday 20th Brendan Creutz (University of Sydney) 2-torsion Brauer classes on double covers
Thursday 20th Mark Watkins (University of Sydney) Ranks of congruent number twists
Thursday 13th David Roberts (University of Minnesota - Morris) Motivic Computations in Magma
Thursday 23rd Roman Pearce (CECM/SFU) Sparse Polynomials in Maple
Thursday 2nd Allan Steel (University of Sydney) Discrete Logarithms in Finite Fields of Small Characteristic in Magma
Thursday 18th David Gruenewald Heuristics on pairing-friendly abelian varieties
Thursday 11th Steve Donnelly (University of Sydney) Recent techniques for the discrete log problem in finite fields, part 2
Thursday 4th Steve Donnelly (University of Sydney) Recent techniques for the discrete log problem in finite fields
Thursday 21st Michael Harrison (University of Sydney) Algebraic Surfaces in Magma II
Thursday 7th Jörg Jahnel (University of Siegen) Experiments with the Brauer-Manin obstruction
Thursday 28th Jörg Jahnel (University of Siegen) K3 surfaces and their Picard groups
Thursday 21st Franz Winkler (RISC-Linz) Classification of algebraic differential equations w.r.t. rational solvability
Thursday 14th Alan Lauder (University of Oxford) Elliptic curves and p-adic L-functions
Thursday 31st Jean-François Biasse (University of Calgary) The number field sieve and its applications to ideal class group computation
Thursday 24th Martin Bright (American University of Beirut) Factorising divisors
Thursday 6th Fre Vercauteren Learning with errors over rings and homomorphic encryption
Thursday 6th Michael Harrison Algebraic Surfaces in Magma
Thursday 29th David Harvey Counting points on hyperelliptic curves
Thursday 22nd Andreas-Stephan Elsenhans Computation of Galois groups
Thursday 15th Andreas Pfaffenholz (TU Darmstadt) Polyhedral Adjunction Theory
Thursday 1st Markus Kirschmer The explicit membership problem for discrete free subgroup of PSL(2,R)
Thursday 25th Mark Watkins (University of Sydney) Hypergeometric motives
Thursday 14th Jon Carlson (University of Georgia) Algebraic Geometry in Representation Theory
Wednesday 6th Jérémy Le Borgne Effective computations for some Galois representations
Thursday 24th Don Taylor (Sydney) A survey of finite nearfields in Magma
Thursday 10th Alla Detinko (Galway) Algorithms for finitely generated linear groups
Thursday 3rd Jon Carlson (University of Georgia) Computing with Matrix Algebras
Thursday 29th Sebastian Jambor (RWTH Aachen) The L_2-quotient and L_3-U_3-quotient algorithms
Thursday 15th Thomas Feulner (Bayreuth) Canonical Forms for Linear Codes
Thursday 23rd Derek Holt (University of Warwick) Computing in Large Matrix Groups
Thursday 19th Alexander Kasprzyk (Imperial College) Computational aspects of extremal Laurent polynomials and Fano varieties
Tuesday 20th Kiran Kedlaya The Sato-Tate conjecture for elliptic and hyperelliptic curves
Thursday 24th Scott Murray Workshop on computation in Coxeter groups and Kac-Moody algebras
Thursday 24th Van Minh Nguyen Workshop on computation in Coxeter groups and Kac-Moody algebras
Wednesday 23rd Anne Thomas Workshop on computation in Coxeter groups and Kac-Moody algebras
Wednesday 23rd Jie Du Workshop on computation in Coxeter groups and Kac-Moody algebras
Thursday 17th Bob Howlett Workshop on computation in Coxeter groups and Kac-Moody algebras
Thursday 17th James Parkinson Workshop on computation in Coxeter groups and Kac-Moody algebras
Wednesday 16th Casselman, Roozemond Workshop on computation in Coxeter groups and Kac-Moody algebras
Thursday 10th Gaetan Bisson (Macquarie University) Computing endomorphism rings of abelian varieties
