
Computational Arithmetic Geometry

Sydney, June 18 - 20, 2003


All the talks will be in Carslaw Lecture Theatre 373. We start each day with a cup of coffee or tea in the Mathematics Common Room, Carslaw 727. This room is on the 7th floor of the Carslaw building, on your right hand when you exit the lift. Use the instructions to find the Carslaw Building if necessary.

Wednesday, June 18

9:30 Welcome tea/coffee in Carslaw 727
10:00 Elliptic Curves and the Weak ABC Conjecture, Victor Scharaschkin
11:00 Elliptic Curves with lots of integral points, Mark Watkins
12:00 Lunch break
14:00 Modular Equations for Weber-type Functions of Higher Signature, Bill Hart
15:00 Afternoon tea/coffee in Carslaw 727
15:30 Explicitly computing endomorphism rings of modular abelian varieties, William Stein

Thursday, June 19

9:30 Morning tea/coffee in Carslaw 727
10:00 The Brauer-Manin obstruction and S-units, Joost van Hamel
11:00 Prym varieties of smooth plane quartics, Nils Bruin
12:00 Lunch break
14:00 Galois Module Structure and Ranks for Weierstrass Subgroups, David Kohel
15:00 Afternoon tea/coffee in Carslaw 727
15:30 Computing sets of rational points using Dem'janenko-Manin's method, Martine Girard

Friday, June 20

9:30 Morning tea/coffee in Carslaw 727
10:00 Constructions of Class Fields of Global Fields, Claus Fieker
11:00 Class towers of number fields, Michael Bush
12:00 Lunch break
14:00 Mahler lecture: Galois Theory and Primality Testing, Hendrik Lenstra Jr.
15:00 Farewell reception (savoury snacks, beer, wine, etc.)

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