Using classical reductions to compute the cohomology set H1(Gal(/line(k)/k), Aut(C)) over finite fields, the function Twists computes a list of representatives of all twists of a smooth plane quartic over a finite field. This relies on the prior computation of the geometric automorphism group of C, which the algorithms return as a second value when requested.
AutomorphismGroup: BoolElt Default: false
Compute the twists of the plane quartic curve C from its geometric automorphism group Autos. If AutomorphismGroup is set to true, then the furnished automorphism group is additionally returned as an abstract group.
AutomorphismGroup: BoolElt Default: false
Compute the twists of the elliptic, hyperelliptic or plane quartic curve C. If AutomorphismGroup is set to true, then the geometric automorphism group of C is additionally returned as an abstract group.
> P<x,y,z> := PolynomialRing(GF(31), 3); > PP := ProjectiveSpace(P); > f := x^3*y + y^3*z + z^3*x; > C := Curve(ProjectiveSpace(P), f); > #Twists(C); 4