Construction of Matrix Algebras and their Elements


Construction of the Complete Matrix Algebra

MatrixAlgebra(S, n) : Rng, RngIntElt -> AlgMat
MatrixRing(S, n) : Rng, RngIntElt -> AlgMat
Given a positive integer n and a ring S, create the complete matrix algebra Mn(S), consisting of all n x n matrices with coefficients in the ring S.

Construction of a Matrix

elt< R | L > : AlgMat, RngElt -> AlgMatElt
Given a matrix algebra defined as a subalgebra of Mn(S), create the element of R defined by the list L of n2 elements from S.
R ! Q : AlgMat, [ RngElt ] -> AlgMatElt
Given a matrix algebra R defined as a subalgebra of Mn(S) and a sequence Q=[a11, ..., a1n, a21, ..., a2n, ..., an1, ..., ann] of n2 elements of S, return the matrix
   [ a_11 a_12 ... a_1n ]
   [ a_21 a_22 ... a_2n ]
   [         ...        ]
   [ a_n1 a_n2 ... a_nn ]
as an element of R. Note that the algebra R must exist before an attempt is made to create matrices.
CambridgeMatrix(t, K, n, Q) : RngIntElt, FldFin, RngIntElt, [ ] -> AlgMatElt
This function creates a n by n matrix over the finite field K of cardinality q specified in a "Cambridge" format in the general matrix algebra of degree n over K. The parameter t specifies the type of the format. If t is 1, then q is assumed to be less than 10 and the sequence Q must consist of n strings which give the n rows---each string must have length n and contain the entries of that row (each entry is a digit in the range [0, q - 1]). If t is 3 then Q must consist of n2 integers in the range [0, q - 1] which give the entries in row-major order. In either format, if q=pe, where p is prime and e>1, then an entry x is written as a vector using the base-p representation of length e of x and the corresponding element in K is used (see the Finite Fields chapter for details). This function is principally provided for the reading in of large matrices.
CompanionMatrix(p) : RngUPolElt -> AlgMatElt
Given a monic polynomial p of degree n over a ring R, create the companion matrix C for p as an element of Mn(R). The minimal and characteristic polynomial of C is then p.
DiagonalMatrix(R, Q) : AlgMat, [ RngElt ] -> AlgMatElt
If R is a subalgebra of Mn(S) and Q is a sequence of n elements of S, create the diagonal matrix diag( Q[1], Q[2], ..., Q[n] ).
MatrixUnit(R, i, j) : AlgMat, RngIntElt, RngIntElt -> AlgMatElt
Create the matrix unit E(i, j) in the matrix algebra R, i.e. the matrix having the one of the coefficient ring of R in position (i, j) and zeros elsewhere.
Random(R) : AlgMat -> AlgMatElt
Create a random matrix of the matrix algebra R.
ScalarMatrix(R, t) : AlgMat, RngElt -> AlgMatElt
If R is a subalgebra of Mn(S) and t is an element of the ring S, create the scalar matrix t * I in R.
R ! 1 : AlgMat, RngIntElt -> AlgMatElt
Create the identity matrix In of the matrix algebra R.
R ! 0 : AlgMat, RngIntElt -> AlgMatElt
Create the zero matrix of the matrix algebra R.
R ! t : AlgMat, RngIntElt -> AlgMatElt
Create the scalar matrix t * I of the matrix algebra R.

Constructing a General Matrix Algebra

MatrixAlgebra<S, n | L> : Rng, RngIntElt, List -> AlgMat
MatrixRing<S, n | L> : Rng, RngIntElt, List -> AlgMat
Given a commutative ring S and a positive integer n, create the S-algebra R consisting of the n x n matrices over the ring S generated by the elements defined in the list L. Let F denote the algebra Mn(S). Each term Li of the list L must be an expression defining an object of one of the following types:
A sequence of n2 elements of S defining an element of F.
A set or sequence whose terms are sequences of type (a).
An element of F.
A set or sequence whose terms are elements of F.
The null list.

The generators stored for R consist of the elements specified by terms Li together with the stored generators for subalgebras specified by terms of Li. Repetitions of an element and occurrences of scalar matrices are removed.

Example AlgMat_Creation (H90E1)

We demonstrate the use of the matrix algebra constructor by creating an algebra of 3 x 3 lower-triangular matrices over the rational field.
> Q := RationalField();
> A := MatrixAlgebra< Q, 3 | [ 1/3,0,0, 3/2,3,0, -1/2,4,3],
>        [ 3,0,0, 1/2,-5,0, 8,-1/2,4] >;
> A:Maximal;
Matrix Algebra of degree 3 with 2 generators over Rational Field
[ 1/3    0    0]
[ 3/2    3    0]
[-1/2    4    3]
[   3    0    0]
[ 1/2   -5    0]
[   8 -1/2    4]
> Dimension(A);

Example AlgMat_Cambridge (H90E2)

We construct a 4 by 4 matrix over the finite field with 5 elements using the CambridgeMatrix function.
> K := FiniteField(5);
> x := CambridgeMatrix(1, K, 4, [ "1234", "0111", "4321", "1211" ]);
> x;
[1 2 3 4]
[0 1 1 1]
[4 3 2 1]
[1 2 1 1]
Algebra(R) : AlgMatV -> AlgGen, Map
Given a matrix algebra R, construct a structure-constant algebra C isomorphic to R together with the isomorphism from R onto C.

The Invariants of a Matrix Algebra

R . i : AlgMat, RngIntElt -> AlgMatElt
The i-th defining generator for the matrix algebra R.
BaseRing(R) : AlgMatV -> Rng
CoefficientRing(R) : AlgMatV -> Rng
The coefficient ring S for the matrix algebra R.
Degree(R) : AlgMatV -> RngIntElt
Given a matrix algebra R, return the degree n of R.
Generators(R) : AlgMat -> { AlgMatElt }
The set consisting of the defining generators for the matrix algebra R.
Generic(R) : AlgMat -> AlgMat
The complete matrix algebra Mn(S) in which the matrix algebra R is naturally embedded.
BaseModule(R) : AlgMatV -> ModTup
If R is a subring of the matrix algebra Mn(S), then R is considered to act on the free S-module of rank n, consisting of n-tuples over S. The function BaseModule returns this S-module.
NumberOfGenerators(R) : AlgMat -> { AlgMatElt }
Ngens(R) : AlgMat -> { AlgMatElt }
The number of defining generators for the matrix algebra R.
Parent(a) : AlgMatElt -> AlgMat
Given an element a belonging to the matrix algebra R, return R, i.e. the parent structure for a.

Example AlgMat_Invariants (H90E3)

We illustrate the use of these functions by applying them to the algebra of 3 x 3 lower-triangular matrices over the rational field constructed above.
> Q := RationalField();
> A := MatrixAlgebra< Q, 3 | [ 1/3,0,0, 3/2,3,0, -1/2,4,3],
>        [ 3,0,0, 1/2,-5,0, 8,-1/2,4] >;
> CoefficientRing(A);
Rational Field
> Degree(A);
> Ngens(A);
> Generators(A);
    [ 1/3    0    0]
    [ 3/2    3    0]
    [-1/2    4    3],
    [   3    0    0]
    [ 1/2   -5    0]
    [   8 -1/2    4]
> Generic(A);
Full Matrix Algebra of degree 3 over Rational Field
> Dimension(A);
V2.28, 13 July 2023