17th Dec 2013 Magma V2.20-2 is available.[Details]
11th Dec 2013
Magma V2.20 contains a new dense variant of the Faugere F4 algorithm for computing Groebner bases, which takes considerably less time and memory for several dense input systems.
11th Dec 2013 Magma V2.20 is available.[Details]
18th Oct 2013 Magma V2.19-10 is available.[Details]
28th Aug 2013 Magma V2.19-9 is available.[Details]
22nd Aug 2013
Recent hardware troubles caused the website to be intermittently available from August 19 to August 21. Replacements have now been installed and the issues corrected.
8th Aug 2013
We are delighted to announce that an agreement has recently been concluded between the Magma Group at the University of Sydney and the Simons Foundation that will make Magma much more widely available within the US.

Specifically, the Simons Foundation will underwrite the distribution/maintenance costs associated with making Magma available to people employed by, studying at, or affiliated with a US non-profit non-government educational or scientific research institution.

The Agreement came into effect on August 1, 2013 and will run for three years in the first instance.
23rd Jul 2013 Magma V2.19-8 is available.[Details]
26th Jun 2013
From V2.19-7 onwards, for the Intel64/Linux version an executable is available which supports Intel AVX instructions. This is applicable to most Intel processors released since 2012 (including the Sandy Bridge, Ivy Bridge and Haswell architectures) with a Linux version which is suitably new (Kernel version 2.6.30 or later and GLIBC_2.7 or later). The AVX version runs significantly faster than the standard Intel64 version for several types of computation.
25th Jun 2013 Magma V2.19-7 is available.[Details]
17th May 2013 Magma V2.19-6 is available.[Details]
12th Apr 2013
Note that Magma V2.19-5 includes a revised edition of the Magma Handbook (and the associated HTML version)
11th Apr 2013 Magma V2.19-5 is available.[Details]
5th Mar 2013 Magma V2.19-4 is available.[Details]
1st Feb 2013 Magma V2.19-3 is available.[Details]