Arithmetic with Modules

Some arithmetic operations can be carried out involving modules and their elements and compatible ideals to gain more modules.

I * M : RngOrdIdl, ModDed -> ModDed
I * M : RngFunOrdIdl, ModDed -> ModDed
M * I : ModDed, RngOrdIdl -> ModDed
M * I : ModDed, RngFunOrdIdl -> ModDed
The module generated by the products of the ideals of the module M with I.
M1 + M2 : ModDed, ModDed -> ModDed
The union of the modules M1 and M2.
DirectSum(M1, M2) : ModDed, ModDed -> ModDed, Map, Map, Map, Map
DirectSum(S) : [ModDed] -> ModDed, [Map], [Map]
The direct sum D of the modules M1 and M2 or the modules in the sequence S together with the embedding maps M1 -> D, M2 -> D, ... and the projection maps D -> M1, D -> M2, ... returned in sequences only when a sequence S is input.
u * I : ModDedElt, RngOrdIdl -> ModDed
u * I : ModDedElt, RngFunOrdIdl -> ModDed
I * u : RngOrdIdl, ModDedElt -> ModDed
I * u : RngFunOrdIdl, ModDedElt -> ModDed
The module containing elements which are products of the Dedekind module element u and an element lying in the ideal I.

Example ModDed_ops_arith (H60E4)

Some module predicates and arithmetic are shown below.
> P<x> := PolynomialRing(Integers());
> K :=  NumberField([x^5 + 3, x^2 + 2]);
> M := MaximalOrder(K);
> Vs := RModule(M, 2);
> s := [Vs | [1, 3], [2, 3]];
> Mods := Module(s);
> sMods := sub<Mods | Mods!Vs![1, 3]>;
> Mods eq sMods;
> [1, 0] in Mods;
> [1, 0] in sMods;
> sMods subset Mods;
> Vs := RSpace(M, 2);
> s := [Vs | [Random(M, 3), 3], [2, Random(M, 2)]];
> Mods := Module(s);
> sMods := sub<Mods | Mods!s[1]>;
> (7*M + 11*K.1*M)*sMods;
Module over Maximal Equation Order with defining polynomial x^5 + [3, 0] over
its ground order
 generated by:
Ideal of M
Two element generators:
    11/1*$.1*M.2 * ( M.1 + (-$.1 - 2/1*$.2)*M.2 + $.2*M.3 + (2/1*$.1 +
2/1*$.2)*M.5 3/1*$.1*M.1 )
 in echelon form:
Ideal of M
Two element generators:
    33/1*$.1*M.2 * ( 1/3*$.1*M.1 + (-1/3*$.1 - 2/3*$.2)*M.2 + 1/3*$.2*M.3 +
(2/3*$.1 + 2/3*$.2)*M.5 M.1 )
> Mods + sMods;
Module over Maximal Equation Order with defining polynomial x^5 + [3, 0] over
its ground order
 generated by: (in echelon form)
Ideal of M
Two element generators:
    (148919257048/1*$.1 + 26/1*$.2)*M.1 + (32/1*$.1 + 148919257015/1*$.2)*M.2 +
    (196/1*$.1 + 148919257117/1*$.2)*M.3 + (148919257163/1*$.1 + 76/1*$.2)*M.4 +
    (148919257077/1*$.1 + 148919257116/1*$.2)*M.5 * ( M.1 0 )
Ideal of M
Two element generators:
    ($.1 - $.2)*M.1 + -M.3 + M.4 + ($.1 + $.2)*M.5 * ( (-19866460521/1*$.1 -
33/1*$.2)*M.1 + (1/3*$.1 + 1/3*$.2)*M.4 + (1/3*$.1 + 1/3*$.2)*M.5 M.1 )
> 4*sMods;
Module over Maximal Equation Order with defining polynomial x^5 + [3, 0] over
its ground order
 generated by:
Principal Ideal of M
    4/1*$.1*M.1 * ( (2/1*$.1 - 2/1*$.2)*M.1 + ($.1 + 2/1*$.2)*M.2 + (2/1*$.1 +
2/1*$.2)*M.3 + (2/1*$.1 - $.2)*M.5 3/1*$.1*M.1 )
 in echelon form:
Principal Ideal of M
    12/1*$.1*M.1 * ( (2/3*$.1 - 2/3*$.2)*M.1 + (1/3*$.1 + 2/3*$.2)*M.2 +
(2/3*$.1 + 2/3*$.2)*M.3 + (2/3*$.1 - 1/3*$.2)*M.5 M.1 )
V2.28, 13 July 2023