Operations on Nearfields

N eq M : NfdDck, NfdDck -> BoolElt
N ne M : NfdDck, NfdDck -> BoolElt
#N : Nfd -> RngIntElt
Cardinality(N) : Nfd -> RngIntElt
The cardinality of the nearfield N.
Random(N) : Nfd -> NfdElt
A random element of the nearfield N.
Identity(N) : Nfd -> NfdElt
The multiplicative identity of the nearfield N.
Zero(N) : Nfd -> NfdElt
The additive identity of the nearfield N.
PrimeField(N) : Nfd -> FldFin
The prime field of the nearfield N.
Kernel(N) : Nfd -> FldFin
Return the kernel of the nearfield N as a finite field.
V2.28, 13 July 2023