Creating Homomorphisms

Because SLP-groups exist primarily to allow the user to write efficient code for evaluating words under a homomorphism, there are some extra features in the homomorphism constructor which rely on the user providing correct input.

When evaluating single words, it may not be desirable to explicitly construct the homomorphism. The Evaluate function uses the same evaluation mechanism as the homomorphisms and may a useful alternative.

hom< G -> H | L: parameters> : GrpSLP, Grp -> Map
    CheckCodomain: BoolElt              Default: true
Return the group homomorphism φ : G -> H defined by the list L. The list may contain:
Elements of the codomain. This form can only be used when all the preceding entries have given the image of the corresponding generator of G;
Generator-image pairs of the form G.i -> x or <G.i, x>;
A homomorphism ψ from an SLP-group B to H where G has been defined as a result of adding redundant generators to B. If this item appears, it must appear first. After the remaining generators have been processed, any images which are not yet assigned are computed from ψ. If the parameter CheckCodomain has the value false, then it is assumed that the generator images lie in the codomain.
Evaluate(u, Q) : GrpSLPElt, [ GrpElt ] -> GrpElt
Evaluate(u, G) : GrpSLPElt, Grp -> GrpElt
Evaluate(v, Q) : [ GrpSLPElt ], [ GrpElt ] -> GrpElt
Evaluate(v, G) : [ GrpSLPElt ], Grp -> GrpElt
Evaluate the word u using the elements of Q as images of the generators of the parent of u. The sequence Q must contains at least as many group elements as the parent of u has generators.

The second form evaluates all the words in v simultaneously, which is usually quicker than doing individual evaluations.

When the second argument is a group G, Q is taken as the sequence of generators of G.

Example GrpSLP_ConstructingHomomorphisms (H83E2)

An illustration of the use of AddRedundantGenerators and the homomorphism constructing machinery.
> G := SLPGroup(2);
> M := GeneralLinearGroup(19, 7);
> P := RandomProcess(G);
> x := Random(P);
> #x;
We evaluate x im M using the Evaluate function.
> m := Evaluate(x, [M.1, M.2]);
> Order(m);
If we wish to evaluate several different words, we may be better off using a homomorphism.
> Q := [x^G.1, x^G.2, x^(G.1*G.2)];
> phi := hom<G -> M | M.1, M.2>;
> time R1 := phi(Q);
Time: 0.129

We note that x has become important since it is now a common sub-expression of several straight-line programs. We can build a homomorphism which will store the image of x by adding x as a redundant generator and defining the same homomorphism from the resulting group.

> H := AddRedundantGenerators(G, [x]);
> QQ := [H | x: x in Q];
We will define psi as the unique map on H which matches phi.
> psi := hom<H -> M | phi>;
> time R2 := psi(QQ);
Time: 0.000
> R1 eq R2;

In fact, if we had looked at the expression lengths of the straight-line programs involved, we would have found the following, which explains the significant speed up:

> [#x: x in Q];
[ 75, 75, 75 ]
> [#x: x in QQ];
[ 1, 1, 2 ]
V2.28, 13 July 2023