The functions described here provide access to basic information stored for a polycyclic group G.
The i-th polycyclic generator for G if i>0, the inverse of the |i|-th polycyclic generator for G if i<0 and the identity element of G if i=0.
An indexed set containing the polycyclic generators of G.
An indexed set containing the polycyclic generators of H as elements of G.
The number of polycyclic generators for the polycyclic group G.
The orders of the cyclic factors in the polycyclic series defined by the polycyclic presentation of G. The orders are returned in a sequence Q. |Gi/Gi + 1| = mi = Q[i] if Q[i] > 0 and Gi/Gi + 1 is infinite (i.e. i∉I) if Q[i] = 0.
The Hirsch number of G, i.e. the number of infinite cyclic factors in the polycyclic series defined by the polycyclic presentation of G.The Hirsch number of G is equal to n - |I|, i.e. to the number of polycyclic generators of G for which there is no power relation. A polycyclic group G is finite if and only if its Hirsch number is 0.