Here is a tentative schedule. Only a few abstracts are known. Talks are in Room 6214. See the CRM page also.
Monday, February 22, 2010 9:30-10:30AM: Henri Darmon (McGill) p-adic L-functions, (Stark)-Heegner points, and computer algebra. 11:00-12:00AM: Mark Watkins (Sydney) What Magma can do with classical L-functions 2:30-3:30PM: Matt Greenberg (Calgary) Computational aspects with p-adic L-functions 4:00-5:00PM: Samit Dasgupta (Santa Cruz) Conjectural infinite product formula for Gross-Stark units Tuesday, February 23, 2010 9:30-10:30AM: Christian Wuthrich (Nottingham) Why Iwasawa theorists need p-adic L-functions 11:00-12:00PM: Joel Bellaiche (Brandeis) No subject given 2:30-3:30PM: Bryden Cais (McGill) Hida families and their Wach modules 4:00-5:00PM: Marc Masdeu (McGill) Computing the p-adic Abel-Jacobi of algebraic cycles on Shimura curves Wednesday, February 24, 2010 9:30-10:30AM: Glenn Stevens (Boston) Overconvergent Modular Symbols and p-Adic L-functions 11:00-12:00AM: Lassina Dembele (Warwick) A multiplicity one conjecture for mod p quaternonic automorphic forms and application to tensor product factorization. Thursday, February 25, 2010 9:30-10:30AM: Lawrence Washington (Maryland) Iwasawa theory and algebraic number theory 11:00-12:00AM: Hugo Chapdelaine (Laval) A p-adic construction of elliptic units in ray class fields of real quadratic fields 2:30-3:30PM: Ralph Greenberg (Washington) p-adic Artin L-functions 4:00-5:00PM: Jeehon Park (McGill) On Teitelbaum type L-invariants of Hilbert modular forms attached to definite quaternions Friday, February 26, 2010 9:30-10:30AM: Masato Kurihara (Keio) Selmer groups and modular elements for elliptic curves 11:00-12:00AM: Kazuo Matsuno (Tsuda) Computation of 2-adic cyclotomic mu-invariants of ordinary elliptic curves 2:30-3:30PM: Zhibin Liang (Capital Normal) BSD for elliptic curves with complex multiplication 4:00-5:00PM: John Coates (Cambridge) Colloquium