Thursday 3rd Michael Mourao (University of Warwick) The set of rational points of an algebraic curve
Thursday 27th Brendan Creutz (University of Sydney) Arithmetic of superelliptic curves
Thursday 20th Zhibin Liang (Capital Normal University, Beijing) On critical values of L-functions twisted by a non-commutative Artin representations
Thursday 23rd David Swinarski (University of Georgia) Low degree Hilbert stability and curves with automorphisms
Thursday 5th Jared Weinstein (Boston University) An overview of the local Langlands program
Thursday 14th Willem de Graaf Classifying semisimple orbits of theta-groups
Thursday 10th Jan Steffen Müller (Bayreuth) Computing canonical heights on Jacobians
Thursday 10th Felipe Voloch (University of Texas) Finite descent obstruction and modularity
Thursday 3rd Andreas-Stephan Elsenhans (Bayreuth) K3-surfaces and Picard groups
Thursday 24th Andreas-Stephan Elsenhans (Bayreuth) Arithmetic of Cubic Surfaces
Thursday 10th Andrew Wilson Computing invariant global log canonical thresholds in Magma
Thursday 13th John Voight (Vermont) Congruence subgroups of triangle groups
Thursday 13th Gavin Brown (Loughborough) The Picard group of del Pezzo surfaces
Tuesday 14th Martin Bright (Warwick) Computing Brauer-Manin obstructions
Tuesday 14th Alexander Kasprzyk (Sydney University) Reflexive polytopes and their role in Mirror Symmetry
Thursday 9th Nils Bruin (Simon Fraser University) Richelot isogenies on Jacobians of genus 2 curves
Thursday 18th Alexander Hulpke (Colorado State University) Computing Conjugacy Classes in Finite Matrix Groups
Thursday 4th Eamonn O'Brien (University of Auckland) The Ore Conjecture
Thursday 23rd Vladimir Dokchitser (University of Cambridge) Ranks of elliptic curves: parity phenomena
Thursday 1st Jean-François Biasse (École Polytechnique) Class group and regulator computation in quadratic number fields
Thursday 24th Steve Donnelly (University of Sydney) Descent algorithms for elliptic curves, Part 3
Thursday 17th Steve Donnelly (University of Sydney) Descent algorithms for elliptic curves, Part 2
Thursday 10th Benjamin Nill (University of Georgia) Dual defect toric manifolds and the Cayley polytope conjecture
Thursday 3rd Steve Donnelly (University of Sydney) Descent algorithms for elliptic curves, Part 1
Thursday 27th Dan Roozemond (University of Sydney) Some thoughts on recognition of Lie algebras
Thursday 20th Alexander Kasprzyk (University of Sydney) The canonical line hypothesis for smooth Fano polytopes
Thursday 13th Alexander Kasprzyk (University of Sydney) Frolicking with convex bodies
Thursday 6th Jarosław Buczyński (University Of Grenoble and Texas A&M University) Integrating toric varieties with other ambient structures in Magma
Thursday 22nd Damien Stehlé (CNRS, Lyon) Gentry's fully homomorphic encryption scheme
Thursday 8th Tom Fisher (University of Cambridge) Finding rational points on Brauer–Severi varieties
Thursday 8th David Harvey (New York University) Computing zeta functions of projective hypersurfaces in large characteristic
Thursday 25th Steve Donnelly (University of Sydney) Solving conics over number fields
Tuesday 9th Michael Pohst (TU-Berlin) On computing integral points of Mordell curves over global fields
Thursday 25th Michael Pohst (TU-Berlin) On solving norm equations in global function fields
Tuesday 19th Gavin Brown (University of Loughborough, UK) Rational points on 3-folds
Tuesday 19th Kiran Kedlaya (MIT) Computing L-series for low genus curves
Thursday 14th Gavin Brown (University of Loughborough, UK) Elliptic surfaces and threefolds