Maps and Curves


Elementary Maps

The first group of functions create selfmaps of the affine plane. Such a map f can be used to move a curve around the plane simply by applying it to the curve. See Chapter SCHEMES on schemes for more details about maps.

IdentityAutomorphism(A) : Sch -> AutSch
Translation(A,p) : Sch,Pt -> AutSch
FlipCoordinates(A) : Sch -> AutSch
Automorphism(A,q) : Sch,RngMPolElt -> AutSch
These are the basic automorphisms of the affine plane A taking (x, y) to (x, y), (x - a, y - b), (y, x) and (x + q(y), y) respectively, where p is the point (a, b) and q is a polynomial on A involving y only.
TranslationToInfinity(C,p) : Crv,Pt -> Crv,AutSch
The image of C under the change of coordinates which translates p to the point (0:1:0) in the projective plane and makes the tangent line there equal to the line at infinity. An error is reported if p is a singular point of C. The change of coordinates map is given so that other curves can be mapped by the same change of coordinates.

Example Crv_translation-to-infinity (H121E16)

In this example we show how one could begin to work out a Weierstrass equation for a Fermat cubic. First we define that cubic curve C in the projective plane and choose a point p on C.

> P<x,y,z> := ProjectiveSpace(Rationals(),2);
> C := Curve(P,x^3 + y^3 + z^3);
> p := C ! [1,-1,0];
> IsFlex(C,p);
true 3

The point we have chosen is a flex --- the second return value of 3 is the local intersection number of the curve C with its tangent line at p. We use the intrinsic TranslationToInfinity to make an automorphism of P which takes the point p to the point (0:1:0) and takes the curve C to a curve which has tangent line z=0 at the image of p.

> C1,phi := TranslationToInfinity(C,p);
> phi(p);
(0 : 1 : 0)
> C1;
Curve over Rational Field defined by
x^3 + 3*y^2*z - 3*y*z^2 + z^3

This is almost in Weierstrass form already. It is a pleasant exercise to make coordinate changes which "absorb" some of the coefficients. Alternatively, one can use the intrinsic EllipticCurve to perform the entire transformation in one step.

EvaluateByPowerSeries(m, P) : MapSch, Pt -> Pt
Given a map m: C to D, and a nonsingular point P on C, where C is a curve, return m(P), evaluating m(P) using a power series expansion if necessary. This allows a rational map on C to be evaluated at nonsingular base points.

Example Crv_maps-point_pow_eval (H121E17)

The following example shows a map evaluated at a point using power series methods.
> P2<X,Y,Z>:=ProjectiveSpace(Rationals(),2);
> C:=Curve(P2,X^3+Y^3-2*Z^3);
> D:=Curve(P2,Y^2*Z-X^3+27*Z^3);
> phi:=map<C->D|[-6*X^2-6*X*Z+6*Y^2+6*Y*Z,
>                9*X^2+18*X*Y+18*X*Z+9*Y^2+18*Y*Z+36*Z^2,
>                X^2-2*X*Z-Y^2+2*Y*Z
>               ]>;
> P:=C![-1,1,0];
> P in BaseScheme(phi);
true (-1 : 1 : 0)
> Q:=EvaluateByPowerSeries(phi,P);
> Q;
(3 : 0 : 1)
> phi(P);
>> phi(P);
Runtime error in map application: Image of map does not lie in the codomain
> pullbackQ:=Q@@phi;
> pullbackQ;
Scheme over Rational Field defined by
-9*X^2 + 9*Y^2,
9*X^2 + 18*X*Y + 18*X*Z + 9*Y^2 + 18*Y*Z + 36*Z^2,
X^3 + Y^3 - 2*Z^3
> IsSubscheme(BaseScheme(phi), pullbackQ);
> P in pullbackQ;
true (-1 : 1 : 0)
> Degree(BaseScheme(phi))+1 eq Degree(pullbackQ);

Maps Induced by Morphisms

Given a non-constant map φ:D to C between curves, there are several induced maps between the function fields of C and D and the divisor groups (Div)(C) and (Div)(D). We refer to the contravariant maps φ * as Pullbacks and to the covariant maps φ_ *, corresponding to the Norm between the function fields, as Pushforwards. Divisor groups and other function field related items are discussed in Section Function Fields.

Degree(m) : MapSch -> RngIntElt
Returns the degree of a non-constant dominant map m between curves.
RamificationDivisor(m) : MapSch -> DivCrvElt
Returns the ramification divisor of a non-constant dominant map m between irreducible curves.
Pullback(phi, X) : MapSch, FldFunFracSchElt -> FldFunFracSchElt
Pullback(phi, X) : MapSch, DiffCrvElt -> DiffCrvElt
Pullback(phi, X) : MapSch, DivCrvElt -> DivCrvElt
Pullback(phi, X) : MapSch, PlcCrvElt -> DivCrvElt
Given a map φ:D to C between curves and a function, differential, place or divisor X on C, this function returns the pullback of X along φ.
Pushforward(phi, X) : MapSch, FldFunFracSchElt -> FldFunFracSchElt
Pushforward(phi, X) : MapSch, PlcCrvElt -> DivCrvElt
Pushforward(phi, X) : MapSch, DivCrvElt -> DivCrvElt
Given a map φ:D to C between curves and a function, place or divisor X on C, this function returns the pushforward of X along φ. In older versions, the function applied to a place used to only work with the image of the point (or cluster) below the place for speed and would give an error when φ was undefined there. Now, if this is true, the function reverts to working entirely with places and should never fail.

Example Crv_map-push-pull (H121E18)

As an illustration of these routines, consider the following example
> Puvw<u,v,w>:=ProjectiveSpace(Rationals(),2);
> Pxyz<x,y,z>:=ProjectiveSpace(Rationals(),2);
> D:=Curve(Puvw,u^4+v^4-w^4);
> C:=Curve(Pxyz,x^4-y^4+y^2*z^2);
> phiAmb:=map<Puvw->Pxyz|[y*z,z^2,x^2]>;
> phi:=Restriction(phiAmb,D,C);
> KC:=FunctionField(C);
> KD:=FunctionField(D);
> Omega:=BasisOfHolomorphicDifferentials(C)[1];
Here we see a holomorphic differential pulls back to holomorphic.
> IsEffective(Divisor(Pullback(phi,Omega)));
Ramification divisors are actually quite easy to compute.
> RamificationDivisor(phi) eq
>     Divisor(Pullback(phi,Omega))-Pullback(phi,Divisor(Omega));
Verifying Riemann-Hurwitz:
> 2*Genus(D)-2 eq Degree(phi)*(2*Genus(C)-2)+Degree(RamificationDivisor(phi));
Pulling back and pushing forward is taking powers on the function field.
> f:=KC.1;
> Pushforward(phi,Pullback(phi,f)) eq f^Degree(phi);
Divisor and Pushforward commute.
> g:=KD.1;
> Divisor(Pushforward(phi,g)) eq Pushforward(phi,Divisor(g));
V2.28, 13 July 2023