IsPRI(C) : CosetGeom -> BoolElt
IsPrimitive(C) : CosetGeom -> BoolElt
IsPRI(C) : CosetGeom -> BoolElt
Given a coset geometry C, this function returns the boolean
value true if and only if C is a primitive geometry, i.e. all of its maximal parabolic subgroups are maximal subgroups of its group.
IsWPRI(C) : CosetGeom -> BoolElt
IsWeaklyPrimitive(C) : CosetGeom -> BoolElt
IsWPRI(C) : CosetGeom -> BoolElt
Given a coset geometry C, this function returns the boolean
value true if and only if C is a weakly primitive geometry, i.e. at least one of its maximal parabolic subgroups is a maximal subgroup of its group.
IsRPRI(C) : CosetGeom -> BoolElt
IsResiduallyPrimitive(C) : CosetGeom -> BoolElt
IsRPRI(C) : CosetGeom -> BoolElt
Given a coset geometry C, this function returns the boolean
value true if and only if C is a primitive geometry and all of its residues are as well.
IsRWPRI(C) : CosetGeom -> BoolElt
IsRWP(C) : CosetGeom -> BoolElt
IsResiduallyWeaklyPrimitive(C) : CosetGeom -> BoolElt
IsRWPRI(C) : CosetGeom -> BoolElt
IsRWP(C) : CosetGeom -> BoolElt
Given a coset geometry C, this function returns the boolean
value true if and only if C is a weakly primitive geometry and all of its residues are as well.
Is2T1(C) : CosetGeom -> BoolElt
Given a coset geometry C, this function returns the boolean
value true if and only if C is locally two-transitive, i.e. all of its minimal parabolic subgroups have a two-transitive action on the cosets of the Borel subgroup.
Given a coset geometry C, this function returns the largest integer s such that C is locally s-arc-transitive but not locally (s + 1)-arc-transitive.
If the function returns 10, it means C is a coset geometry corresponding to a polygon and hence this value must be considered as infinity.
V2.28, 13 July 2023