Ideals of Z

The theory of ideals of Z is very elementary but for completeness the general machinery for ring ideals applies. Such ideals will have type RngInt, that is, the same type as the ring of integers itself (ideal<Integers() | 1>).

In the case of Z any subring is an ideal so that the sub-constructor creates the same object as does the ideal-constructor. One quirk of this fact that ideals are of type RngInt is that taking R/I will result in the ideal division rather than the ring-by-ideal quotient (this is for compatibility with orders of number fields, as explained in the next section). Here is an example that shows the difference.

> Z := Integers();
> I := ideal<Z|1>; // ideal of Z
> Z/I; // interpreted as ideal division
Integer Ring
> quo<Z|I>; // quotient of ring by ideal
Residue class ring of integers modulo 1
ideal< R | a > : RngInt, RngIntElt -> RngIntRes
Given the ring of integers Z and an integer a, return the ideal of Z generated by a.

Example RngIntRes_residue-ring (H20E1)

We construct some ideals of Z.
> Z := IntegerRing();
> I13 := ideal< Z | 13 >;
> I13;
Ideal of Integer Ring generated by 13
> 1 in I13;
> 0 in I13;
> -13 in I13;
> I0 := ideal< Z | 0 >;
> 0 in I0;
> 1 in I0;

We check that Z is regarded as an ideal.

> I1 := ideal< Z | 1 >;
> I1 eq Z;
V2.28, 13 July 2023