We are delighted to announce that an agreement has recently been concluded between the Magma Group at the University of Sydney and the Simons Foundation that will make Magma much more widely available within the US.

Specifically, the Simons Foundation will underwrite the distribution/maintenance costs associated with making Magma available to people employed by, studying at, or affiliated with a US non-profit non-government educational or scientific research institution.

The Agreement came into effect on August 1, 2013 and will run for three years in the first instance.

There will be no limit on the number or size of machines registered to run Magma under the Simons Agreement provided that they are owned or leased by the participating organization. The supply of Magma under this Agreement will follow the same procedures as those that apply when the user organization directly pays the distribution/maintenance charge.

Eligible individuals are expected to obtain versions through their employer (an exception is made for retired researchers). Research groups and departments located at eligible institutions who acquired Magma prior to the Simons Agreement can take advantage of this scheme to greatly expand the number of platforms on which Magma is available.

We encourage people at eligible institutions to contact the Magma group at magma@maths.usyd.edu.au as soon as possible.

More extensive details are available here.