The Intersection Pairing

Magma can compute the intersection pairing H1(X0(N), Q) x H1(X0(N), Q) -> Q on the homology of the modular curve X0(N). The algorithm that we implemented is essentially the one given in [Mer93]. (Warning: There is a typo in Proposition 4 of [Mer93]; Wi should be replaced by Wiεi.)

IntersectionPairing(x, y) : ModSymElt, ModSymElt -> FldRatElt
The intersection pairing of the homology classes corresponding to the weight-2 cuspidal modular symbols x and y. The symbols x and y must have the same parent, which must have trivial character and not be a +1 or -1 quotient.

Example ModSym_IntersectionPairing (H142E18)

In this example, we illustrate several basic properties of the intersection pairing on H1(X0(37), Z). First, let H37 be the space of modular symbols that corresponds to H1(X0(37), Z), and compute a basis for H37.
> M37 := ModularSymbols(37,2);
> H37 := CuspidalSubspace(M37);
> Z := IntegralBasis(H37); Z;
    {-1/29, 0},
    {-1/22, 0},
    {-1/12, 0},
    {-1/18, 0}
Now we compute some intersection numbers.
> IntersectionPairing(Z[1],Z[2]);
> IntersectionPairing(Z[3],Z[4]);

The intersection pairing is perfect and skew-symmetric, so the matrix that defines it is skew-symmetric and has determinant ∓ 1 (in fact, it has determinant +1).

> A := MatrixAlgebra(RationalField(),4);
> I := A![IntersectionPairing(x,y) : x in Z, y in Z]; I;
[ 0  1  0  1]
[-1  0  1  1]
[ 0 -1  0  0]
[-1 -1  0  0]
> I + Transpose(I) eq 0;
> Determinant(I);
The Hecke operators are compatible with the intersection pairing in the sense that (Tn x, y) = (x, Tn y).
> T2 := HeckeOperator(M37,2);
> IntersectionPairing(Z[1]*T2,Z[2]);
> IntersectionPairing(Z[1],Z[2]*T2);
It is note the case (Tn x, Tn y) = (x, y) for all n, x, and y.
> IntersectionPairing(Z[1]*T2,Z[2]*T2);

The existence of the intersection pairing implies that H1(X0(N), Z) is isomorphic, as a module over the Hecke algebra, to its linear dual Hom(H1(X0(N), Z), Z).

V2.28, 28 February 2025