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  2. Nils Bruin and E. Victor Flynn, Towers of 2-covers of hyperelliptic curves, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 357 (2005), no. 11, 4329–4347 (electronic).[MR]
  3. John J. Cannon, Derek F. Holt, Michael Slattery, and Allan K. Steel, Computing subgroups of bounded index in a finite group, J. Symbolic Comput. 40 (2005), no. 2, 1013–1022.[MR]
  4. Francisco Diaz y Diaz, Jean-François Jaulent, Sebastian Pauli, Michael Pohst, and Florence Soriano-Gafiuk, A new algorithm for the computation of logarithmic l-class groups of number fields, Experiment. Math. 14 (2005), no. 1, 65–74.[MR]
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  10. Derek F. Holt and Colva M. Roney-Dougal, Constructing maximal subgroups of classical groups, LMS J. Comput. Math. 8 (2005), 46–79 (electronic).[MR]
  11. Jürgen Klüners and Sebastian Pauli, Computing residue class rings and Picard groups of orders, J. Algebra 292 (2005), no. 1, 47–64.[MR]
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  10. Claus Fieker and Michael E. Pohst, Dependency of units in number fields, Math. Comp. 75 (2006), no. 255, 1507–1518 (electronic).[MR]
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  12. Willem A. de Graaf, Michael Harrison, Jana Pílniková, and Josef Schicho, A Lie algebra method for rational parametrization of Severi-Brauer surfaces, J. Algebra 303 (2006), no. 2, 514–529.[MR]
  13. Markus Grassl, Searching for linear codes with large minimum distance, Discovering Mathematics with Magma, Algorithms Comput. Math., vol. 19, Springer, Berlin, 2006, pp. 287–313.[MR/doi]
  14. Michael Harrison and Josef Schicho, Rational parametrisation for degree 6 Del Pezzo surfaces using Lie algebras, ISSAC 2006, ACM, New York, 2006, pp. 132–137.[MR]
  15. Derek F. Holt, Cohomology and group extensions in Magma, Discovering Mathematics with Magma, Algorithms Comput. Math., vol. 19, Springer, Berlin, 2006, pp. 221–241.[MR]
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  10. Claus Fieker and Willem A. de Graaf, Finding integral linear dependencies of algebraic numbers and algebraic Lie algebras, LMS J. Comput. Math. 10 (2007), 271–287 (electronic).[MR]
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  20. Derek F. Holt and Mark J. Stather, Computing a chief series and the soluble radical of a matrix group over a finite field, LMS J. Comput. Math. 11 (2008), 223–251.[MR]
  21. Jean-François Jaulent, Sebastian Pauli, Michael E. Pohst, and Florence Soriano-Gafiuk, Computation of 2-groups of positive classes of exceptional number fields, J. Théor. Nombres Bordeaux 20 (2008), no. 3, 715–732.[MR]
  22. Muraleedaran Krishnasamy and D. E. Taylor, Embeddings of complex line systems and finite reflection groups, J. Aust. Math. Soc. 85 (2008), no. 2, 211–228.[MR/doi]
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