Conversion to and from Dense Matrices

The following functions convert between sparse matrices and normal (dense-representation) matrices.

Matrix(A) : MtrxSprs -> Mtrx
Given a sparse matrix A, return the normal (dense-representation) matrix equal to A. This function should only be used if the size of A is reasonably small since otherwise the amount of memory needed to represent the dense-representation matrix may be huge. Printing the result of this operation is a convenient way to display A as a normal (dense) matrix if A is small.
SparseMatrix(A) : Mtrx -> MtrxSprs
Given a normal (dense-representation) matrix A, return the sparse matrix equal to A. Note that if there is a fast algorithm available for the sparse matrix type, there is no need to convert a dense-representation matrix to the sparse matrix type first and then to use that algorithm, since Magma does this automatically.
V2.28, 13 July 2023