
The p-adic field Qp arises naturally as the completion of Q with respect to an absolute value function |x|p = p - vp(x), where vp(x) is the p-adic valuation of x (that is, a power of p such that x = pvp(x) (a /b) but p not | ab). The ring of integers of Qp, denoted Zp, is the set of all elements of non-negative valuation. The ring Zp has a unique maximal ideal, generated by the prime p; the residue class field K is the quotient Zp / p Zp. Any element x of Qp can be expressed as a power series in the prime p, so that x = ∑i=v ai pi, where v is the valuation of x, av is non-zero, and each ai is a lift of an element from the residue class field. In more general terms, Qp is a local field, with its ring of integers Zp being a local ring. A uniformizer π of Qp is the prime p.

More generally, consider an irreducible polynomial over some local field L1 (such as Qp). Then the extension given by adjoining a root α of this polynomial to L1, L2 = L1[α], is also a local field. Let π1 and π2 be uniformizers of L1 and L2, respectively. Then π2e = π1 u, where u is a unit of L2. The number e is the ramification degree of L2 over L1, and divides the degree n of the extension. If e = n, we say L2 is totally ramified over L1; if e = 1, we say L2 is unramified over L1. The degree of the residue class field K2 of L2 over the residue class field K1 of L1 is f = (n /e). Finite extensions in Magma must be either unramified or totally ramified; Magma also allows towers of extensions to be built.

It is well known that up to isomorphism there is only one degree n unramified extension of L, which can be obtained by adjoining a pn - 1-th root of unity ζ to L. This extension is Galois, with Galois group isomorphic to the cyclic group of order n. The Galois group is generated by the Frobenius automorphism σ, which takes ζ to ζp. For some applications, it is necessary to have a fast Frobenius action, so Magma supports such a representation. However, the defining polynomial in this representation is particularly dense and can be expensive to construct, hence it is ill-suited for general applications. An unramified extension can only be defined by inertial polynomials, which are polynomials that are irreducible over the residue class field. Magma allows an unramified extension to be defined by any inertial polynomial.

All totally ramified extensions contain a root of an Eisenstein polynomial of L. An Eisenstein polynomial f(x) = ∑i=0n ai xi satisfies vπ(an) = 0, vπ(ai) ≥1 for all 0 < i < n, and vπ(a0) = 1. Magma allows a totally ramified extension to be defined by any Eisenstein polynomial; note that this does not allow arbitrary representations of totally ramified extensions to be constructed.

V2.28, 13 July 2023