
It is a well known classical theorem that p-adic fields admit only finitely many different extensions of bounded degree (in contrast to number fields which have an infinite number of extensions of any degree). In his thesis, Pauli [Pau01a] developed explicit methods to enumerate those extensions.

AllExtensions(R, n) : RngPad, RngIntElt -> [RngPad]
AllExtensions(R, n) : FldPad, RngIntElt -> [RngPad]
    E : RngIntElt : 0   var F : RngIntElt : 0   var Galois : BoolElt :false   var vD : RngIntElt : -1   var j: RngIntElt Default: -1

Given a p-adic ring or field R and some positive integer n, compute all the extensions of R of degree n. At least one extension is given in every isomorphism class. The optional parameters can be used to impose restrictions on the fields returned. Note that j and vD must be unspecified (as -1) when F != 1 or when E and F are both not given.

The optional parameters can be used to limit the extensions in various ways:

E specifies the ramification index. 0 implies no restriction.
F specifies the inertia degree, 0 implies no restriction.
vD specifies the valuation of the discriminant, -1 implies no restriction.
j specifies the valuation of the discriminant via the formula vD := n + j - 1.
Galois when set to true, limits the extensions to only list normal extensions.
NumberOfExtensions(R, n) : RngPad, RngIntElt -> RngIntElt
    E : RngIntElt : 0   var F : RngIntElt : 0   var Galois : BoolElt :false   var vD : RngIntElt : -1   var j: RngIntElt Default: -1

Given a p-adic ring or field R and some positive integer n, compute the number of extensions of R of degree n. Similarly to the above function, the optional parameters can be used to impose restrictions on the fields returned. Note that j and vD must be unspecified (as -1) when F != 1 or when E and F are both not given.

Note that the count will not be the same as AllExtensions, as the latter need only be up to isomorphism.

OreConditions(R, n, j) : RngPad, RngIntElt, RngIntElt -> BoolElt
OreConditions(R, n, j) : FldPad, RngIntElt, RngIntElt -> BoolElt
Given a p-adic ring or field R and positive integers n and j, test if there exist totally ramified extensions of R of degree n with discriminant valuation n + j - 1.

Example RngLoc_all-extensions (H48E29)

We follow Examples 9.1 and 9.2 from [PR01].

There are 54 (totally ramified) extensions of degree 9 and discriminant 39 + 4 - 1 over (Q)3. There are six generating polynomials, each defining nine isomorphism classes. The possible (nontrivial) subfields of these have degree 3 and j0=1, of which there are two defining polynomials each with three isomorphism classes. Each of these degree 3 fields then admits two extensions with j1=1, which give six isomorphism classes. This gives a total of 27 degree 9 extensions that have a subfield of degree 3.

> R := pAdicRing(3,20);
> _<x> := PolynomialRing(R); // for printing
> NumberOfExtensions(R,9 : F:=1,j:=4);
> A9 := AllExtensions(R,9 : F:=1,j:=4);
> [DefiningPolynomial(a) : a in A9];
[ x^9 + 3*x^4 + 3, x^9 + 6*x^4 + 3,
  x^9 + 3*x^4 + 3*x^3 + 3, x^9 + 6*x^4 + 3*x^3 + 3,
  x^9 + 3*x^4 + 6*x^3 + 3, x^9 + 6*x^4 + 6*x^3 + 3 ]
> A3 := AllExtensions(R,3 : F:=1,j:=1);
> NumberOfExtensions(A3[1],3 : F:=1,j:=1);
> [DefiningPolynomial(a) : a in A3];
[ x^3 + 3*x + 3, x^3 + 6*x + 3 ]
> _<pi> := A3[1];
> _<y> := PolynomialRing(A3[1]);
> B3 := AllExtensions(A3[1],3 : F:=1,j:=1);
> [DefiningPolynomial(f) : f in B3];
[ y^3 + pi*y + pi, y^3 + 2*pi*y + pi ]

The other example concerns degree 10 extensions of (Q)5. Here there are 1818 total extensions, of which 1 is unramified and 2 have ramification degree 2, while 605 have ramification degree 5 and 1210 are totally ramified. With ramification degree 5, there are 145 defining polynomials over the unramified quadratic field, split into five j-groupings. As noted in [PR01], there is a further splitting in the j=4 grouping. Similarly, there are 145 defining polynomials over either of the two tamely ramified extensions of degree 2 over (Q)5. The resulting fields are in fact isomorphic in pairs, but the AllExtensions function still lists both fields in each pair. So it returns 438 fields (1+2+145+290) rather than the stated 293 isomorphism classes (1+2+145+145).

> R := pAdicRing(5,20);
> NumberOfExtensions(R,10);
> [NumberOfExtensions(R,10 : E:=e) : e in Divisors(10)];
[ 1, 2, 605, 1210 ]
> U := UnramifiedExtension(R,2);
> [#AllExtensions(U,5 : E:=5,j:=j0) : j0 in [1..5]];
[ 24, 24, 24, 48, 25 ]
> // compare the above/below to (#K)/N in Pauli-Roblot
> [#AllExtensions(R,10 : E:=10,j:=j0): j0 in [1..10]];
[ 8, 8, 8, 16, 0, 40, 40, 80, 40, 50 ] // twice P-R
V2.28, 13 July 2023