Generating p-groups

The p-central series of a group G is the descending sequence of subgroups G= P0(G) ≥ ... ≥Pi - 1(G) ≥Pi(G) ≥ ... ≥ where Pi(G)=[Pi - 1(G), G]Pi - 1(G)p for i≥1.

If Pc(G)=1 and c is the smallest such integer then G has p-class c. A group with p-class c is nilpotent and has nilpotency class at most c.

Let G be a finite p-group with Frattini rank d and class c. A group H is a descendant of G if H has Frattini rank d and the quotient H/Pc(H) is isomorphic to G. A group is an immediate descendant of G if it is a descendant of G and has class c + 1.

The p-group generation algorithm allows the construction of (immediate) descendants of a p-group. For a description of this algorithm, see [New77], [O'B90].

SetVerbose ("GeneratepGroups", 1) will provide information on the progress of the algorithm.

GeneratepGroups (p, d, c : parameters) : RngIntElt, RngIntElt,RngIntElt -> [GrpPC], RngIntElt
Generate all d-generator p-class at most c p-groups.
     Exponent: RngIntElt                 Default: 0
All groups constructed satisfy the supplied exponent.
     OrderBound: RngIntElt               Default: 0
Given OrderBound := n, all groups constructed have order at most pn.
     StepSizes: [RngIntElt]              Default: []
Construct descendants of order p(n + s) of a group of order pn only for s in StepSizes.
     All: BoolElt                        Default: true
If true, return all groups. Otherwise, return only the capable groups (those which have descendants).
Descendants(G : parameters) : GrpPC -> [GrpPC], RngIntElt
Descendants(G, c : parameters) : GrpPC, RngIntElt -> [GrpPC], RngIntElt
Construct descendants of G having p-class at most c; if c is not supplied, it is assumed to be one larger than the p-class of G. This function supports the same variable arguments as GeneratepGroups.

Example GrpPC_Generating_p_groups (H69E27)

> G := DihedralGroup(GrpPC, 16);
> T := Descendants (G, 8);
> #T;
> H := T[5];
> H;
GrpPC : H of order 128 = 2^7
    H.1^2 = H.7,
    H.2^2 = H.3 * H.4,
    H.3^2 = H.4 * H.5,
    H.4^2 = H.5 * H.6,
    H.5^2 = H.6 * H.7,
    H.6^2 = H.7,
    H.2^H.1 = H.2 * H.3,
    H.3^H.1 = H.3 * H.4,
    H.4^H.1 = H.4 * H.5,
    H.5^H.1 = H.5 * H.6,
    H.6^H.1 = H.6 * H.7

Example GrpPC_GeneratepGroups (H69E28)

What is the soluble length of a 2-generator group of exponent 4? We construct the 2-generator 2-groups having exponent 4.
> T := GeneratepGroups(2, 2, 10: Exponent := 4);
> "The number of 2-generator exponent 4 groups is ", # T;
The number of 2-generator exponent 4 groups is  26
What are their soluble lengths?
> for i := 1 to #T do
>       "Group ", i, " has soluble length ", DerivedLength (T[i]);
> end for;
Group  1  has soluble length  1
Group  2  has soluble length  2
Group  3  has soluble length  2
Group  4  has soluble length  1
Group  5  has soluble length  2
Group  6  has soluble length  2
Group  7  has soluble length  2
Group  8  has soluble length  2
Group  9  has soluble length  2
Group  10  has soluble length  2
Group  11  has soluble length  2
Group  12  has soluble length  2
Group  13  has soluble length  2
Group  14  has soluble length  2
Group  15  has soluble length  2
Group  16  has soluble length  2
Group  17  has soluble length  2
Group  18  has soluble length  2
Group  19  has soluble length  2
Group  20  has soluble length  2
Group  21  has soluble length  3
Group  22  has soluble length  3
Group  23  has soluble length  3
Group  24  has soluble length  3
Group  25  has soluble length  3
Group  26  has soluble length  3

Example GrpPC_IsGood (H69E29)

Can we find all 2-generator 3-groups of abundance zero? Such groups have order at most 35. First, we define a function which checks the number of conjugacy classes of a group (to determine abundance).
> IsGoodGroup := function(G, k)
>    ncl := # Classes(G);
>    O := FactoredOrder(G);
>    p := O[1][1];
>    m := O[1][2];
>    n := Floor(m / 2);
>    e := m - n * 2;
>    Desired := n * (p^2 - 1) + p^e + k * (p - 1) * (p^2 - 1);
>    return (Desired eq ncl);
> end function;
Then, we generate the potential candidates and check each.
> a := GeneratepGroups (3, 2, 4 : OrderBound := 5);
> #a;
> for i := 1 to #a do
>        G := a[i];
>        if IsGoodGroup(G, 0) then
>           "Group ", i, " of order ", Order(G), " has abundance 0";
>        end if;
> end for;
Group  1  of order  9  has abundance 0
Group  3  of order  27  has abundance 0
Group  4  of order  27  has abundance 0
Group  11  of order  81  has abundance 0
Group  12  of order  81  has abundance 0
Group  13  of order  81  has abundance 0
Group  14  of order  81  has abundance 0
Group  40  of order  243  has abundance 0
Group  41  of order  243  has abundance 0
Group  42  of order  243  has abundance 0
ClassTwo(p, d : parameters) : RngIntElt, RngIntElt -> SeqEnum
ClassTwo(p, d, Step : parameters) : RngIntElt, RngIntElt, SeqEnum -> SeqEnum
ClassTwo(p, d, s : parameters) : RngIntElt, RngIntElt, RngIntElt -> RngIntElt
Count the d-generator p-groups of p-class 2. If s or Step is supplied, then count only those of order p(d + s) or p(d + m) for m ∈Step. In the first two invocations, the sequence returns a sequence of length d choose 2, whose m-th entry is the number of groups of p(d + m). (Some additional entries may be deduced on the basis of duality.) The last invocation returns the number of groups of p(d + s). For details of the algorithm used see [EO99].
     Exponent: RngIntElt                 Default: 0
If Exponent is true, count those groups which have exponent p. The directive SetVerbose ("ClassTwo", 1) will provide information on the progress of the algorithm.

Example GrpPC_ClassTwo (H69E30)

Count the number of 3-generator p-class 2 5-groups.
> ClassTwo(5, 3);
[ 4, 19, 42, 19, 4, 1 ]
For example, the number of 3-generator 5-groups of order 56 and p-class 2 is precisely 42.

Count the number of 4-generator p-class 2 5-groups of order 57.

> ClassTwo(5, 4, 3);
V2.28, 13 July 2023