Profiler Basics

The Magma profiler records timing information for each function, procedure, map, and intrinsic call made by your program. When the profiler is switched on, upon the entry and exit to each such call the current system clock time is recorded. This information is then stored in a call graph, which can be viewed in various ways.

SetProfile(b): BoolElt ->
Turns profiling on (if b is true) or off (if b is false). Profiling information is stored cumulatively, which means that in the middle of a profiling run, the profiler can be switched off during sections for which profiling information is not wanted. At startup, the profiler is off. Turning the profiler on will slow down the execution of your program slightly.
GetProfile() : -> BoolElt
Returns whether profiling is turned on.
ProfileReset(): ->
Clear out all information currently recorded by the profiler. It is generally a good idea to do this after the call graph has been obtained, so that future profiling runs in the same Magma session begin with a clean slate.
ProfileGraph(): -> GrphDir
Get the call graph based upon the information recorded up to this point by the profiler. This function will return an error if the profiler has not yet been turned on.

The call graph is a directed graph, with the nodes representing the functions that were called during the program's execution. There is an edge in the call graph from a function x to a function y if y was called during the execution of x. Thus, recursive calls will result in cycles in the call graph.

Each node in the graph has an associated label, which is a record with the following fields:

Name: the name of the function
Time: the total time spent in the function
Count: the number of times the function was called

Each edge < x, y > in the graph also has an associated label, which is a record with the following fields:

Time: the total time spent in function y when it was called from function x

Count: the total number of times function y was called by function x

Example Prof_basic-profiling (H7E1)

We illustrate the basic use of the profiler in the following example. The code we test is a simple implementation of the Fibonacci sequence; this can be replaced by any Magma code that needs to be profiled.
> function fibonacci(n)
>     if n eq 1 or n eq 2 then
>       return 1;
>     else
>       return fibonacci(n - 1) + fibonacci(n - 2);
>     end if;
> end function;
> SetProfile(true);
> time assert fibonacci(27) eq Fibonacci(27);
Time: 10.940
> SetProfile(false);
> G := ProfileGraph();
> G;
Vertex  Neighbours
1       2 3 6 7 ;
2       2 3 4 5 ;
3       ;
4       ;
5       ;
6       ;
7       ;
> V := Vertices(G);
> Label(V!1);
rec<recformat<Name: Strings(), Time: RealField(), Count: IntegerRing()> |
    Name := <main>,
    Time := 10.93999999999999950262,
    Count := 1
> Label(V!2);
rec<recformat<Name: Strings(), Time: RealField(), Count: IntegerRing()> |
    Name := fibonacci,
    Time := 10.93999999999999950262,
    Count := 392835
> E := Edges(G);
> Label(E![1,2]);
rec<recformat<Time: RealField(), Count: IntegerRing()> |
    Time := 10.93999999999999950262,
    Count := 1
V2.28, 13 July 2023